A2A Premiere

Jan 16, 2008 12:18

Ian Wylie - I'm Happy, Hope You're Happy Too

hat-tip: duckyone

Of course I'm happy! I am astonished at the number of people who are not.

OK, let's face facts:

Sam is not in Ashes to Ashes. He isn't. John Simm is off doing other things. So what were the realistic avenues open for explaining Sam's absence?

1. He stayed in Manchester and took over Gene's old job. Because while everyone else loved Gene enough to move to London with him, Sam didn't.
2. He stayed in Manchester because he loved Annie, and they had babies, and we never hear from either of them again. Because what they both need is a 50s existence.
3. He is never mentioned ever again, because there is no explanation for his absence.
4. He left.

Maybe there are more. The important thing for me is that all of the above involve Sam leaving the team voluntarily, which cheapens the LoM ending for me. I mean, he gave up his life for them - and then a few years later he buggers off? Bah. Better that he die and give the A2A guys something to angst over.

BUT! we don't just get angst, oh no. We also get no body. Come on, am I the only one who reads comics? No body = not dead, merely missing. Sam could be in Mexico in 2007 for all we know, wandering around with amnesia. He could have gone deep undercover. He could have been pulled deeper into time. The point is, the current set-up allows him to return - perhaps for the all-important series finale. And how awesome would that be? How much angst and love and back-pounding would it be if Gene has spent >1 year obsessing over his 'death' and then Sam just walks in the door? They'd drink Luigi's dry.

It also - importantly - provides a reason for Gene to move to London. He loved Manchester, and I was more nervous about the move than I was about the haircuts. This is a good reason for him to move, guys! His best friend is presumed dead, he likely feels responsible, so he ups and moves. Annie can't bear to stay with the team because it's all too painful (insert your Sam/Annie here), so Gene, Ray and Chris up and relocate.

It also gives Alex something to work with. Gene has a Dark Painful Past now, and any relationship he has with her could be from displacement. (ZOMG how much would that mess up any Alex/Gene relationships?? He's traumatised, she's a therapist, it'd be wonderfully messed up. Plus, it'd take her a little while to figure out that it's all because of Sam, wouldn't it? Whether you slash them or not, Sam's relationship with Gene is one of the strongest in Gene's life. Once that's gone, Gene's bound to be spinning around without direction. It would seriously affect him. Again - ZOMG, Gene!angst!) I was worried about the basis of interaction between the two - what, just because she's a copper and back from the future they bond? Why would she be interested in him beyond the therapist aspect? This, though - it'd be a carcrash, no pun intended.

Other things.... *thinks*

Oh! Crossover possibilities. Master = Sam, goes back in time too much. Comes to 2006, where the Tardis is. Goes back again. Can't figure it out. Broken!head!Master = brilliant. Eventually comes to sense in 1980. Goes to 2006 and takes over world as he's supposed to. Displaces Alex, who's holding on to Papers of Important Time-Shifting... Ness. Alex in 1981, Master in 2006, cue events of DW finale, Master disappear again.

Reappear in 1981, again as Sam. Gene happy. Alex confused. Sam ticking time-bomb.

Cue Torchwood guys & gals! *cavalry runs in*

No, seriously, chuck in a few musical numbers, it'd work.

In conclusion, it's ace.

a2a, lom, squee, writing

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