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Comments 23

wolfy_writing January 16 2008, 19:05:19 UTC
I liked the idea. Sam's the character that really clicked for me (I do intend to give Alex a chance, though), and I was bothered by what Ashes to Ashes would imply about him. If they'd never mentioned him, keeping it entirely consistent with what Matthew Graham said at the end of Life on Mars, it would have just reinforced the idea of Sam throwing his life away for a dream world. Just a suicide. And if he'd vanished in 1973, he'd never really have gone back with the team.

Never-found-the-body dead sounds less dead to me (as I have read comic books before), and makes it more like he was trading his 2007 life for something real.


kangeiko January 17 2008, 11:48:13 UTC
Never-found-the-body dead sounds less dead to me (as I have read comic books before), and makes it more like he was trading his 2007 life for something real.

Exactly. (And I keep saying - give it a couple of years, he'll come back for a guest appearance... *g*)


axel_silver January 16 2008, 22:47:50 UTC
I always thought that it'd be awesome if Sam came back as a sort of testcard-girl-like figure, someone who torments Alex. XD
But honestly, anything that doesn't make him "settle down" is fine with me.


kangeiko January 17 2008, 11:48:48 UTC
I always thought that it'd be awesome if Sam came back as a sort of testcard-girl-like figure, someone who torments Alex. XD

Oh God, that would be freaky.


smiley_nat January 16 2008, 23:02:46 UTC
Strange as it is, what really bothers me is how your car winds up in a river during a jewelry(sp?) store burglery. That just fails to make any kind of sense to me. I'm sure it does, I just don't get it.


kangeiko January 17 2008, 11:49:30 UTC
Maybe he's been kidnapped and it got dumped in the canal? Aren't there some jewellery stores on Canal Street?


e smiley_nat January 18 2008, 00:21:42 UTC
I don't know. I'm American, so I have no clue. I just think it's really weird. I mean, if his car is going to wind up in the river, why make it a jewellery store robbery? Why not just a car crash or something? *shrugs*


galacticowl January 17 2008, 06:15:01 UTC
The whole thing of Sam's body not being found means to me that he's still alive. That's just my opinion. He could very well be dead and as to it being something that people don't like, well a lot of people didn't like the ending of LOM either and I loved it. I never cared that Matthew said Sam had committed suicide. To me, he found a way to get back to where he wanted to be and jumping was his way of time traveling. We never saw his body on the sidewalk after he "jumped" so why would he necessarily be dead that time either? Why can't he just have time traveled? What difference does it make in the end what Matthew says? He created the characters, he doesn't own them, your own mind does so just think what you want. If you want to think Sam's dead, that's ok too. I don't think that way. I think he's alive and maybe faked his own death for reasons we don't know. Mabye he'll show up in London in 2008. We'll have to watch tghe show to see. In the meantime, in the end, Matthew and Ashley can write what they please since they did create these ( ... )


kangeiko January 17 2008, 11:50:34 UTC
The whole thing of Sam's body not being found means to me that he's still alive. That's just my opinion.


People get upset when a beloved character dies but there's about as much evidence for Sam's death here,

I know - and think of the alternatives! *g*


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