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storyinmypocket January 16 2008, 18:19:41 UTC
Thank you.

I was starting to feel like the only person in the world who was completely unsurprised by this and, while not made happy, it made sense to me.

And wondering if I was an insensitive ass for being pretty 'meh' about it personally. (No offense to the people who really were seriously upset and traumatized by it. I've broken down over fictional characters before, and I get that, but this... This isn't Sam's Story, this is Writers' Convenience. It doesn't feel real to me in the sense of character arc, but it's what they had to do to keep things from constantly being about lack-of-Simm. So while not gleeful over this, I get it and it's not hitting me like I'm losing a tv-friend.)


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kangeiko January 17 2008, 11:47:24 UTC
I don't agree with one fundamental fact: he didn't come back for the entire team.

Yeah, we're gonna have to agree to disagree. Now, I ship Sam/Annie. I also ship Sam/Gene (and Sam&Gene, if you want them to be best buds). But nothing gets me hitting 'back' on a fic faster than to see Sam coming back for one person only - be in Gene or Annie or Phylli's pet dog. I don't find it romantic. I find it disturbing - and it ruins my glowy feeling at him returning to 1973. Sam returning to a life that he loves and with people that he loves is all well and good - Sam returning to a place that he hates and only tolerates with impending madness creeping nearer and nearer is basically him condemning himself to a slow insanity for Annie's (or Gene's) sake.

So we're gonna have to disagree on this. Much as I thought Romeo & Juliet were bollocks, I also don't hold with Sam being swayed by true love triumphing over the suckiness of 2006 and the suckiness of 1973, to boot.


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kangeiko January 17 2008, 12:06:06 UTC
I just don't believe, from the standpoint of what the writers give us, that Sam would call it quits on the '70s/'80s just because Gene and company aren't there.

*scratches head* I don't think I said that he would. I did say that the worst possible version of 'Lives for Sam' for me would be that he and Annie got married and had babies. (Because Annie needs to be a DCI, not at home with triplets.) And I think that he would have followed Gene to London, simply because this is his life. This isn't a group of people he works with in the office, this is people he is a policeman with, which is something entirely different. If Gene said, I'm off to London, and my team can come with, the entire team, Annie included, IMO, would have gone - and no, not because Sam was following Gene, or Annie was following Sam. Not because of heart-wrenching, must-shag-or-die, never-ending love. But because they are a team - nothing more, nothing less. They've worked together for nine years, after all. I think that saying 'Oh, but the rest could go hang, he ( ... )


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kangeiko January 17 2008, 13:27:50 UTC
Lol! Well, maybe the day will be a lovely one. :)


storyinmypocket January 17 2008, 14:20:00 UTC
Taking a moment to break into this:

I did say that the worst possible version of 'Lives for Sam' for me would be that he and Annie got married and had babies.


(Because Annie needs to be a DCI, not at home with triplets.)Agree completely on this point... But, back to my earlier disagreement ( ... )


kangeiko January 17 2008, 11:43:56 UTC
This isn't Sam's Story,

Which is interesting, 'cause that's what MG was saying - that in A2A we find out stuff and it doesn't have anything to do with Sam's story or Alex's story, that there's something other than that, and they're just pieces in a puzzle...


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