The Love Chat Story Chapter 5

Jul 12, 2010 17:50

Title : The Love Chat Story Chapter 5
Pairing : Akame, Ryoda
Genre : Romance, Humor
Summary : Jin always had his phone with him and chatting with somebody. Kame always had his laptop with him and chatting with somebody. In a twisted kind of fate, unknown to the two, it turns out that the two are chatting with each other. It all sounded like a clip off from a romantic drama, fate sewn up together for the two. It was perfect except for one thing: Kame and Jin hated each other.

Chapter 1 / Chapter 2  /  Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 /

It was weird, Kame thought. What was that empty feeling crawling in his stomach? After leaving the note with the waiter for Hayato, Kazuya felt like he had just lost a big part of his body. It was like that note was a necessary part in his body to work, and now that he had left it bare for Hayato to read, it all came crashing down on him..

I blew it. He must hate me now.

It had been half an hour ago since he left the coffee shop and started walking endlessly around his neighborhood. He wanted to clear his mind and as expected, it failed. All he could think about was how he could never go near his laptop ever again and the two outcomes from it. Would it beep for a message or would it stay emotionless like he knew what Hayato must feel for ditching him like that.

Ugh! It's that stupid waiter's fault! All that you-look-like-a-man-who's-found-his-true-love crap! I shouldn't have listened to him! Look what happened!

Kame escaped another sigh to this and stopped walking. He felt a bead of sweat run down his cheek. Weird. The weather was completely fine and the only thing that you could see in the sky was its deep blue colour. Was that a bead of sweat... or perhaps a tear?

"I need a drink.", he then uttered, brushing that 'bead of sweat' and then walking towards the other way.

Unbeknownst to him, if Kame was even slightly paying attention, he would have noticed that a certain young man was watching him from a corner; That this certain young man was eyeing him like he was someone special to him; that this certain young man had suddenly felt something for him.

* * *

"You know... ", Kame slurred, taking another swig from his bottle. "I don't usually like alcohol but you know~.. " Kame slurred again, a cheesy smile now dancing on his lips. " . . .this is really good! Hee hee~"

Jin laughed aloud and took a big gulp of his drink. The smile he had on his face right now was from ear to ear. He didn't know why he was feeling happy and smiling like this but he knew that at this moment, he was the happiest man on Earth. He then neglected the thought that alcohol did that to everybody.

"Oi... yo yo yo yo~ Heh heh~", Kazuya giggled, twinkling his brown orbs at Jin.

The older latter giggled at that and pointed a finger at the younger man. "You are soooo drunk."
"I am. . . not~" Kame bantered, the smile never leaving his lips.

"You so are~", Jin sing-songed. He looked at the boy and couldn't help but smile. What was happening right now was something they could never imagine. Impossible, really. The two of them... drinking... together.

He didn't know how it happened. Well, scratch that. He knew exactly how it happened. There wasn't really any big explanation to it. It was something you would expect from Jin.

Jin looked back at what happened a couple of hours ago and could've smacked himself for doing what he did. Being the idiot that he was, Jin left his home during the frantic run for his date. . . without his keys. Imagine how that turned out. He knew Ryo would leave for another date with his boyfriend, Ueda, and Akanishi had a feeling his idiot of a best friend would assume that he had his keys with him.

How did that get to him drinking with his most hated enemy Kamenashi Kazuya?...


"RYO-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" Jin wailed, pushing his arms out in the air as he called for his best friend's name for the nth time that hour. He should've known that Ryo was going to lock their house. He knew Ryo wasn't thinking of their safety when he locked the door. Their house, which is usually unlocked in most days, 'happened' to be locked today. Jin knew Nishikido Ryo would only lock the door because he liked to torture Jin and make him homeless for a couple of hours. He'd done it before and the short black haired man seemed to get a kick of doing it from time to time. Jin then concluded there that Nishikido Ryo's main existence in life, is to make his life miserable.

"RYO-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, YOU SEX-OBSESSED JERRRR-WA-OUCHHH!", Jin wailed but was suddenly cut off when something, or rather someone, had kicked him in the rear.

"Ow! That hurts!" He whined as he found himself spread across the bare ground. "Who the hell w-

"You were annoying." Someone suddenly replied, taking him by surprise. He attempted to turn his body around but the stinging pain at his rear and his unopportune posture halted him.


Another kick landed its way on his rear again, and Jin came tumbling down on his step. He didn't have to look at the perpetrator to realize who the person was, matter of fact, there was only one person who would commit such an act to him.

"You piece of drag, what do you want from me?!" Jin growled, stabbing the man with a glare as he turned his head back.

Kame widely smirked and placed a confident hand on his hip. "I had to shut you up. Don't you know you were screaming like a little girl?"

Jin sent yet another glare and the younger latter could only laugh at him.

"Should I guess what happened to you?", he then said, an undeniable smirk now on his lips.

". . . No."Jin pouted, looking away. "Go away!"

Kazuya produced a chuckle to this and crouched down to Jin's eye level. "But nobody cares about you so I'm guessing anyways~"

This earned the boy another impetous glare from the older man but it was obvious Kame didn't care.

"If I'm right, and I usually am,  you're locked out of your house because being the idiot that you are, you forgot your keys. And since we're both friends with two more idiots, namely my best friend Ueda and your best friend Ryo, they probably have gone to another of their sex-fest and won't be home till tomorrow morning. Which leads us to your pathetic predicament, a grown man, namely you, wailing in front of your house like a sissy because . . . well, you're an idiot."

Jin couldn't count all the glares he had given the other boy but he found himself at a loss for words.  Something that was very unusual of him.

Kame laughed at his actions and mirrored the same thoughts. "Oh shit, could this be happening?!" He loudly exclaimed, feigning surprise.

"Is this possible?!", Kazuya continued, his lips automatically curling up into a smile. "Akanishi Jin! The Great Akanishi Jin himself is finally speechless! And pouting at that! Oh holy shit! I think the world is ending!"

Akanishi growled at him and faced the other way, his cheeks puffing and taking a light colour of red. He was blushing and he didn' t know why.

"What do you want?", he growled at Kame.

This elicited more snorts and laughs at the now-standing boy and Jin couldn't help himself but look up at what the latter said next,

"Well, I was going to be nice today and invite you to some free drinks but if you're just going to send me those glares then may-

"Drinks? Alcohol?" Jin immediately intervened, a new glint in his eyes now shining.

Kame continued his unusual smile at the boy's sudden interest and nodded his head smugly. Jin now stood up and looked at him like a puppy wagging its tail when it saw something good.

"But since you're probably too busy crying Ryo's name here then mayb-

"Let's go!"

Kazuya then at the moment, felt his problems fading away. He never thought that the older man would be any of asset to him. He had always thought that Akanishi Jin, the same babbling idiot he was just talking to seconds ago, was an annoying man sent to him to make his life miserable. He never thought that he could make his problems fade away-though much of it being Jin's fault most of the time. Kame then guessed that Akanishi had its good purposes now and then.

Even it was just for a moment.

* * *

A couple of hours and a ton of drinks later, two men who hated each other's guts were drinking happily together like they were real brothers. And all of because a drink called alcohol.

"Mou, you need to drink more~", Kame declared, shoving his half-emptied bottle at Jin. "You know... You know you want to~ Hee hee~"

Akanishi looked dumbly at Kame and shook his head. He might have drank 12 large bottles of alcohol in the past 6 hours but he was somewhat still sane enough to know that any more drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning.

"I-I . . . I-I think . . . I think we need to s-stop. . ", Jin said, stuttering as he said so.

Kazuya turned his head towards him and smiled sheepishly. He looked at his surroundings and released another smile. It was dark and he could hardly see anything. He denied at the thought that he was too drunk and couldn't differentiate a human being from a chair. He was happy and at the moment and that was all that mattered.

"Nope~", Kazuya exclaimed, "I'm good for another 2 or 10 drinks~"

Jin sighed to this and tried to clear his head. Which to Jin obviously, was drink more alcohol and attempt to control the situation.

Damn him and his alcohol-driven mind!

Akanishi saw the boy slouching on the table, smiling like a crazy man and was unceasingly drinking. He didn't know if it was the alcohol damaging his brain but he found himself inching closer to the boy and studying him.

He looked closely at Kame and noticed things he never saw when they were with each other. Mostly because it was spent arguing endlessly and attempting to bite each other's head off. And now that he was barely a feet away from the boy, he noticed that Kame's auburn hair was a mess. Locks of hair swayed awkwardly from each move the latter made and whenever one would get into his eyes, the younger man would softly tuck it behind his ear and resume smiling. Jin dragged his eyes from his hair and into his smile...

He really has a beautiful smile. . .

Despite Kame being hopelessly drunk, his resplendent smile haven't faltered in the past few hours. The ends of his cheeks pulled up and his perfect teeth came into view. The tongue, which Jin found to be suddenly enthralling, peaked out and licked his pale pink lips.

And out of instinct, Jin randomly reached towards Kazuya and tugged a lock of hair that was sticking out of place again. Kame looked up at him and smiled endearingly. The ends of his eyes creasing and his lashes flutterring as he did so.

Right then, Jin felt his heart skip a beat. Butterflies emerged in his stomach and his heart tightened.

"Damn it. What the hell...", he muttered darkly, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath.

Alcohol was dangerous, he thought, it was making him think and feel things he shouldn't feel.

"Let's go.", Jin finally growled, gathering his thoughts and glaring at the younger man. Strange thoughts were creeping into his brain and he found himself liking most of it. Even if some of those images and thoughts embedded Kazuya in his bed.

". . . Don't wanna~", the younger man pouted, turning his head away from Jin but nevertheless beaming like a mad man.

"Damn it. We're going and that's that!", clamored Akanishi. He grabbed the bottle of alcohol Kame had in his hands and slammed it on the table, some of its contents spilling as he did so. Kame looked up through his lashes and whined loudly.

"I wasn't done with that yet, you. . . you. . . you meanie butt!"

And like a low blow to his stomach, Jin clutched said part of the body and stifled a laugh. His newfound anger was suddenly replaced with embarrassed amusement. His lips inclined and formed a smirk and Akanishi could almost feel that tickling howl he wanted to let out. Oh, the teasing he could cause to Kame with that one sentence.

He crouched down to Kazuya's level and lifted his chin up with a finger. He wanted to see the light spread of crimson on his cheeks and the dazed look that Kame displayed on his face. Kame followed his feather-like touch and unexpectedly stared at Jin's eyes. He released a moan of delight and continued staring at Jin./

"Uwahh. You know... ", Kazuya slurred, holding out his hand and inched his fingers near the older latter's eyes. Jin watched Kame's head lightly tilt to the side and laid his head on his other arm. "I've always been jealous of this. . . "

Confusion and amusement tackled Jin and he rose an entertained brow at Kazuya's unfinished statement.

"Jealous of what?"

"Of this." Kazuya finished, lifting an index finger to Jin's lashes and caressing its tiny hair lightly. Jin immediately stilled and stared at the eyes opposite of him. His mouth went dry and felt his heart skip multiple beats.

"And this too."

And without much even a breath escaping from his mouth, Akanishi felt the finger that was lightly stroking his lashes brush against his eyebrows and to the bridge of his nose. All during its course,  left Jin a tingling feeling. It was like every brush and every caress Kazuya made had activated all of his tiny pores and hair and made it suscepitble for his touch. The trail that Kazuya's finger left from his brow and down to his cheeks immediatebly warmed under his skin. He shivered and took another choked breath.

His body was screaming one thing.

Kame's touch equaled undeniable pleasure.

By now, common sense had left Jin and he allowed himself to play along with whatever was on Kame's mind. He held his head closer to the boy and lifted up a smirk.

"Hmm?", he moaned uncontrollably. He knelt closer to the boy, and without moving his head, laid it on his arm, mimicking the other boy's posture. A permanent grin was now stamped on his face and he found his finger inching towards Kazuya's face and pausing at his soft pouty ips.

"Is that so?", Akanishi asked inattentively, a sudden interest of tracing the outline of Kazuya's appealed to him. "Anything else?"

Kame tilted his head the other way and as if though asked a difficult question, closed his eyes shut to think.

Jin suppressed another chuckle at this and retracted his hand from the younger boy's face. He knew if he hadn't, he might not be able to stop his body from doing what it wanted, seeing it was the one doing the thinking and not his brain. Not that his brain did a lot of thinking anyways.

"Well, this too."

And before Jin could even lodge what Kazuya was about to do, he felt a soft pair of lips pressed against his own and a sweet bitter taste of it seeping into his mouth. For a second, time seemed to stop as he widened his eyes at the pouty lips connected to his own and the closed eyes of Kame across from him.

Kame's kiss was a first to him. It wasn't that it was his very first kiss or anything but rather the way the latter kissed him made it feel like it was his first.

It felt sweet, pure and ironically, everything that was Kazuya.

Jin found himself slowly closing his eyes and earning a better feel of the two soft fleshy folds that was taking over his body, mind and reason. He felt Kazuya's small hands snake around and to the back of his head and grasp a full handful of his hair. Akanishi mimicked this action and slithered his strong arms around the boy's steady waist, erasing any distance between them and amplifying the heat transuding out of their bodies.

Kame, at this point, was securely held between Jin's arms. The older latter was on his knees and had gotten in between Kazuya's legs.

Despite the endless arguments he had had with the younger latter, it didn't escape to him that Kame was an attractive man. Even if he wanted to lie about that, he couldnt. One of the reasons he constantly teased and made fun of the latter was because he found himself too nervous to talk to Kame in any other way than insults.

He had too much pride to stutter and act like a lovesick fool. He never had and never will. He can admit, on the  other hand, that he's attracted to the younger man for a tiny bit, but damn him if he was ever going to admit that outloud.

But even though his mind was screaming this to him, his body was once again taking over him sense of reason. Kame's soft pink lips was still sweetly pressed against his full lips and he couldn't deny that he was loving every second of it.

Too bad that Akanishi Jin wasn't known to be a sweet kisser. He liked it rought and passionate.

"Just this once...", he uttered between the kiss as if though he was assuring himself that kissing Kame wasn't ever going to happen again.

Just this once... I'll let go.

And with a speed of lightning, Jin loosed the arm he had on the boy and grabbed the back of Kame's head closer to him. This resulted a surprised yelp from the boy and a hungry growl from Jin. He tilted his head to the side and placed heir faces closer to mould their lips like they were two pieces that formed perfectly together. He slightly opened an eye and took the image of Kame beneath him.


Kazuya was gasping between their kisses and Jin didn't let him part their lips no longer than a second. The sweet bittertaste of Kame's mouth and the image of him writhin in pleasure by just locking lips was engraved into his mind and like an addiction, he wanted more.

With a quick nip on Kazuya's lower lip, Jin slid a sensual tongue back and forth Kame's folds and silently asked for permission into the his mouth. And just like Akanishi, Kazuya found himself uncontrollably going along and taking hold of Jin's face closer to him. He didn't want any space between them and the hot raspy breaths that emerged from the latter undoubtedly turned him on.

For once, he thought nothing but the pleasure emerging in him and the way Jin had pressed his thumb on his chin to force his arousing tongue into his hot mouth. He took the action head-on and reciprocated the swirls of Jin's tongue against his own.

At that moment, he could only think and feel one thing.

Their kiss was mind-wrecking and heart-wrenching.

Kazuya wanted to forget and Jin was perfect.

Jin wanted to let go and Kazuya was perfect.

Both felt their heart beats quicken and a heard a soft whisper in their minds,

"Just this once... I'll let go."

* * *

A/N: Dan dan dan! XD LOL How are you my lovely readers?! > w < ! It's been awhile since I heard from you guys and from me too! I don't know if a lot of you guys are still reading my fics or even watching it but there are still some who bothered me to update! LOL Thanks guys! But anyways there isn't a lot of fluff in this chapter because well, you know, its part of the plot. I really wanted to make those chats but those will come in the future chapters!

Anyways, that's all I gotta say! I apologize for the wrong grammar and such. It's been a long time since I wrote again =_____=;

Comments are alyways appreciated ♥

multi-chapter, the love chat story, fanfiction, fanfiction: kat-tun, fanfiction: akame

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