The Love Chat Story Chapter 2

Sep 21, 2008 16:55

Title : The Love Chat Story Chapter 2
Pairing : Akame, Ryoda
Genre : Romance, Humor
Summary : Jin always had his phone with him and chatting with somebody. Kame always had his laptop with him and chatting with somebody. In a twisted kind of fate, unknown to the two, it turns out that the two are chatting with each other. It all sounded like a clip off from a romantic drama, fate sewn up together for the two. It was perfect except for one thing: Kame and Jin hated each other.

Chapter 1 / Chapter 3 /

Kame packed his ipod, his laptop and a bunch of clothes in a small backpack. The dreaded sleepover had come and the younger boy couldn't do anything but grumble whenever he pleased.

"You'll sleep in Ryo and Jin's rent for a while, I mean. . .I-I don't want you straying all over out there just because. . . you-know, my ass!" Kame mocked, shoving his clothes as he remembered the stutters of reason Ueda had given him right after Kazuya had dragged them home.

He grabbed his laptop and positioned himself on his soon-to-be defiled bed.

Odagiri Ryu - signing in. . .

Ryu : You there? I need some real comforting here. TT_TT

Hayato : What's wrong?

Ryu : . . . .

Ryu : . . . . . . .

Ryu : . . . . . . . . . . Nothing. I'm just being whiny. I'm sorry.

Hayato : There is something wrong. It's not like you to be so down and say 'sorry' at the same time.

Ryu : *glares* Well. . . . . . . . . . . . nothing.

Hayato : If you're going to say something, just say it damn it!

Ryu : I didn't say anything! What're you so mad about! If you don't want to talk to me then say so!

Hayato : Fine! I don't want to talk to you!

Yabuki Hayato signing off. . .

Great. Now he'd pissed him off. Kazuya sighed and placed his laptop away from him, yanking his glasses down on the bed. He pissed the one person he hoped would make him feel better. Stupid, stupid me, Kazuya thought.

A loud ring instantly echoed from his laptop making the younger boy shot up immediately.

Yabuki Hayato signed in. . .

Hayato : I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just having a bad day. Please tell me you forgive me when you get this. .

Kame bit his hip and unconsciously smiled to himself. How could a sweet, nice and funny boy like him exist. He was too good to be true.

Ryu : You're actually not real right?

Hayato : . . . what?

Ryu : You're actually just a figment of my imagination, right? I don't believe that someone like you really exist.

Hayato : Why do you say that?

Ryu : You are too good to be true. I should've been the one apologizing not you. I was the one at fault and then you apologized. That is why I think you're too good to be true.

Hayato : *grins like mad* So what're you saying? I'm exactly the man you want in your dreams?

Ryu : Shut up. You're not. I'm just saying you're too nice. Don't misunderstand my words.

Hayato : So you forgive me?

Ryu : No. Cause there's nothing to forgive you about in the first place.

Hayato : So we're cool again?

Ryu : Never better.

Hayato : Thank God. I really felt bad when I said I didn't want to talk to you. As far as i know, I want to talk to you forever.

Ryu : . . .

Hayato : Made you speechless didn't I? Don't worry its the truth.

Ryu : . . .

Hayato : Again? Damn, I'm good!

Ryu : You're impossible. With your pickup lines and sweet words like that, girls and guys must be falling upon your feet, right? And you say you don't have a girlfriend. . .

Hayato : I don't. Seems like the guy I want won't let me meet him in person. . .

Ryu : . . .

Hayato : Do you want me to shut up until you got your heart restarted back up again?

Ryu : Please do.

Kame took a deep breath and clutched his heart. Damn, this guy was good. His heart was beating twice as fast and his face was flushed with a deep crimson color. He stole a glance at his laptop and scrolled to the part where Hayato made his heart jump out of his chest.

Thank God. I really felt bad when I said I didn't want to talk to you. As far as i know, I want to talk to you forever.

If possible, a new darker color of red ran aspread across his face and he squealed in return. Flushing his clammy hands over his reddened face.

"What are you squealing about Kame-chan?" Ueda suddenly interrupted, walking into his room and raising a brow at his friend. "Oh. him. again."

"Oh, don't 'him' him." defended Kame, pouting as Ueda came over and sat by him.

"What? You don't know the guy. You two have been chatting for almost half a year now and still no physical proof that this guy is safe! You see my problem?"

Kame pouted even more and typed his goodbye in the meantime.

Ryu : Got to go. Heart's back up again. Interrogating friend is by me. See ya.

Ueda scowled at the message his friend sent him and snatched the equipment away from the younger boy, quickly typing before Kame could take his laptop away.

Ryu : And he doesn't like you one bit.

Odagiri Ryu signing off. . .

"TAT-CHAN!" Kame screamed, jumping onto the older boy and yanked the wireless computer away. "Why did you do that for?!"

The tea-haired boy looked at him dubiously and stood up, clapping his hands as though he'd done a full good day's work. "It's the truth, Kame-chan. I do and will not like him unless I see some sort of proof that this guy is safe."

Kame scowled and glared at the older man then back to his chats with said boy. He dragged the mouse over the chats and copied it. Pasting it to the overly packed folder in his desktop called 'My chats with him'. Ueda frowned even more to this but merely shrugged. It was pointless arguing with a lovestricken fool, especially if that fool doesn't even know he's in love.

"Ryo-chan's about to get here in 10 minutes. You done?" he asked instead, a small blush extending over his cheeks. Kazuya nodded regretfully and hauled his bag over his back, his laptop tightly in his hands.

At least I got him to make me forget that I'm actually in that bastards house. . .

* * *

At the bastard's house, aka Jin's, Kame frowned and frowned as he tried not to look at the loving couple before them. Ryo and Ueda were 'nice enough' to drop him off at Jin's house.

More like just make fun of me. He muttered under his breath, catching his best friend's attention and scowling even more. Ueda smiled sheepishly and grabbed Kazuya into a crushing embrace.

"Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me. Ryo's work starts next week and we're just trying to spend time with each other as much as possible."

Kame nodded shakily and attempted to be released of the death hug. "Ta-Tat-chan. . .Can't. . br-breathe. . ." Ueda immediately released him and grinned sheepishly. The younger boy ought to have remembered that Ueda was a boxer and had steel-like arms. He also wondered how Ryo ever survived the deathening hugs.

"You owe me big time, Ryo-chan! A whole week of you treating me to any restaurants I want!" Akanishi whined, crossing his arms against his chest and pouting.

"Not." Ryo replied, a plotting smile on his lips. "Would you rather have our. . .'intimate expressions' be in your place and then you over to Kame-chan's? It'd only be fair~"

Jin frowned and turned his head, pouting even more. Ryo laughed to this and linked his hand with Ueda immediately.

"God, Akanishi. Don't you even brush your hair in the morning?" Kame muttered, eyeing the strands of hair that stuck out everywhere on the older boy's hair. It was still a little bit early in the morning, be it almost 9 in the morning, when Ryo and Ueda dropped him off.

"We wanted to have the whole day just for us, my ass!" Jin groaned, looking sternly at the two and to the equally whining Kame. He ignored the insult from the younger boy and busied himself on staring grievingly at the RyoDa pair.

"Maa maa, we have to go now. Bye Kame-chan~" Ueda nervously said, lightly giving Kazuya a sneaky embrace and a smack to Jin. "Take care of Kame-chan. Do something stupid and I'll kill you."

Ryo scoffed and snatched his lover, giving a sneaky smirk to Jin as if to say 'Have fun.' The older boy grimaced to that. When the two were finally gone, the two couldn't help but look at each other and groan to themselves.

"I'm going out." Jin muttered, grabbing his coat and his phone from a nearby table. "My number's on the fridge if you need anything. Watch the house."

Kazuya nodded inattentively and invited himself into the house while the other walked out of his. And as soon as Akanishi was out of his sight, Kame instantly searched for a place to hook his laptop and turned it on.

Odagiri Ryu signing in. . .

Ryu : I'm so sorry about this morning. My friend typed the last message. Forgive me?

Hayato : It's ok. He doesn't like me?

Ryu : . . .ehmm. . .kinda. . Yeah. Sorry.

Hayato : Is it because I'm totally stealing your attention away from his? : ]

Ryu : Shut it. And that. . .might be possible. Considering how we talk 24/7. He must be tired of me :D

Hayato : That's fine with me. I'll never get tired of you.

Ryu : HEY!

Hayato : That means we'd have more time talking to each other. Cause you know what, time goes awfully fast when I talk to you.

Ryu : . . .

Hayato : *smirks* Here we go again.

Ryu : No, its not here we go again. I'm over that.

Hayato : He lives!

Ryu : Shut it. But whatever you said about talking and time. . . . .I know how you feel.

Ryu : Got to go! BYE!

Odagiri Ryu signing off. . .

And once again, after talking with his mysterious stranger, a deep crimson color extended over Kame's face, making him incoherent and lay down on the floor.

Damn. This guy was really good.

* * *

And just around the corner of the house, an equally gorgeous man was found against the walls, resting. A phone on his hands and a smirk on his lips.

Hayato : You're so cute. . .

A/N : Its extra extra long just because i recieved some awesome comments on the first chapter. Thanks much! And i hope you guys still liked this like the first chapter. This was only supposed to be a oneshot but i liked writing it so much. Especially the chats! I had to write HayaRyu one way or another~ LOL I'm sorry if its not as fluffy or funny as the first chapter. I had to go along with my plotline! gomen!

I made a profile thingy gif for my profile and its so cute <333 click for akame fighting over my viewers!

Uhmm. . I don't really want to do this but I'm just so swamped! I have like 5 ongoing fics and i know its my fault i start a new over and over again. But anyhoo, to the readers of Planned Changes I dont think i'd be updating a whole lot as much as the others. It's still ongoing but i dont realli have any ideas how to continue it so. . . .i wont be updating that in a while. Not a lot of people read that so i think its fine ne? :) I'll update it once I think of something. or if the plot bunnies finally come and attack me : ]

multi-chapter, the love chat story, fanfiction

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