The Love Chat Story Chapter 1

Sep 20, 2008 17:15

Title : The Love Chat Story Chapter 1
Pairing : Akame, Ryoda
Genre : Romance, Humor
Summary : Jin always had his phone with him and chatting with somebody. Kame always had his laptop with him and chatting with somebody. In a twisted kind of fate, unknown to the two, it turns out that the two are chatting with each other. It all sounded like a clip off from a romantic drama, fate sewn up together for the two. It was perfect except for one thing: Kame and Jin hated each other.

Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 /

"I hate you."

"I hate you more."

"At least I'm no drag on a stick!"

"Better than a masochistic pig!"

"Well you're a. . a. . a she-man!"

"Seriously, Akanishi. Is that all you can come up with?" Kazuya smirked, arching his perfectly trimmed eyebrow at him as he adjusted his glasses. Akanishi grunted and flicked him off.

"Sorry. I don't fuck pigs." the younger boy rreplied, a cunning smile on his lips as Jin grunted even more and flicked both his hands up.

"I alre-

"Don't pleasure yourself, Kamenashi. I prefer my boys with a lot more flesh than you." he  retorted, reaching for Kazuya's cheeks and pulling on it, hard. "But if we, in some nightmare, did, I would be the one fucking, and you, be the one getting fucked."

Kame growled and readied another comeback but soon to be stopped by a rude hand splaying over his lips.

"And nothing. Shut it, Kame-chan." Ueda snarled, tightening his palm over the other's lips as he glared at Jin. Akanishi carelessly shrugged and looked at his best friend. He whined."What? He started it, Ryo-chan."

Ryo sighed to Jin's poor excuse and slapped his head. "Bakanishi, you guys do this every single time. Seriously don't you get tired? Cause you know what? We all do!"

Ueda hopelessly nodded to his lover's statement and retracted his suddenly moisty hand away from Kame's lips. "Eww, Kame-chan. You made my palm all moisty now."

"Well I had to breathe you idiot! If your hand wasn't in my face then you wouldn't have that problem now would you?" The tea-haired boy rolled his eyes at his best friend and instantly wiped the moistened saliva on Jin's coat.

"Oi! Don't wipe his spit on me!"

Ueda and Ryo rolled their eyes once more and casually intwined hands together. Ryo pecked a kiss on his cheek, muttering, "I'm glad you wiped off the spit. I wouldn't want to hold your sticky hand."

"Oh shut it. You've held a sticky hand before. And it ain't the same sticky as this one." Ueda pouted, flexing his fingers even more to tighten his hold on his short lover.

"Gross! I don't want to hear about your sex life!" Kame and Jin both exclaimed, glaring at each other right after and then turning away from each other.

"They're so cute. I can't wait to see them making out on our couch." Ryo teased, receiving a death glare from the two and a smack from his lover.

"Or not."

* * *

Kamenashi Kazuya. Akanishi Jin. People have learned never to put those two names on the same sentence together or even try to utter any part of their names in one sentence together. They knew that whenever they did, two pacing men will come down from whatever places they came from and literally, absolutely resent about it.

"I will never ever forgive you if you try comparing me to that idiot ever again." Kazuya fumed, pointing rudely at the equally puffing boy.

"I will positevely, surely kill if you even try to utter my glorious name with his pathetic ones." Jin huffed, jabbing his index finger at the person.

The two men have literally hated the moment they saw each other, Ueda remembered. Kazuya was new back then, just came from an unknown town of the country side. He and Ueda lived on the same town as they were young but the older boy moved to a bigger city later on. Ueda had brought Kame around town when he moved to the same city a couple of years ago.


"Kame-chan, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Ryo." Ueda flushed, tugging on his lover's hand. "We'd just started going out."

Kazuya nodded gracefully and shook hands with the latter. "I'm Kamenashi Kazuya. Nice to meet you."

Ryo nodded fondly and reached for his hand. He seemed like a good guy, he thought.


All three boys searched for the source of the voice and when they didt, Ryo sighed gravely. "Jin, what are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay at home?"

"Home?" Kazuya pondered loudly, expecting his friend to get jealous. However to his surprise, Ueda smiled instead.

Ryo sighed defeatedly once again. "Kame-chan, can i call you that?" The younger boy nodded. "This is my stupid of a friend, Akanishi Jin, he and I share the same rent for a couple of months now."

Jin, who've finally noticed Kame's presence, criticizingly studied him while Kame did the same.

Unbelievably, the same three words escaped from their lips. "I hate you."

No one knew the reason why they'd said it. Ueda was utterly confused, Kame was usually a peace-loving and non-violence person. To him to say such a thing. . . well, Ueda was flabbergasted. Ryo, on the other hand, simply sighed and apologized to Kazuya.

"Maa, Maa. What did you want, Ryo-chan. I can't bear to be on the same place as that she-man." Jin whined, smirking sternly at the grimacing Kame and turning back again to his blushing friend.

As far as Akanishi knew, Ryo would only blush on one thing. He shuddered at the thought and studied his friend once again. He couldn't be talking about. . .

"Oh no. Oh no. Hell no, Ryo!" Akanishi yelled, backing away from the latter as far as possible. "I am not leaving my comfortable rent and bed just so that you can do it in our room! Why don't you do it in his room?!"

"What?! They are not going to have sex in my room!" Kame exclaimed, widening his eyes in shock as Ueda slapped his hand over his mouth. "You're too loud, you idiot!" he hissed.

Kazuya rolled his eyes and grunted, refusing. He searched for an empty seat around them and found an empty bench by them. "I won't do it, Tat-chan." he muttered, taking out a white laptop from his backpack and turning it on.

"Here he goes again." Ueda mumbled, pulling his lover to his side and glaring at Kame. The younger boy stuck his tongue out and started typing.

Odagiri Ryu - signing in. . .

Ryu : Are you there? -

A pause. . .

Ryu : Hmm. . .I guess not. Well just leave me a message when you get this.

Kame sighed, closing the top part of his laptop down and stared at the pleading and blushing Ueda. "Will. . .Will you do it, Kame-chan?"

Kazuya bit his lower lip and glared at his childhood friend. He knew he'd already lost the second Ueda pouted at him. But trying to hold out the inevitable made him feel good.

". . . . . F-Fine! B-But I swear to God if you even got even one speck of. . .of. . 'stuff' on any of my things! No sexual interaction for you guys for 2 months!"

Ueda immediately beamed and pounced on him. "Thank you so much, Kame-chan. You're so much better than that stupid Bakanishi!"

Ryo nodded his head in agreement only to realize that said boy was gone. He grimaced. "That little. . ! He's gone." The tea-haired boy groaned but nonetheless threw himself on his lover. Ryo laughed at this and kissed him on the lips to which Kame groaned to. Luckily, his laptop hummed over his lap and a thrill executed in his fingertips.


Yabuki Hayato signed in. . .

Hayato : I'm here. Sorry for the late reply. I was stuck with my friends for a little bit. Leave me a message when you get this.

Kazuya bounced on his seat and quickly typed his answer.

Ryu : I'm here!

Hayato: That was fast. What you doing?

Ryu : Nothing much. Just hanging out with my friends. You?

Hayato : Nothing really. Do you want me to go? I don't want you to ditch your friends for me. I know I'm that special already. ^__^ lol

Ryu : No, its fine. My friends are currently stuck to their own little world right now. And no, you are not that special!

Hayato : Right, right. You've said for the millionth time in the 6 months that we've been talking.

Ryu : . . . Shut up.

Hayato : Aw. I made him blush~

Ryu : I am not blushing!

Hayato : Yes, you are.

Ryu : Am not!

Hayato : Are too!

Ryu : Am not!

Hayato : Are too!

Ryu : How would you know! We haven't seen each other's face before!

Hayato : Judging by how you're in denial and defensive. I say you are. Plus, my pick-up lines never failed to make any person blush before.

Ryu : . . .Jerk. Maybe this is one of the many reasons why I don't want to meet you. I very very much feel that you're just an arrogant jerk.

Hayato : Aw, poor you. And yes, I'm the very meaning of handsome. Try looking it up in the dictionary and you'll see my face smack right in there.

Kazuya groaned but nevertheless smiled upon his messages. He glanced a little at his friends, who've currently started making and out and groaned even more.

Ryu : Whatever. I need to go. My friends are planning to take their own little world to the next level. See ya.

Hayato : Aw. Alright. Leave me a message when you care about me again.

Kame decided to ignore his last message and forcibly dragged Ueda and Ryo out of the way as soon as a button out of Ueda's shirt was gone.

Ryu : Stop being such a baby. You already know that I care about you the most.

A/N : So fun! > w < This is the most fun fic i loved writing! I personally think its cute. So if you don't like it well then you're not cute! lol just kidding. Oh my gosh. I started a new one again! But don't worry i've already finished chapter 2. Its all done and all. I just don't want to post it until a couple days later. Hahahah, suffer my readers! Suffer! LOL. Please read the next part a couple days from now! I promise you this fic will be done within 2 weeks or so! Yay!

Comments are love!<33

the love chat story, oneshot, fanfiction

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