The Love Chat Story Chapter 3

Oct 09, 2008 22:10

Title : The Love Chat Story Chapter 3
Pairing : Akame, Ryoda
Genre : Romance, Humor
Summary : Jin always had his phone with him and chatting with somebody. Kame always had his laptop with him and chatting with somebody. In a twisted kind of fate, unknown to the two, it turns out that the two are chatting with each other. It all sounded like a clip off from a romantic drama, fate sewn up together for the two. It was perfect except for one thing: Kame and Jin hated each other.

Chapter 1 / Chapter 2  /

That bastard. How long is he going to keep me waiting?! Kazuya cursed, clenching his fists as he looked at the ticking clock vigorously.

He said he's going out for a little bit but, not for the fricking whole day! God, I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten breakfast, lunch or dinner. You know what, screw it! Damn him to hell!

Kame instantly sprang to his feet and sprinted to the kitchen, eyeing the fridge and then smirking right after.

Fridge, meet the Kazunator~

* * *

Whoaa, I sing it what you wha bara bero bara baa~

Jin sang happily, rocking his head back and forth as he fumbled the keys into the door. He had long forgotten about the poor guest at his house as he'd managed to go out and have fun all day in the clubs.

Will be alright, kaiteyuku nah nah shine on the world
He continued, stepping onto his house and takinghis shoes off at the side. His eyes felt heavy and his arms much even more. He had a spectacular day at the clubs and couldn't wait for the aroma smell of his homely home.

The smell of burning pasta, the snaring smell of spilled vinegar and the crackles of chips under his feet snapped him from his daze. He widened his eyes and scanned his. . .house? Running out of the building, Jin studied the nameplate and scowled.

"That's my name. . " he frowned, running sloppily back to his house and scanning the room.

Everything was a mess. Countless of chips were lain broken on the floor, shirts were torn up and bottles of wine, beer and other alcohol stuff scattered on the floor. It looked like hell threw up its worst demons and had a party in his house.

He knew he was at the right place. . . .right? Unless, of course someone had stolen his name and used it as their own.

Akanishi staggered slowly into his house and watched an awfully more mess onto his living room. His couches were bunched up dirty, bottles and chips were on the floor, DVDs and other games were thrown to every crevice of the room while a huddled looking thing slept on the dark corner.


The older boy, as quietly as he could, which wasn't really that much seeing he was drunk and all, walked cautiously over to the suspicious looking thing and stared at it.

The overly sized marshmallow shifted as Jin crouched down and reached over with an index finger.

. . .poke.

. . . . . .poke poke.

. . . . . . . . .poke poke poke.

Akanishi vigorously poked the human sized marshmallow and pouted. That soft looking thing had the nerve to steal his precious soft and cuddly like of a blanket from his room! How dare he! Jin poked the strange looking object once again and frowned some more. It merely groaned and shifted its position, ignoring the jabbing pokes from the latter.

The older boy puffed his cheeks to this and crawled to the human marshmallow, pulling onto his blanket and muttering a 'my blankie'.

The marshmallow looking thing groaned once more and pulled the blanket over to to its side, dragging a tightly clutching Jin over him as well.

It groaned to Jin's heavy weight and slid its sides open, revealing a pair of legs from the blanket and settling the boy comfortably on the middle.

Jin smiled to this and snuggled on the suddenly open space beneath him, yawning tiredly.

Sure, he came back to a suddenly messy home that probably looked like he was mugged and robbed by a thousand thieves.

But life was good.

It couldn't have never beaten the comforting and warm snuggle that the strange looking marshmallow thing was giving him anyways.

What's a couple of hours of cuddly sleep together could do to him anyways?

* * *

The birds twittered and the sun shone onto his face, a tired looking Kazuya woke with a raging headache on his head. He fluttered his eyes open and adjusted to the sudden brightness of the room, reminiscing yesterday's events back to his mind.

Crap, that was one hell of a party last night.

Kame stretched his legs, or rather attempted to  when he felt a heavy weight suddenly crushing the blood from his legs. What the. . .!

"JIN! What the fuck do you think you're doing down there?!"

The younger boy instantly jumped up to this and dropped Jin's lithe body on the floor with a 'thud'. The still sleeping latter groaned and  pulled his blanket, accidentally sweeping the younger boy off of his feet and landing him sprawled over his chest.

"Hmm, we'll do it later, okay? I'm too tired. . ."Jin huskily whispered, sneaking his arms around the boy and pulling him down.

"Who's going to do it with who?!  Lemme go!"

Kazuya squirmed and squirmed to the now basically futile attempts to be free. Clearly, the older boy was was too strong for him and too much of a heavy-sleeper to wake up. There was nothing left to do but wait for Jin to wake up.

Kame shuddered to that.

For how long God-knows-when could Jin wake up? There was a high possibility that Jin could sleep an entire whole day without him noticing Kame in his arms! Kame shivered to that thought once again and roughly reached for the phone on his pocket.

"Tat-chan! Come over here. NOW!" he growled.

* * *

". . .Unggh. . Ryo, not now." Ueda giggled, reaching for the sneaking hand over him and stopping it. "Kame-chan needs me."

"But we're not done yet."

"It's already 6 in the morning, Ryo. We've been done couple hours of ago."

"But I don't feel like standing up and I want more!"

"Why do you have so much stamina on bed and not on our dates?!"

"That's because I get to more fun stuff on bed rather on those innocent dates! Seriously, babe, holding hands? That's so overrated. Now on bed~ we could-

"Fine! One last round and then we need to go! Kame-cha--unnggh. . " Ueda was interrupted by his own speech as a hot tongue trailed over his shoulder and immediately down to his sweaty navel.

Screw Kame-chan. A couple hours of hot steamy sex wouldn't really hurt him right?

* * *

Jin. Kill. Must. Kill. Jin. Stupid. Jin. Must. Die. Too. Heavy. Stupid. Bakanishi. Must. Kill. Jin.
Kame counted this words like a mantra as he imagined himself doing said action. It was the only thing he could do to stop himself from attacking his best friend for coming in late.

"Oh come on, Kame-chan. It was only three hou-

"THREE HOURS MY ASS! Don't you know how heavy this bastard is! Get him off of me!" The younger boy screamed, making Ueda flinch and unlock the tight hold Jin had on the latter.

"Damn it, Ryo. Help me! I told you we shoul-

"Hey! I wasn't the one screaming my name so loudly on bed!"

Kame groaned loudly as Ueda blushed scarlet. "RYO!"

"Fine! Really! All you have to do is do this!" Ryo growled crouching down onto their level and sneaking a hand over the older boy's collarbones.

- - - - - B E E P !  m( - _ - )m - - - - - -

An ear-splitting scream resounded on the whole house as Kazuya was thrown onto the floor and the was sleeping man shrieked and jumped up, staring wildly at Ryo.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR, RYO-CHAN?!" Jin loudly growled, hastily covering his sensitive bare skin.

"CAUSE YOU WERE FUCKING ON ME YOU BASTARD!" Kame resonated back, his voice breaking but was nevertheless agitatedly loud. He swiftly pounced on Jin and gave him a hard punch.

Ueda and Ryo widened their eyes to this but merely sighed, plopping their behinds on the still messy couch. Jin now had returned a punch back to the younger boy and soon tackled Kazuya.

It was going to be a long day, the two lovers thought.

* * *

"Ow! Be careful, Tat-chan!" Kazuya whined, flinching from Ueda's cottonball pain of an antidote aka a cottonball drenched in alcohol for his wounds.

"Who said that you two could fight and then don't get hurt?" The tea haired boy said sarcastically, prodding the cottonball with more force that intended to on the red and blue spots by Kazuya's lips.

"He started it!" Jin complained, getting the same treatment from Ryo.

"You left him in your house for a whole day with no food or anything, Jin. Of cou-

"Look at my house! It looked like hell threw up here!"

"I told you Pi came by and made all this mess! He invited some friends and started a party! He even said it was his revenge to you for eating his strawberry apple ice cream! That's what you get for eating like a pig!"

Jin growled and reached for his phone. "Whatever. I'm outta here!"

Kame intended to question him about the mess but was left with a resounding sound of the door closing.


* * *

Hayato signing in. . .

Hayato : Ughhh. Are you there?

Hayato : Please tell meeeeeee you're theeeeeeeeree :(




Hayato : RYYUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Where art thou, my Juliet?!

Ryu : Stop calling my name like that. We're not Romeo and Juliet.

Hayato : RYU! I would have hugged you to death right now.

Ryu : What's wrong?

Hayato : . . . Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you. . . . my Juliet  <333

Ryu : . . . . Stop calling me that!

Hayato : But you're my lovely-adorable-who-blushes-easily-Juliet-even-though-we've-never-met-before guy!

Ryu : . . . You do know that you completely sound retarded right?

Hayato : I know : )

Ryu : Then why keep doing it you idiot?!

Hayato : Cause it makes a certain someone smile. Wanna guess who?

Ryu : NO! And I do not smile to your stupidity!

Hayato : Who said it was you? *grins like mad*

Ryu : . . . .

Hayato : Ryu-chaaaaaaaaaaan~

Ryu : Don't call me that!

Ryu : JERK!

Hayato : But you love this jerk~

Ryu : Oh, be quiet.

Hayato : Hey, have you ever wondered if we've met before? Like passing by on the same streets and not knowing each other. Having to have sit by unconsciously watching movies with our friends? Miracly, renting the same book one after the other?

Ryu : I doubt that.

Hayato : Ouch. Nice way to burst my happy bubble.

Ryu : I don't mean that. We're two complete different people. You like clubbing and I like reading. I'm sure the only book that you've opened that actually has real words and pages was a porno magazine. : P

Hayato : You don't know that!

Hayato : STALKER!

Ryu : Baka~ You just admitted it.

Hayato : RYYYUUUUUUUUUUUUU! My birthday's almost here!

Ryu : So?

Hayato : What do you mean 'So'? You're my very special person! You should give me something!

Ryu : Who said you are to me?


Ryu : Fine. What do you want?

Jin squinted his right eye and thought of countless things he'd always wanted as a present. Designer clothes, expensive shoes and whole lotta stuff floated in his mind but one idea particularly stood out. He firmly decided to go with that.

Hayato : You won't say no matter what?

Ryu : That depends.

Hayato : Pleaaaaaasee?

Ryu : Fine.

Jin gulped and typed the most 3 dangerous words he'd wanted to say all this time.

Hayato : Let's meet together.

A/N : Dan Dan Dan! Sorry this took so long but plot bunnies weren't attacking me anymore! Gawwwd. I need to update the others!

But anyhoo, this one was realli long ne? I think this is a sucky chapter. I didnt get do much of the chats but i had to add in the first part. It will be mentioned in the future! I PROMISE MORE FLUFFY CHATS NEXT CHAPTER! Also, isn't Jin such a baka on that video? I hoped you clicked it. It was extremely cute! Too bad, Kame didn't join in.

I know cliffhanger right? Will they meet or not? Please read the coming chapter!

p.s this chapter is dedicated to
vani13  or
butterflyblueye  thank her because she made me help get addicted to akame and eventually get this plot. :D

multi-chapter, the love chat story, fanfiction

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