Ostentatious October and Bero Bero Bero Bahhh!!!♥♥♥♥

Oct 01, 2008 21:11

Bero Bero Baahhh!!!♥♥♥ Hee Hee. Hello. It is a new month once again. And i get to babble on stuff! YAY! So anyways, here you go!

ravyn_ashling  - we don't realli know that well since we met at the Hesitate Fansub forum♥~ but you seemed like a nice person!♥♥ so YAY! you're a filipina to boot!♥ so double yay!

dmaisen  - ha ha ha. you're a complete 'happy' person arent you?♥ well more like boy crazy but who's counting? LOL and ryo-chan megalomaniac crazy as well :D

lavender61091  - you're a HSJ fan ne? well good for you! I'm not realli their fan 'cept Yuto and Hikaru but sure! LOL ♥

pi_no_tsuma  - i'm sorry. i didnt mean to read the private sere-chan thingy. but. curiosity killed me. im so sorry! >___< but i feel the same way tho~ i have the same friend and we dont talk much anymore. we used to be so close but. . .aww. now im sadd~

toomski  - empty LJ! NOOOOO!

chibi_panda  - you sound so depressed on your second recent entry. *huggles* Pin? write AKAME!♥♥ lol

kilelovejuice27  - you have awesome friends!♥♥♥ im jealous of you. . .>__<

signs3025  - be who you are dear ♥♥♥, be out of the closet!♥♥♥♥♥♥

That's it for the birthdays! >________< OmG! Somebody be nice to me and send me a nodame cantabile live action dvd! I'm so uberly crazy over that!

rant rant rant rant

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