BOW CHIKA WOW WOW. Hee hee. Omg. This is somewhat a runt-ish post so im soweee if i'm somewhat spamming your f-list *gets shot*
I was watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer stone last night. And so I took this picture from my phone, it isnt that good and all. But who cares?!
Awwwwwww. Look how little and cute Harry used to be? Now he's all skinny and zombie-ish. *gets bricked by harry potter fans* The first and second movie was le bomb, LOL. He looked cute and adorable and just so fricking adorable on the first one! The outlines of the movie was great too! But now. . .
Harry Potter, eat some gosh damn it food. You look like a stick! Look at Kame! He didnt used to be all the hunky chunk he is today! Go eat some ramen damn it!
. . .*shock* . . .I . . . got a temporary. . .boyfriend?. . .
uhmmm. . . what? *incoherent*