A Love Chat Story Chapter 4

Oct 26, 2008 18:14

Title : The Love Chat Story Chapter 4
Pairing : Akame, Ryoda
Genre : Romance, Humor
Summary : Jin always had his phone with him and chatting with somebody. Kame always had his laptop with him and chatting with somebody. In a twisted kind of fate, unknown to the two, it turns out that the two are chatting with each other. It all sounded like a clip off from a romantic drama, fate sewn up together for the two. It was perfect except for one thing: Kame and Jin hated each other.

Chapter 1 / Chapter 2  /  Chapter 3 /

Kame rubbed his hands together and sighed nervously. He shouldn't have done this. This was a pure mistake. He wasn't ready to meet ''him''  just yet.

"Sir? Are you getting anything?" the waiter asked him kindly, handing the boy their precious menu and smiling. "Anything to drink while waiting for your love, I assume?"

Kazuya widened his eyes at him and blushed furiously. "W-What?"

The waiter chuckled heartily and took their menu back. "Sir, I've been in this business far too long. I've seen countless couples go in and out of this door. And you," he added, pointing to Kame, " have the eyes of a man who's found his true love."

Kame flustered to this and looked around the shop messily. "U-uh. . I-I'll have. . . a cup of. . .c-coffee cappucino. . uhh. . creams with cream a-and sweet coffee sauce. . "

The waiter laughed to this and nodded happily. "On the house, sir."

Kazuya flushed his face with hands and whimpered silently. Do I really look like that?. . . . Do I really look like I'm in love?. . . . Am I in love?

He questioned himself these questions for too long now. Sure, he may have came half an hour early for their 'meeting' but that didn't mean he was in love. Would it?  Kame friskly grabbed his laptop and viewed his last messages with him. . .

Ryu : W-WHAT?!

Hayato : Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?


Hayato : I only said let's meet together.


Hayato : *pouts* You said anythinggggggg

Ryu : I didn't say anything! I said 'what do you want?!' Don't misunderstand my words!

Hayato : . . . *pouts some more* What are you so mad for?

Ryu : . . . I'm not mad.

Hayato : Yes, you are. What's so wrong with trying to meet you anyways? You don't want to meet me?

Ryu : . . . I didn't say that

Hayato : Then why not? It's my birthday!

Ryu : I-I don't know.

Hayato : PLEEEEAAAAAASEEEEEEE! Come on! Nothing will change! I promise!

Ryu : . . .


Ryu : . . .

Ryu : D-Do you promise? Nothing will change?

Hayato : YES!

Ryu : T-Then. . .I guess i-its o-ok.



Hayato : I got to go! My friends are calling me! BYE! BANZAI!

The younger boy closed the top lid off his laptop as his drink was suddenly delivered by another waiter. Kazuya glanced at the creamy top and stirred it with the tiny silver spoon.

What if something will change? What if he didn't like the way Kazuya looked? Or the way Kazuya spoke? What if Kazuya was the exact opposite of the virtual person Hayato always imagined him to be? He didn't want that, it would merely break his heart.

Kame sipped through his drink once more and glanced outside. Beyond those crowd, on the same streets he'd walked on, the same shops he'd shopped on, Hayato had experienced the same thing.

And now they were going to meet. It was exactly the right time.

"I'm ready. . . "

* * *

"CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!" Jin squealed, rushing up and down the steps as he gathered his socks and other clothings. He had just woken up half an hour ago and only one thing came to his mind. "I'M LATE!"

"Jin! What the fu-Why are you up so early for?! It's stil-

"SHUT UP, RYO! I'M LATE! I'M SUPPOSED TO MEET HIM TODAY! SHIT, WHERE'S MY PHONE?!" the other boy exclaimed, groping his hands all over his bed and searched for said object.

Ryo groaned to that and pulled his lover up. "Sorry, babe. I didn't know Bakanishi was going to be so loud this morning."

Ueda groaned simply and pulled the blanket over them. "Let's just sleep, Ryo."

The black-haired boy followed his lover's orders and snuggled closer. "BAKANISHI! DON'T BE BACK UNTIL AFTER LUNCH!"

Jin moaned tiredly to that and swung his jacket over his shoulders. With so little time, he came up and wore a black fitted tank top and matching black faded jeans. Jin made sure he'd grabbed his phone of course, it was his only tool of communication to the boy. He also remembered grabbing the piece of small fluffy white feather and strapped it on his jacket.

Hayato : Meet me at The Angel Strike coffee shop at 10 and place a white feather on your shirt. That way we'd recognize each other. Whoot-whoo!

Jin remembered leaving this message to him. After the 6 months of torture he had to endure talking to a faceless guy that he had probably confess to a million times a day, nothing better make this day wrong.

"It is now 10:30. Please. . ." the announcer from the huge TV buildings announced, alerting Jin that he was already half an hour late to their date.


* * *

Kazuya annoyingly drummed his fingers on the table and looked out the windows. He was half an hour late. 'Hayato' was not making a good impression, Kazuya thought. He had already ordered two cups of the same drink and was nearly finishing his second.

"Still here?" the same waiter from before suddenly said, making Kame turn around and smile sheepishly.
"Don't worry. We won't kick you out."

Kazuya chuckled to this and thought of an idea. He called the waiter with his index finger and whispered. . .

"Can you. . ."

* * *

Jin sprinted toward the shop and slammed the door open with a bang. The very few customers looked for a second thbut merely smiled, as though events like this were not out of the ordinary.

Jin had been 45 minutes late. He huffed and puffed and attempted to calm his breathing.

"Could you be. . .'Hayato?"

Jin shivered to the voice and slowly turned around. The time was here. He was finally going to meet him. Just one step and he could. . .

"Are you . . . ?" Jin began, the nervousness in his voice, obvious. One last peek and. . .

"Oh no. I'm not him." he boldly replied, resulting for Jin to snap toward him and frown.

"What? Then how-

"Go to the last seat by the window. You'll know the answers to your questions." the stranger replied, pointing to a bright alluring aura of an empty table by the window.

The older boy nodded gratefully to this and rushed to the seat. He gasped.

3 things laid on the clean table:

1.) a folded piece of notebook paper
2.) 2 half empty drinks
3.) a white fluffy feather

Jin clasped onto the chair and took a seat. He slowly reached for the folded piece of paper and opened it. . .


You really don't deserve to meet me. Seriously, late already on the first date? That's a minus point for you~ LOL I'm just kidding.

Anyways, by the time you read this I probably would have left a while ago. I'm also assuming that the waiter has kindly pointed you to where I was. Well, I hope he did anyways. But straight to the point,. . .I don't really know how to start or say this but I'm kind of glad you were late.

Don't jump to conclusions Hayato! It's just that I don't think I'm ready to meet you yet. I mean waiting in that cozy little coffee shop, I can honestly and embarrassed to say that I was nervous. I know, stupid right?

But I couldn't help it anyways. What if I wasn't the person you keep imagining I was? What if you hated how I looked? Or how I dressed? Or even how I talked? Thoughts like that ushered into my mind and I began to doubt myself meeting you. I knew it was stupid but I felt that it was easier talking to you without really knowing you. I didn't want to know what'll happen if we met each other. It was excruciating to me. I know I'm already hurting you by doing this but. . .

I'm really sorry.

I know this is also such a cliche but I think I need to say this.

It's not you, it's me.

Definitely definitely me.

- Ryu

p.s. By the way, be careful of the waiter. He seemed kind of strange. Also, please pay the drinks. You're welcome to finish what's left of it :D

Jin sighed woefully and ran his fingers all over his face. He messed up bad. He messed up real bad. The only thing he could think of all that time was to meet Ryu. He never thought what the boy thought or felt. And now look how things turned out.

"I'm so stupid." Jin whispered.

"I rather think you aren't." A voice behind him said. Jin hesitantly turned around and found the 'strange' waiter smiling behind him.


"I don't think, no, I'm pretty sure you didn't mess up."

"Why do you think that?" Jin asked, resulting for the waiter to smile and take a seat across from him.

"Cause I could tell by his actions. He really likes you."

"You saw him?"

The waiter nodded. "I talked to him. In fact, I could say the exact same thing I said to him, to you. Do want to know?" Jin nodded apprehensively and listened.

"I have been in this business far too long, good sir. I have seen countless couples go in and out of this door. And you," he added, pointing to Jin this time, " have the eyes of a man who's found his true love."

Jin immediately blushed to this and found himself grinning madly. "W-What?! You d-didn't really actually-

"Yes, I truly did, sir. I said the same thing to him."

Jin flushed some more and covered his mouth with his hands. "I-I. . .d-don't kno-

"There's nothing to say. What you two feel is significant to each other. Don't even let your heart waver because of this. If you truly loved him and I'm assuming that you do, you would wait. You would be by his side whenever, whatever and wherever. Let him know that although this happened. You wouldn't give up. Let him know that without him, you would be nothing."

Jin almost shivered to the intensity of what the waiter was saying to him. His words buried truth and wise advice for him. He was right. Even though, 'Ryu' bailed on him, he should still be by his side and wait.

"Thanks!" Akanishi gleed, jumping from his seat and grabbing the precious items on the table. "I don't really know how you know this stuff, but THANKS!"

The waiter shook his head lightly and bowed. "All in a day's work."

Jin laughed at this and ran out of the shop, a smile listed on his face.

* * *

Hayato :

To Ryu,

I want to be honest with you. I honestly DONT care what you look, sound or act like. I LIKE YOU. That's the only thing that matters.



A/N : DARN! I fail again. I promised you guys to have the fun and witty chats but darn! I couldn't do it. Also HA HA, they didn't meet each other afterall. *shies away from stabbing readers* But don't worry, this chapter was needed for the funny and romantic future chapters. O.O Don't you guys think the waiter is kind of creepy? Seriously where did I get him from?

multi-chapter, the love chat story, fanfiction

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