Giant TV post

Nov 09, 2009 10:42

So it turns out that when you have to sit and hook yourself up to a breast pump and be milked like a cow several times a day, you end up watching a lot of TV on the internet. I have thoughts.

The Big Bang Theory )

fringe, big bang theory, bones, numb3rs, sgu, supernatural, glee, white collar, castle, tv, psych

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Comments 41

patita_fea November 9 2009, 21:36:54 UTC
Breezing by to say - Castle! White Collar! Eeeee! Yayyyy! Wheeee!

Ahem. As you were.


kalquessa November 10 2009, 03:10:06 UTC
Wheee! *laughs*


alphabet26 November 9 2009, 21:38:38 UTC
I'm tempted to sit down, write out a "As Far As I Can Tell, This Was Azazel's Grand Plan" post

I kind of did that back in September. Got some interesting discussion in the comments.


kalquessa November 9 2009, 23:07:24 UTC
Bwahaha, awesome! *goes to check it out*


White Collar travels_in_time November 9 2009, 21:43:24 UTC
Finally a Married Couple With No Marriage Angst on TV Show.

I am a huge fan of this show also! Although I see other shows there as well...

It's fun, it's happy, it's eye candy. It requires no emotional investment. I just hope it stays good.


Re: White Collar kalquessa November 9 2009, 23:08:20 UTC
It's definitely a you show. And of course you see other shows, there. You would.


Re: White Collar travels_in_time November 9 2009, 23:52:42 UTC
*snort* I'm tempted to ask exactly what you mean by that, but then I'm afraid I might not want to know. :D


Re: White Collar kalquessa November 10 2009, 00:00:57 UTC
*giggles* Only That it's a buddy show with wit and plenty of slashy overtones for those with the goggles.


(The comment has been removed)

izhilzha November 9 2009, 22:32:20 UTC
And if that's how you feel, why on earth don't you stop watching? If the show hadn't picked up after the fiasco that was "Heaven and Hell" last season, I would have. And that's precisely what I did when Alias (which I adored for 2 seasons) went kind of down the drain.

If you think it's that bad, please, go watch something that makes you happy!


ficwriter1966 November 10 2009, 14:28:17 UTC
Um...harsh? (And if my comment to Marie up above sounded harsh, I apologize ( ... )


izhilzha November 10 2009, 19:04:45 UTC
I replied to what I read, as I perceived in kind. Sorry if you weren't wanting to hear that ( ... )


aurora_novarum November 9 2009, 21:54:03 UTC
Yay on lots of your shows ( ... )


kalquessa November 10 2009, 03:18:15 UTC
Yeah, Fringe has grossed me out a number of times, and I have a pretty high tolerance for that kind of thing.

SPN fandom is indeed scary. My original online fandom was Harry Potter so not much scares me, but SPN fandom comes close sometimes. I like my tiny corner of it, but there are definitely other corners where they eat their own young.

I liked Diana on White Collar, too, hopefully she comes back.

Yeah, so with you on the anvils and the attempted mystery on SGU. So many things that I wish they'd go back and address instead of constantly banging the same half dozen drums over and over. *eyeroll* And this week's ep sorta squicked me by giving us bodyswap sex. *squirms*


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