Giant TV post

Nov 09, 2009 10:42

So it turns out that when you have to sit and hook yourself up to a breast pump and be milked like a cow several times a day, you end up watching a lot of TV on the internet. I have thoughts.

The Big Bang Theory )

fringe, big bang theory, bones, numb3rs, sgu, supernatural, glee, white collar, castle, tv, psych

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izhilzha November 9 2009, 22:32:20 UTC
And if that's how you feel, why on earth don't you stop watching? If the show hadn't picked up after the fiasco that was "Heaven and Hell" last season, I would have. And that's precisely what I did when Alias (which I adored for 2 seasons) went kind of down the drain.

If you think it's that bad, please, go watch something that makes you happy!


ficwriter1966 November 10 2009, 14:28:17 UTC
Um...harsh? (And if my comment to Marie up above sounded harsh, I apologize ( ... )


izhilzha November 10 2009, 19:04:45 UTC
I replied to what I read, as I perceived in kind. Sorry if you weren't wanting to hear that ( ... )


ficwriter1966 November 10 2009, 21:49:09 UTC
I'm thinking you haven't had the opportunity to read my posts about the various episodes this season - most of which were largely positive, and several of which were *extremely* positive, even when a lot of other fans were going, "Eh? What was that mess?" I see by your post at your own LJ that you've been without Internet, so maybe you haven't seen my posts, or didn't have time to look below the cut ( ... )


izhilzha November 10 2009, 22:06:07 UTC
So anything that sounds like "put up or shut up" strikes me...kind of uncomfortably.

Well, ditto--parts of your first comment struck me as "if you don't agree with me you must not be a very good judge of story." I gather that was not intentional, then? I've been biting my tongue for the past, oh, several weeks on the fandom insanity, and hearing something that sounded like that from you just... I couldn't bite said tongue any more.

I've deliberately avoided your past...2? or so ep reviews, because it looked like they made you unhappy. And there's so much harshness happening out there already, I didn't want to voluntarily inflict more on myself. (Not just you, mind; I think I have 3 or 4 people on my flist whose reviews I have quit even looking at.)

Sure, we can move on. I didn't mean to antagonize you--I'm just quite sick of fandom being cruel. I apologize if I over-reacted.


ficwriter1966 November 10 2009, 22:29:28 UTC
No, it wasn't aimed at you, or anyone else with an honest sense of what decent storytelling is. There's a certain percentage of the fandom that's *so* utterly non-discriminating that they make my brain roll around like a big marble inside my skull. All they need is for the show to be not-a-rerun, and for everyone's hair to look good, and they're off and squeeing. They insist on putting forth that "Kripke poops platinum nuggets!!!!" cheerleading all the time, and it's from them that I most often hear, "Why don't you love the show? Is something wrong with you? It's Sam and Dean! Come on ( ... )


kalquessa November 9 2009, 23:06:19 UTC
Yeah, I've been given this explanation at least once per fandom, and I'm afraid it always befuddles me. I guess I should just accept that it is what it is, that I'm not going to get it, and move on. I just see people I like doing something that makes them upset even though no one's holding a gun to their heads, which is totally their business but it makes me sad, and I want to help! *wrings hands* Unfortunately, the only way I can think of to help is to suggest that maybe they don't have to watch/read/whatever if they aren't enjoying themselves. Which is what I would do. But I'm obviously wired differently than a lot of fans, so...*shrug*


tree_and_leaf November 10 2009, 00:44:24 UTC
Thing is, though, if you start off loving something, and then it turns into something you don't love, it's disappointing. Which is why I sometimes rant about things in Who that make me cross. But there is still an awful lot I love about the show, so I'm not going to stop watching, because when it's good, it's very good indeed....


kalquessa November 10 2009, 01:14:20 UTC
Yeah, I totally get that...SPN has disappointed me a number of times, mostly when the writers sort of fail to watch their own show and track mud all over their own canon. *eyeroll* But I don't understand staying with a show after it's past the point where you can find anything to enjoy in it. When a show I like goes that down the tubes, sure I'm sad, but I find the easiest way to stop being sad is to stop watching. I'm not going to subject myself to something that I think has no redeeming virtues week after week. Maybe I'm not a very loyal fan. *shrug*


ficwriter1966 November 10 2009, 14:20:39 UTC
That's the thing - it's NOT past the point where there's nothing to enjoy. There are still moments - and entire episodes - that, after I've watched them, I can sit back and go, "YES. That hit it right on the nose ( ... )


kalquessa November 10 2009, 18:02:30 UTC
That's the thing - it's NOT past the point where there's nothing to enjoy. There are still moments - and entire episodes - that, after I've watched them, I can sit back and go, "YES. That hit it right on the nose."

Well, that's hardly watching the I Hate Everything Show, is it? I'm glad Show hasn't gone that south for you while I've been mostly absent from the friendslist. I'm just baffled by fans who come back for more again and again despite repeated unmittigated disappointment. Back in the Harry Potter fandom, I knew of folks who, by the release of the final book, had decided that there was nothing Rowling could do to fix the series for them. But they read Hallows anyway, "just to see how much she screws it up." I was like ", it's a book the size of a doorstop, are you sure you want to buy and read it if you know you're gonna hate it?" *boggles*

Don't we all say WTF to Kripke from time to time? It seems kind of impossible not to. I think I said a number of times last season that I'd be happy to pretend Heaven & Hell just ( ... )


ficwriter1966 November 10 2009, 18:50:50 UTC
It's got to have something to do with Sam and Dean (which is a tribute to Jensen and Jared's performances) - we just CARE so much about the boys that we pretty much need to see what happens to them. I guess in some small part of our brains (or a large part, for some people) they're real, we care, we're invested. We enjoy their company. I've been involved in fandoms before where that wasn't true, where the lure of the characters wasn't strong enough to hold on to me when the stories got really bad ( ... )


ficwriter1966 November 10 2009, 14:14:19 UTC
Yes. Exactly! What you said. There are still good moments - and I never give up hope for more.


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