Project Raising Lucifer

Sep 12, 2009 16:09

I'm trying to piece together what the Yellow-Eyed Demon, Ruby, and Lilith were hoping to accomplish and when.

ETA: Edited with the information from 5x03.

Here's what I have so far.

It started with the YED.

From the YED's POV, here's what he planned/hoped and how it went:
  • Told to get a special child to raise Lucifer ETA: NOW CONFIRMED. And be Lucifer's host
  • Starts looking for kids.
  • Runs into Mary Campbell and Dean Winchester. Is told that he succeeded in his plans and kills Mary and so on. Realizes Dean is not the kid he wants, but his sibling is. Focuses on Mary.
  • Still makes deals for other kids (YED is not one to put all his eggs in one basket)
  • Starts collecting on the deals.
  • Keeps an eye on his kids, Sammy's his favorite.
  • Kills Jess to drive Sam back to the life.
  • Starts looking in on other kids, too.
  • Gets John's soul for possible 1st seal.
  • Starts gathering kids together to find the best kid. This kid will 1.) Open the gate and let the demons out eilonwy pointed out that it was probably all about getting Lilith out and that makes more sense and 2) Lead the rest of the demons ("Boy King"/"Girl Queen"). Is it a sort of John the Baptist to Lucifer's Jesus? With YED pulling some strings? 3.) Be Lucifer's host.
  • It's Jake.
  • But 1st seal still hasn't broken, so YED has to work on that next.
  • Dean sells his soul.
  • Ah!
  • So while Dean's gone and breaking the 1st seal, Sam will order the demon army to break seals under YED's guidance.
  • Lucifer rises. Hell on Earth. \0/
Except YED is killed, so not so much with that last couple of bullet points anymore.

What did YED know about the seals? Presumably, everything. Definitely knew about the first and the last. Had he figured out what it all meant, did he know Lilith would die? When did he figure that out? He didn't seem to tell her. And how big was his coalition in Hell? Were most demons with him, or was he a nutty religious freak, always trying to get people to believe that Lucifer was returning?

I get the feeling that Lilith and YED weren't working together on this. "New leader doesn't like you," etc. Jealousy? Lilith is Lucifer's First, but YED was in charge of this plan? The major point is, when he was killed, it doesn't seem there was any major backup in place. The demons seemed to be doing whatever they wanted on Earth, no cohesive plan, no obvious plan to raise Lucifer, except for Ruby, which I am about to discuss.

What's Ruby's role in this? How long had she been working for the YED? What was her status? Had she just been one of many who supported the YED and even when he was killed, kept following his plan, or was Ruby YED's second in command all along?

Whatever it was, Ruby's goal was to raise Lucifer. But she didn't bother to gather a group/keep the group together and wasn't popular (from Tammi the witch and Sandy!CRD). Figured on doing this all by herself and reaping all the glory from Lucifer?

How much did she know about the seals and when?

Did she know Dean going to Hell would be the first (especially with John getting out)?

In season 3, what was her plan? Intro the demon blood right away? See if Sam would trust her? Just push the revenge angle? How would the other seals have gotten broken?

Could Sam have been strong enough to kill Lilith? (I'm going with no.)

Would killing Lilith have saved Dean? (Going with no again. That didn't make much sense to me--a contract is a contract even if one of the parties is dead. Unless Lilith let Dean out before dying.)

So Ruby did not want Lilith dead at the end of season 3.

Only I like this idea: Ruby was loyal to YED and hated Lilith. She truly was glad that Lilith would be dead at the end of this. Lilith really did torture Ruby when she "sent her far, far away" and Ruby spilled some of what she knew about the seals, taunted Lilith that she would have to die for it to happen. ("You don't know, do you? Haven't figured out what that prophecy means?") But they allied over Lucifer and Lilith let Ruby go. If Ruby was killed while doing double agent duties, it wouldn't be a problem for Lilith. Sam Winchester was going to kill her, Ruby just had to put it off until the other seals were broken (so it's easier if he's listening to Ruby), but if worse comes to worse, Lilith can hide in Hell sending out demons to break seals until the Final Appearance.

Whatever else, by the 4th season, Ruby's definitely working for Lilith. Lilith's got her coalition in Hell and has consolidated her power--she has the other demons on her line. Lilith is the leader and breaks seals--she has the manpower for this. (Maybe Ruby was going to ask other demons for help once the 1st seal was broken?) But if she kept it quiet, Sam wouldn't even know about the seals and SURPRISE when killing Lilith raises Lucifer.

Dean coming back threw a wrench in the plans, but Sam still seemed on board for Operation: Revenge on Lilith, so that worked.

What does Lucifer want with Sam? Just to raise him, or is there something more he needs Sam to do? If all he needed was Sam to raise him, does he feel the YED was wasting time with all the Demon Idol and such? Why was YED doing all that? There must be more to Sam, because surely Lucifer didn't need the demons in line before he came--although that's convenient, for sure--because he could get them all together.

But the YED/Ruby/Lilith had to do a lot on their own initiative, it didn't seem like they could chat with Lucifer much. So...maybe wasting time, but doing the best they could. And he's back, so if they weren't all dead, he'd probably be willing to give them a thumbs up, all told.

Lucifer needed the special kid to raise him and agree to be his host. So that's why YED and Ruby spent time ingratiating themselves--they needed Sam to give consent. And yeah, the YED would need the best of the best to make sure the kid could handle Lucifer.

It's all coming together.

Your thoughts?

meta, character: ruby, fandom: spn

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