probably the most heterosexual entry I have made in the history of ever. Also, probably TMI.

Jul 01, 2007 19:00

1. You guys. I can't stop thinking about Spencer Smith going down on girls.

He would be so good at it.

2. I cannot believe that several of you actually want to hear about my involuntary Mary Sue het PWPs involving Jon Walker, ( but okay! )

bandom, patd, tmi

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Comments 16

disarm_d July 2 2007, 01:56:52 UTC
1. You guys. I can't stop thinking about Spencer Smith going down on girls.

That is what it is like inside my head. ALWAYS. I can't say I mind it all that much though...


kalpurna July 2 2007, 04:46:09 UTC
Uhm, YEAH. Guess whose fault THAT is? Well... mostly Spencer's, I guess. BUT ALSO YOURS, FOR PUTTING THE IDEA IN MY HEAD.


disarm_d July 2 2007, 09:18:12 UTC
If I helped contribute to that glorious image, in anyway, than I am indeed very pleased.

SPENCER SMITH! AND. HIS TONGUE! The picture... with him and Jon? Where he is making his fingers into a V and licking out his tongue?



moondarri July 2 2007, 02:06:47 UTC
*clutches throat and splutters*

Het. Ughn. Het.

Okay, okay. I suppose. You might have a point. About Spencer. MAYBE.

Man, the last time I contemplated anything remotely heterosexual was a ridiculously long time ago.

No wait. I lie. I contemplated Patrick & Vicky T, like yesterday. But that's okay, because it's Patrick and that is a reason in and unto itself.

And I just remembered --

OI, YOU. With your talk of Vicky T and other such things, I had a ridiculous dream involving myself in Vicky's place, onstage, protesting that no, actually I can't play the keytar, and could I please be allowed to leave? Only to be told by a very flummoxed Gabe that I'd been playing with them for years, so what the fuck was I on?

And then Patrick got involved and, dude, I was just confused. Because there was a very heterosexual vibe to the dream-me, and it was very much bothersome.

BUT. This is irrelevant & rambly.

I just wanted to say, on a side-note, while I'm here, that you are so much awesomeness for the band_princesses challenge, because I haven't ( ... )


kalpurna July 2 2007, 04:52:05 UTC
Hahahaha, I KNOW. I actually had a couple other useless things to post about, but then I was like, NO, why not just make this entry hilariously heterosexual? I will not even MENTION girl!Spencer going down on girls, and how unbelievably hot it would be, and how for all we talk about Spencer being a lesbian, we really don't explore that idea in enough depth. No! Instead, this will be my Hettest Post Evar, and my flist shall recoil.

The saddest thing about that dream is that because you WERE Vicky-T, you probably couldn't stare at her gorgeousness very much! :( :( THAT IS TRAGIC.

Yaaaaaay, thank you! I'm so glad people are enjoying this ridiculous excuse for a challenge! YAY.


etben July 2 2007, 03:13:33 UTC
your brain is ADORABLE and AMAZING. I love you LOTS.

someday, I will tell you about my dream, which was kidfic. And also involved my boss, basically. AWESOME TIMES.


kalpurna July 2 2007, 04:53:57 UTC
Look, I am not sure how you got ADORABLE from an entry where I overshare about my sex dreams, but dude, I will take it. <33333

I would love to hear about your kidfic (bodyswap?) dream!! TELL ME MOAR.


etben July 2 2007, 05:01:58 UTC
omg, so. It wasn't bodyswap, really - which, as much as I love bodyswap, was totally fine, given how much I dislike my boss - I was just, you know, doing her job. Like, a million times better. And during the year, I lived in Chicago with my girlfriend and - taught at U of C, I think? or something? and then one day got a phone call from, um, Pete Wentz, asking me if I thought I could deal with his (and Patrick's, obviously) adopted child at camp. Apparently she was sort of a princess? And always trading on the fact that her daddies were rockstars.

And I was all, "yeah, sure - we are totally prepared to deal with crazy children! we specialize in crazy children!" And she got there and was, as predicted, CRAZY - and also a bad influence on our kid. In the dream.

(and then there was hot sex in the dean's cabin, and it was awesome, but I do not think that that is a sharing part of the dream.)


...I AM ( ... )


kalpurna July 2 2007, 05:19:02 UTC
That is an AMAZING DREAM, OKAY, AMAZING. I APPROVE A WHOOOLE LOT. Little bitchy princess Stump-Wentz! I am sure she was Redeemed by the end of the summer, and also probably the cutest thing in the entire universe, and Patrick DOTED on her, and even though she was a bad influence on your kid, I bet your kid had FUN. Aaaalso that is more wholesome than my dreams. I - should this entry be locked? JWalk has a LIVEJOURNAL. I AM SO CONFUSED BY THIS WHOLE RPS DEAL, OMG.


bluefuzzyelf July 2 2007, 04:52:16 UTC
That is awesome. I wish I had your subconscious, plskthnx.


kalpurna July 2 2007, 04:56:21 UTC
heeeee, I know, right? For all that it sometimes steers me wrong, I do like my brain. I just wish sometimes it would take suggestions! A little Patrick? Some Greta? No? Uhm.


airinshaw July 2 2007, 05:48:06 UTC
See? You get these kind of boy-related dreams. I? Get dreams about kissing DH, but not enjoying because he's such a godawful kisser.

And last night? About how William Beckett was really crap and couldn't figure out the shortest route from the hotel to his grandmother's house via the library even though he had a map. WTF brain? How is THAT something you need to bring up?


kalpurna July 4 2007, 02:54:29 UTC
Ahahahahahahaha, that is the most amazing dream ever, mostly because it is probably true. If there were a TV show called "bandom boys try to navigate the Real World!" I would watch it EVERY DAY.


airinshaw July 4 2007, 05:21:19 UTC
I would too - I WOULD TOO! *pets them as they look around all puzzled*

In my head it's like those episodes of ANTM where they make the models run round some city with a map trying to find modelling agencies and they end up crying and soaked with nothing to show for it. Oh I love ANTM.

Also? In sadder news, I didn't manage to get tickets for London before they sold out as I was at work and my work would not let me onto that site! *rages against several machines* How long are you going to be in the UK for? *covets you*


kalpurna July 4 2007, 19:03:42 UTC
That is exactly what it would be like. Exactly. Ohhhh boys. ♥

Oh NOES! I am going to be in the UK until Sunday, I think? I don't know where you live, but omg, I WANT TO SEE YOU, PLEASE COME TO LONDON :( :(


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