Shame isn't healthy.

May 31, 2009 11:41

I've already said waaaay to much about the imbroglio over at noscans_daily and I'm sure there are people who think I've splooged and splooged hard (veritable geysers of splooge), but I'm still feeling a little shaky.

I didn't realize how much this got to me until I woke up this morning and realized that I've literally had a knot in my stomach since Friday ( Read more... )

cats, anti-semitism, racism, hawkman, politics, hilarity, marvel, comics, macros, martial arts, scans daily, awesome, cat macros, you tube

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Comments 95

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kali921 May 31 2009, 19:28:32 UTC
Thank you. My embarrassment has more to do with some heavy issues around self-identity and self-directed internalized racism and bigotry and shame for even feeling those things.

Thank you, though. Your kind words mean a lot to me.


oletheros May 31 2009, 19:08:58 UTC
i am contemplating how to turn washington dc into the center of art comics.


kali921 May 31 2009, 19:28:50 UTC
There is no "contemplate." There is just "do."



oletheros May 31 2009, 19:30:48 UTC
stepping razor says measure twice, cut once.


kali921 May 31 2009, 19:32:07 UTC

More <3s for you!


backtothelight May 31 2009, 19:13:30 UTC
I am going to have to buy comics.

I am going to have to buy these comics:

I don't know if I can afford them, but I am going to have to buy them.


kali921 May 31 2009, 19:31:01 UTC
Tim Gunn, hell yes, but I have some issues with that Marvel miniseries because they've apparently erased Mary Jane from the solicits, and after the Spidey marriage was broken up, I can't read that mini without it leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

BUT! Awesome that they're using him as a character.


backtothelight May 31 2009, 19:34:12 UTC
I just love Tim Gunn and I cannot help but support anything that he is a part of. I want a Tim Gunn action figure. But then, I also want an Alton Brown action figure, and a Mike Rowe action figure.


shadowlongknife May 31 2009, 19:55:49 UTC
But then, I also want an Alton Brown action figure,

YES. THIS. And I also demand a Ted Allen action figure.


kita0610 May 31 2009, 19:50:36 UTC
I'm kinda glad I don't have all the info. because I don't need that level of anti-semitism fail in my life atm. But OTOH, I am super sorry you are having to deal with this alone, and wish there was something I could do to make it better.

It doesn't matter what you may have said or done in the past, swastikas etc. are never an acceptable retaliation. I hope you know that, to your bones.



shadowlongknife May 31 2009, 19:55:06 UTC
You know, every time that I read comments like this, or some of your posts (I friended you a LONG-ASS time ago), I'm reminded of the reasons I friended you to begin with. You're a pretty excellent person.


kita0610 May 31 2009, 19:56:42 UTC
Hi, and uhm. Thanks. I don't even know what to say.

I'm glad Kali has a friend like you.


kali921 May 31 2009, 19:59:29 UTC
So am I. He's AWESOME. I thought you guys knew each other well! I've been meaning to ask you both how you knew each other on LJ.


shadowlongknife May 31 2009, 19:54:16 UTC
You know, I was gonna say a ton of what Kita said, with a side dish of "I don't know what's going on, but it's making me want to punch people in the kidneys, and that's never healthy for me, especially when I'm dragging around a torn tendon in my knee". Then I read up on that stuff you linked and talked about, and I find myself in the interesting position of wanting to defend box_in_the_box, who is usually a little too angry for me to actively say that I like him, although I certainly don't dislike him to any real extent.

This is a quandry.

You should let me know when you're around online, honey. I'm out of work, fired due to a work-related injury, and could definitely stand to RP or comics!gab with you. I have some ideas to run by you.


kali921 May 31 2009, 19:58:25 UTC
I can be online within fifteen minutes if I get the pleasure of talking to YOU!! I miss you so much. Let me shower, get some tea, and then I'll do my best to be on AIM as much as possible today.

Wait, I gotta do laundry. Give me a couple of hours and I'll hop online.

God, what happened to your knee?! Hon, what happened? How can you be FIRED for getting hurt at work? Oh, jeez, I'm sorry to hear this. You're the LAST person that I want to be hurting.


shadowlongknife May 31 2009, 20:09:02 UTC
I'm lurking around off and on, doing laundry myself. I'm supposed to be getting around with a crutch to support my now bum knee, but that's too cumbersome within the confines of the home, so I'm resorting to limping and leaning, limping and leaning ( ... )


-secret Veronica Mars fen handshake- scottyquick May 31 2009, 21:27:51 UTC
What did you dislike about the ending of S1? I thought it was pretty great,


Especially since we get a big, long monologue that makes perfect sense.


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