Shame isn't healthy.

May 31, 2009 11:41

I've already said waaaay to much about the imbroglio over at noscans_daily and I'm sure there are people who think I've splooged and splooged hard (veritable geysers of splooge), but I'm still feeling a little shaky.

I didn't realize how much this got to me until I woke up this morning and realized that I've literally had a knot in my stomach since Friday ( Read more... )

cats, anti-semitism, racism, hawkman, politics, hilarity, marvel, comics, macros, martial arts, scans daily, awesome, cat macros, you tube

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shadowlongknife May 31 2009, 19:54:16 UTC
You know, I was gonna say a ton of what Kita said, with a side dish of "I don't know what's going on, but it's making me want to punch people in the kidneys, and that's never healthy for me, especially when I'm dragging around a torn tendon in my knee". Then I read up on that stuff you linked and talked about, and I find myself in the interesting position of wanting to defend box_in_the_box, who is usually a little too angry for me to actively say that I like him, although I certainly don't dislike him to any real extent.

This is a quandry.

You should let me know when you're around online, honey. I'm out of work, fired due to a work-related injury, and could definitely stand to RP or comics!gab with you. I have some ideas to run by you.


kali921 May 31 2009, 19:58:25 UTC
I can be online within fifteen minutes if I get the pleasure of talking to YOU!! I miss you so much. Let me shower, get some tea, and then I'll do my best to be on AIM as much as possible today.

Wait, I gotta do laundry. Give me a couple of hours and I'll hop online.

God, what happened to your knee?! Hon, what happened? How can you be FIRED for getting hurt at work? Oh, jeez, I'm sorry to hear this. You're the LAST person that I want to be hurting.


shadowlongknife May 31 2009, 20:09:02 UTC
I'm lurking around off and on, doing laundry myself. I'm supposed to be getting around with a crutch to support my now bum knee, but that's too cumbersome within the confines of the home, so I'm resorting to limping and leaning, limping and leaning ( ... )


-secret Veronica Mars fen handshake- scottyquick May 31 2009, 21:27:51 UTC
What did you dislike about the ending of S1? I thought it was pretty great,


Especially since we get a big, long monologue that makes perfect sense.


Re: -secret Veronica Mars fen handshake- shadowlongknife May 31 2009, 21:38:26 UTC
Personally, I would have preferred an actual clue that pointed toward the killer of Lilly Kane before an ending that seemed a little out of the blue and rushed to me. It didn't precisely work for me, in a way that I would have really liked it to. I had two other viable endings in my head, and I'd like to think I'm not doing the bratty, foot-stompy, "they didn't do it the way *I* liked" entitled fan thing. It worked, just not as much as I think something else would have.


Re: -secret Veronica Mars fen handshake- kali921 June 1 2009, 14:50:30 UTC
Yes, but I want to know more about the handshake.


Re: -secret Veronica Mars fen handshake- scottyquick June 1 2009, 21:45:43 UTC
It's sort of the fannish equivalent of the school-pool-on-the-roof.


box_in_the_box May 31 2009, 20:29:01 UTC
I seem to have become the Larry Flynt of this issue, in that a lot of people who support my position feel the need to qualify that they're still iffy about me personally. ;)


shadowlongknife May 31 2009, 20:32:35 UTC
I actually have no real issue with you as a person, I've just read some things you've posted, and flinched, and went, "Wow. Rage much?" or "Iiiiiii don't think I'd have handled it that way."

Which, admittedly, is not giving you a fair reading as a person, just as an occasional commenter whose path I have crossed. So, I probably shouldn't make any sort of judgement based on that.


kali921 May 31 2009, 20:40:57 UTC
Hey, I happened to see that you're posting in skalja's LJ (I got linked, can't remember who linked me). I just need to tell you that I think your first comment was understandable, but anything after that struck me as dangerously close to vindictive trolling and I'd hate to get THAT accusation tossed at you in the middle of all of this. This is just my opinion, and you can toss it aside at will, but please don't do that. It's bad enough already as it is, and she might play the victim card.


filbypott June 1 2009, 04:25:46 UTC
That's pretty much where I stand.

I mean, I don't dislike you. In fact I very much enjoy many of your observations. I just wouldn't want to be in a dark alley with you is all.


box_in_the_box June 1 2009, 04:41:39 UTC
Thanks. ;)

My bark is much worse than my bite.


filbypott June 1 2009, 05:08:43 UTC
*nods* I getcha. I'm just extremely non-confrontational by nature, and it takes me a while to acclimate to people who aren't.


khamelea June 1 2009, 09:05:07 UTC
Darn tootin' I do!


kali921 June 1 2009, 14:49:28 UTC
"Darn tootin'" you need to do what?


khamelea June 1 2009, 18:05:01 UTC
I feel the need to qualify that I'm still iffy about box_in_the_box personally.

Sorry, I'll go away now.


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