Three interactive memes!

Sep 02, 2011 02:38

1: The icon meme! From nenya_kanadka.

1. Reply to this post with "UNICORNS", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Under a cut for babblage )

icon waffling, silliness, meme

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Comments 25

lost_spook September 2 2011, 07:19:36 UTC
UNICORNS! (haven't done a variation on this meme for a little while.)

*faints with excitement over TWO of my icons here* (People want to use my icons is a concept I find hard to get my head around. It's probably my fault for starting with Carry On icons...) Also re: what you said about irrelevant quotes - this is my yltimate in that line, made by catwalksalone from Diana Wynne Jones's utterly brilliant The Tough Guide to Fantasyland. And, yes, oppress more people in S&S - it worked with me & I'm grateful. :-D

Also, talking of which, and possibly an impossibly evil idea: S&S pirate AU. :-p

And Three/Liz - but I'd be MORE than happy if you changed one. *looks worried*


justice_turtle September 5 2011, 19:25:34 UTC
Answering the memes in separate comments, so as not to get utterly contangled. Your five icons:

... )


lost_spook September 6 2011, 11:35:07 UTC
I've got a little carried away with LJ lately, so I think I'd better just answer this here.

1. Nine and Rose by (hmm nessismore?) I didn't have a Nine icon, or a Rose one and thought I probably ought & quite liked it. The same person had also made some Star Wars ones.

2. One of a batch of quote icons I made from Joan Aiken's Midnight Is A Place. It used the word discombobulation and is fairly useful.

3. I rewatched Cranford after getting it for my birthday - it's great, and I found that among birdienl's many beautiful icons. It's very expressive and contains Judi Dench, Eileen Atkins and Imelda Staunton in one icon. What more can a person reasonably ask for?

4. Vila! sallymn makes the best B7 icons. I thought this one would be bound to applicable when waffling about writing, memes etc. Plus, Vila! (Did I mention that?)

5. Another one of sallymn's B7 icons. Uploaded for purposes of proving to dbskyler that B7 is totally going to win any silly SFX contest. This is the quite amazing giant ant that lumbers in on location during The Harvest of Kairos. (Just as ( ... )


lolmac September 6 2011, 18:33:11 UTC
I hadn't thought of the Horrible Giant Orange Ant as a distraction from the Even More Horrible Ben Steed Script, but you're quite right. Harvest of Kairos was definitely one of those episodes that gets filed under "Years from now, we'll think back on this, laugh uncomfortably and change the subject."


solo_by_choice September 2 2011, 12:23:18 UTC

Also, I ship Liz/me. She was so awesome, and as much as I adore Jo, I wish she could have been on the show longer :(


justice_turtle September 5 2011, 19:29:43 UTC
I wish Liz could have been on the show longer, too. :-(

Your five unicorns icons:

... )


pitry September 2 2011, 15:15:05 UTC
Unicorns! (even if most of my icons are boring).

Also. Fandom: MacGyver as a Space Opera AU.


lolmac September 2 2011, 18:51:32 UTC
*flails with hysterical laughter*

JTurtle, if you come up with a good enough gist, maybe I'll actually write the story.


justice_turtle September 6 2011, 21:00:54 UTC
Well, I came up with something, anyway. Not quite sure what. XD And it certainly hasn't got a plot attached...


justice_turtle September 5 2011, 19:32:53 UTC
Answering the memes in separate comments, for tidiness's sake:

... )


lolmac September 2 2011, 18:49:15 UTC
Oh, hand me another set of unicorns -- I still owe this meme to Magnavox, so I might as well do an omnibus!

ETA: Hee, I answered before I looked to see which icons you had picked. Once I had your caps in hand, I went over to the Memory Alpha wiki and looked for good Q quotes -- from there, it was just a case of seeing which ones worked nicely with the requested images.

As for a pairing: how about MacGyver/Sam Carter.


justice_turtle September 5 2011, 19:39:32 UTC
Answering the memes in separate comments, for tidiness. Here are your five icons:

... )


lolmac September 6 2011, 01:32:30 UTC
Hmm, some interesting choices there! One overlap, so I'll end up posting about nine icons total. *now wondering why you picked those*


justice_turtle September 6 2011, 14:45:18 UTC
Pretty much at random? I knew if I went for anything resembling "favorites" I'd have way more than five ;-) so I chose ones I hadn't noticed much before - except "heterodyning ur frequency", which was just too cute to skip. (And, looking at them now, I think I got a nice assortment of ages and expressions in.)


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