Three interactive memes!

Sep 02, 2011 02:38

1: The icon meme! From nenya_kanadka.

1. Reply to this post with "UNICORNS", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

ST: TNG - Q, "eat any good books lately?" by lolmac Beth

This would be one of those icons I pick up every time I go through a new phase of OOH PRETTY ACTOR, MUST WATCH ALL HIS STUFF. In this case it's John de Lancie as Q; Q icons without the purple lipstick are rare, so the excellent Beth volunteered to make me some. She picked the captions, as I didn't have many ideas.

OTOH, I picked the screencaps, having a lot of ideas about the prettiness of young!JdL in a spandex romper. *g* ("Q Who" is just about the prettiest ep of anything in the galaxy, y'ask me.) This is my favorite Q pose - I suspect JdL may have ad-libbed it - and the icon is one of three I use for my multifarious Opinions About Books.

"There is no logical reason that aliens should be hairy" --Orac, Blakes 7, by lost_spook

I've seen one ep of Blakes 7, but I have a weakness for Lost_Spook's quote icons. ;-) As well as for snarky computers, logic, and icons that have no designated application (thus will fit anything you want to use them for). Besides. I mean. "There is no logical reason that aliens should be hairy". That's some Spock-quality logic right there. ;-) *sides with Bones*

Sapphire & Steel, Sapphire/Steel/Silver, "OT3"

Another one by Lost_Spook, this one from Sapphire & Steel, the awesome little British creepy-SFF show that stayed within its budget. By dint of using concept, brilliant actors, the Art of Dramatic Posing, very few special effects, and the occasional crazed killer pillow.

(C'mon. Malevolent pillows, Joanna Lumley, David McCallum, and David Collings. You know you want to see it, if you haven't already. least take a look at the non-spoilery intro picspam from the excellent eponymous_rose.)

Pirates of Penzance, Pirate King, by meneleth

"For I am a pirate kiiiiiiiing!!!" :D What's to say? PIRATE KING ICON.

(Things I wish one could more easily do on the Internet: G&S sing-along with all one's friends. *nodnod* So many of my online friends have this movie memorized, and nobody outside my family IRL does.)

Stargate SG-1, animated wee pixelly SG-1 scene from each season

I can't remember right off who made this, but it is brilliant. Wee Teal'c's little pixelated serpent guard armor! "1969"! Tiny Thor and Hammond! "Beneath the Surface"! Everythiiiiing! (All this icon needs is a wee pixelly Bra'tac and Janet! And maybe Jacob and Siler and Walter. I guess you can't have everything?)

From innocentsmith:

Give me one fandom I write/rec/read AND a type of AU (space opera AU, pirate AU, superhero AU, etc) or another time period (Ancient Rome, Regency England, etc). I will then explain the gist of the story I would write for that AU.

C'mon, throw me something wacky. I know there are Stargate fans out there. ;-) Newsroom AU? Turned-into-animals AU? Famous movie fusion AU? Check my interests for fandoms, or just give me a fannish-osmosis question.

And! Probably letting myself in for a pile of trouble here, but - from sophia_gratia:

Give me a pairing and I will tell you:
1. What they most commonly do during sex
2. Who has prettier hair
3. What they argue about most often
4. Who'd cope best if the other one died
5. The happiest plausible happily-ever-after I can think of for them.

I reserve the right to change #1 to non-sexual intimate time (or not change it) if I want, but other than that - hey, go wild. I'll come up with SOMETHING for any pairing I've ever heard of, using fannish osmosis if necessary. Crossover pairings happily accepted; I 'ship Liz Shaw/Illya Kuryakin, fcol.

(...okay, I 'ship Liz/everybody. *g* This disturbs me sometimes; I still have to push hard enough to write "it's okay to have unattached women" that I feel like I'm giving in if I 'ship a het pairing. I know that's stupid, but. *shrugs*)

icon waffling, silliness, meme

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