Note to self

Sep 01, 2011 20:33

Things I really ought to get around to reading someday:

* Henry Reed books
* Alvin Fernald books
* McGurk Mysteries (E.W. Hildick)
* Ghost Squad books (ditto)
* Jerry Todd books (Leo Edwards; apparently an influence on the young Stan Lee)
* Poppy Ott books (ditto; both series apparently an influence on the young Robert Arthur)
* the works of Diana Wynne Jones
* Whales on Stilts / Clue of the Linoleum Lederhosen / Jasper Dash and the Flame-Pits of Delaware (M.T. Anderson, recent; I have to read these just for the titles!)

Things I wonder if I ought to read someday:

* Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
* Harriet the Spy
* From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs Basil E Frankweiler (I read a very confusing excerpt once)
* Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth
* Louis L'Amour
* Green Knowe series (tried one, scared the heck out of me)

Also I need to re-read the first few Black Stallion books and see if they're still any good...

This post brought to you courtesy of rachelmanija's childhood book poll post that started out with Danny Dunn and the Three Investigators.

(Separately! I think if you tried to put those two particular trios together, you'd wind up with... holy cat. Nothing good, I think, if by "good" you mean the universe surviving. XD I'd honestly rather take my chances crossing the Three Investigators with Sapphire & Steel like I was trying to do for a while there.)

So. Er. What-all of this sort of age group and tone did YOU like to read growing up, O flist? Because this (pre-teen adventure/mystery) is still clearly my favorite sort of book. And there is only so much Moby Dick one person can read. ;-)

Disclaimer: I actually expect to like Moby Duck (typo intentional, long story). Apparently it goes off into long digressions on cetology and whaling history? I fell head-over-heels for Thucydides when he started out by explaining how and when the trireme developed, so. *g*

...I need to see if Project Gutenberg has Thucydides. Our copy was too small-print and yellowed for my eyesight, so I never finished.

general waffling, reading

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