Three interactive memes!

Sep 02, 2011 02:38

1: The icon meme! From nenya_kanadka.

1. Reply to this post with "UNICORNS", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Under a cut for babblage )

icon waffling, silliness, meme

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lost_spook September 6 2011, 11:35:07 UTC
I've got a little carried away with LJ lately, so I think I'd better just answer this here.

1. Nine and Rose by (hmm nessismore?) I didn't have a Nine icon, or a Rose one and thought I probably ought & quite liked it. The same person had also made some Star Wars ones.

2. One of a batch of quote icons I made from Joan Aiken's Midnight Is A Place. It used the word discombobulation and is fairly useful.

3. I rewatched Cranford after getting it for my birthday - it's great, and I found that among birdienl's many beautiful icons. It's very expressive and contains Judi Dench, Eileen Atkins and Imelda Staunton in one icon. What more can a person reasonably ask for?

4. Vila! sallymn makes the best B7 icons. I thought this one would be bound to applicable when waffling about writing, memes etc. Plus, Vila! (Did I mention that?)

5. Another one of sallymn's B7 icons. Uploaded for purposes of proving to dbskyler that B7 is totally going to win any silly SFX contest. This is the quite amazing giant ant that lumbers in on location during The Harvest of Kairos. (Just as well, it's a Ben Steed script, so a bit of hilarious distraction was welcome.)


lolmac September 6 2011, 18:33:11 UTC
I hadn't thought of the Horrible Giant Orange Ant as a distraction from the Even More Horrible Ben Steed Script, but you're quite right. Harvest of Kairos was definitely one of those episodes that gets filed under "Years from now, we'll think back on this, laugh uncomfortably and change the subject."


lost_spook September 6 2011, 20:01:37 UTC
... If only the following two scripts of his weren't progressively worse... *sigh*

The giant ant is definitely a highlight, though. Not quite as good as the Michelin Men, but very close. :-)


lolmac September 6 2011, 21:07:31 UTC
You can blame the Michelin Men on budget constraints and the usual Awful Production Values, but I can't blame the Giant Orange Ant on anything at all. Maybe it was a cousin of the Obscene Phallic Monster From the Pit from the nadir of Tom Baker.

I might attempt to argue that this Ben Steed episode was actually worse than the other two, but to do that, I'd have to remember details of all three, and I've been trying very hard not to do so.

"The problem with a War between the Sexists is that sooner or later, you run out of script ideas" -- something like that. ;-)


lost_spook September 7 2011, 09:02:14 UTC
Well, The Harvest of Kairos does at least have Avon's pet rock, and Moloch has a couple of redeeming features (or at least, I like Vila and Servalan as an unexpected comedy double act, and Avon's expression on holding a dead mouse), but it's Power that surely has to be the worst? (That's the one with the Homix and the Seska. Where your quote comes from, and, grr, yes, could he not just leave the subject alone?)


lolmac September 7 2011, 12:38:33 UTC
For me at least, Power was the worst in terms of the putrid stench of testosterone wafting from every pore, and Moloch did have some good moments. Kairos is less offensive than Power (almost anything would be!), but it's a shambles as far as storytelling goes: a failed work as opposed to an obnoxious worldview.

In a literary parallel of 'marry, shag, or cliff', I would spork Kairos, denounce Power in a ferocious blogger rant, and rewrite Moloch.


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