Three interactive memes!

Sep 02, 2011 02:38

1: The icon meme! From nenya_kanadka.

1. Reply to this post with "UNICORNS", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Under a cut for babblage )

icon waffling, silliness, meme

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pitry September 2 2011, 15:15:05 UTC
Unicorns! (even if most of my icons are boring).

Also. Fandom: MacGyver as a Space Opera AU.


lolmac September 2 2011, 18:51:32 UTC
*flails with hysterical laughter*

JTurtle, if you come up with a good enough gist, maybe I'll actually write the story.


justice_turtle September 6 2011, 21:00:54 UTC
Well, I came up with something, anyway. Not quite sure what. XD And it certainly hasn't got a plot attached...


justice_turtle September 5 2011, 19:32:53 UTC
Answering the memes in separate comments, for tidiness's sake:

... )


justice_turtle September 6 2011, 20:54:45 UTC
MacGyver as a space opera:

In the mumblety-somethingth century, two great empires face off in an uneasy peace. There are border skirmishes, planets lost and won, but both sides are too fearful to start a full-out war. There are also a lot of scuffles and bad situations going on that have nothing to do with the main conflict, or that only spin off it as a pretext.

Into this situation comes the D.S.S. Phoenix, the first of its kind, an unarmed Diplomatic StarShip affiliated with no one government. (It used to be the D.X.S. Phoenix, a Diplomatic eXperimental Ship; I'm not quite sure what changed after the first season. *g*) Her commander, Pete Thornton, is one of the best and wisest diplomats around, although now elderly and going blind.

Pete's right-hand man, best friend, unofficial ship's engineer, and general troublemaker gofer is MacGyver - his only name - who can fix almost anything with sticky-tape and a multitool knife, and whose apparently fashion-forward hairstyle can in fact be traced back to Ancient Greece1 (as he will tell ( ... )


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