
Jun 07, 2006 08:16

Even for one as powerful as he, The Dark Lord has been put to the test. The Rock of Eternity long stood as a keystone for the shifting realities of the multiverse; as stabilizing element if you will. Having been shattered, it’s orderly influence upon ‘reality’ had begun to wane. Even now, other powers vied to wrest control over the nature of ( Read more... )

obsidian, phantom stranger, black adam, captain marvel, eclipso, hawkman carter hall, mary marvel, dr. mid-nite, the four horsemen, zatanna, mr. terrific, darkseid, sand, flash jay garrick, superman, the wizard, mordru, jsa, green lantern jade, dr. fate, johnny sorrow, nightstar, shazam, sabaac, green lantern travis grey, captain marvel jr., green lantern alan scott, ibn al xu'ffasch, four horsemen, atom

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Comments 123

lanterns_light June 7 2006, 15:20:21 UTC
Standing in a cloud that roils with shadow and emerald fire, the possessed eyes of Alan Scott glint with malice and anticipation.

Somewhere, deep inside, a voice cries out in desperate but unrelenting defiance.


sabaac June 7 2006, 15:22:12 UTC
In a half crouch, Ishmael Gregor, watches from a vantage point high up on one of the larger peices of the Rock of Eternity.


jla_villains June 7 2006, 15:24:01 UTC
"It's about time." Sorrow quips cheerily.

He steps up, undaunted next to the Dark Lord; his hand to his mask, awaiting Mordru's word.


jla_apokolips June 7 2006, 15:28:10 UTC
Farther back, half concealed in shadow, the Lord of Apokolips stands stoically like a granite statue. His eyes watch every move Mordru makes and he notes the subtle changes of position the debris around them begin to make.

The information will be invaluable to his never-ending quest. The next movement on the board is about to be made.


doctorfatejsa June 8 2006, 19:55:53 UTC
It's not subtle. The light flares with a sudden brilliance, extinguishing all shadows for a moment. Energy arcs into the shape of an arc, heralding the heroes' arrival with lightning.

Fate wastes no time and fires the first shot -- ankh-shaped bolts straight at Mordru.


jsaboss June 8 2006, 19:57:35 UTC
"All right JSA, show 'em what we're made of!" commands Mr. Terrific. "Locate your targets. Follow the plan."


sabaac June 8 2006, 21:13:39 UTC
"What's the use?" echos Sabbac's voice as his cat yellow eyes drill into Terrific.

Suddenly, Michael feels himself filled with the Deadly Sin of SLOTH


jsaboss June 8 2006, 22:34:35 UTC
Terrific staggers under the heavy, heavy weight of his own body. His limbs fall lethargically to his side.


jla_villains June 8 2006, 21:11:01 UTC
Fate's grand entrance has everyone's attention, Sorrow not the least of them.

"Oh good, what's an Apocalypse without lambs to the slaughter?"

A half step forward toward the oncoming heroes as he reaches for his mask...


blind_will June 9 2006, 01:24:30 UTC
This time the lantern navigates purely by sound. He invisibly navigated over to Sorrow, and then all but shut the ring off.
He's pickpocketed hundreds of people completely blind. With someone as loud-mouthed as Sorrow, this is child's play.
Focusing, he shifts into the same phase as Sorrow, and reaches out to tap him on the shoulder from behind before he gets the mask off.


jla_villains June 9 2006, 04:14:50 UTC
The tap on the shoulder takes Sorrow completely off guard. In a moment of bewilderment, he actually turns to look. His hand inches away fro his mask.


blind_will June 9 2006, 05:06:47 UTC
Travis uses the moment of surprise to best advantage, swinging his hand, enhanced by the ring, in a precise punch. His goal really isn't to hurt Sorrow. While highly skilled at this blind fighting thing, his real goal is to keep the villain pre-occupied with him for the moment, until he can get him to take the mask off where no one else is going to see Sorrow but him.

An odd plan, maybe, but Travis specializes in those. And yes, he really does have a plan here.


reducing_ray June 8 2006, 22:42:28 UTC
Nearly microscopic, The Atom searches the melee for Eclipso. Freeing Alan is the priority, but he's got to admit, there's a score to settle on his mind.


lanterns_light June 8 2006, 22:47:01 UTC
Swathed in darkness and verdant flame, the Eclipsed Alan Scott hovers above, unaware of Doctor Palmer's presence. Gouts of green and black become mighty dragons that belch caustic fire and lash out at the heroes with ebon claws.


zatanna_z June 9 2006, 01:29:07 UTC
She appears through a portal of her own creation nearby Ray, her eyes looking for Alan with fierce intent. She is ready, focusing her intent towards what she wants to accomplish, but she doesn't want to get too far away from Ray so he can use that...gun...thing.


lanterns_light June 9 2006, 04:26:16 UTC
The chunk of floating debris that Zatanna stands on suddenly erupts in green and black fire all around the lady magus. From the unearthly inferno shamble forth green fleshed rotting corpses. With an unholy and unrelenting hunger, they lurch towards Zatara's heir, fingers grasping and hollow eye sockets burning.


_man_of_steel_ June 8 2006, 23:39:03 UTC
Out of the lighning streaks a bolt of blue...that slams into Darkseid at near light speed. Within seconds, they're miles away from the fight.


jla_apokolips June 9 2006, 01:05:55 UTC
For a moment, Darkseid forgets the plan. His plan. He decides that giving the Kryptonian the beating he soundly deserves is a better plan.

He hammers Superman with bodyblow after bodyblow until he decides to use Superman's momentum against him by flipping him in midair and throwing him downward.

He then unleashes the Omega Effect.


_man_of_steel_ June 9 2006, 01:11:02 UTC
Superman twists as the beams barely miss his face. He them smells something burning...

The Omega Effect has effectively disintegrated Superman's spitcurl.

Superman retaliates by unleashing a blast of super-breath that encases Darkseid in ice. This only lasts a second as Darkseid muscles his way free...

...but not in time for a Super right cross that sends him even further away from the fight. That's it. Get him away from the crowd. Make this one on one. You can do this, Clark.


jla_apokolips June 9 2006, 01:16:47 UTC
Even a New God would smart from that shot. The kryptonian is much more "savage" this time around, although even before he had more of an "edge" than I remember. I must remember to research this further.

Darkseid knew he has a little while longer to play. He manages to right himself, then waits for Superman's approach.


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