Even for one as powerful as he, The Dark Lord has been put to the test. The Rock of Eternity long stood as a keystone for the shifting realities of the multiverse; as stabilizing element if you will. Having been shattered, it’s orderly influence upon ‘reality’ had begun to wane. Even now, other powers vied to wrest control over the nature of
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"Oh good, what's an Apocalypse without lambs to the slaughter?"
A half step forward toward the oncoming heroes as he reaches for his mask...
He's pickpocketed hundreds of people completely blind. With someone as loud-mouthed as Sorrow, this is child's play.
Focusing, he shifts into the same phase as Sorrow, and reaches out to tap him on the shoulder from behind before he gets the mask off.
An odd plan, maybe, but Travis specializes in those. And yes, he really does have a plan here.
"Thought I killed you kid." cracks Sorrow, as he stumbles to regain his stance. Travis' blow would have KO'd a normal human, but The King of Tears transformed Sorrow into something entirely inhuman.
"You got lucky once. They say 'third time's the charm' but with cutbacks these days? I'll settle for two."
With unnatural resliency, the one time street criminal is back on his feet with fists swinging. A decade of duking it out with the original JSA as a mortal man has provided Sorrow with his own set of competency in 'fisticuffs'.
"I thought you killed me last time for a while there, but looked away at the last second. Don't expect a second chance." he replies, firing off a blast intended to miss by a little bit over Sorrow's shoulder, the effect starting to look like chains and a mask - the tactic he was told Kyle used last time. It won't work twice, but isn't supposed to, just trying to keep Sorrow's attention on Travis and goad him a little more.
"You missed punk!" he crows, unaware of the construct behind him.
"Playtime's over kid. This is your stop."
Squarely facing Travis, with his back to the others, he pulls off his mask.
The small grin comes right before the construct wraps around Sorrow's 'headspace' from behind, covering it up completely for everyone else.
As soon as the danger is under cover, Travis makes a grab for the mask to make sure Sorrow can't shift phase and escape Sand, then the lantern heads for higher ground well out of reach, focusing only on keeping Sorrow's face wrapped up, and shifting Sand into the same phase he and Sorrow share.
Helpfully, that keeps pretty much anyone else from touching him or Sand either.
*All yours.* he sends telepathically to the JSA'er, much more capable of going toe to toe with a blinded Sorrow, skill-wise, than Travis is.
That's 10 feet tall and full of bad intentions to a man he's had issues with for half a century.
The best part was that Sorrow literally couldn't see it coming.
A haymaker with all the strength of his silicoid form lands hard into the solarplexus of Johnny Sorrow.
One hand on the ground as the other struggles to undo the mask.
Sorrow gasps.
"Is that you Sandy? Feels like your gentle touch.
What's wrong Dandy-Sandy? Afraid to look old Johnny in the eye?
Old Wes woulda had more courage, but then he's worm food, isn't he?"
Two things strike Sorrow. One, Sand is far, FAR stronger than he was before. Two, the move combination he just experienced isn't Sand's normal fighting style. It was something, however, that the Sandman used on him when they first fought.
"I'm right here, Sorrow. And you can thank Eclipso for my increased abilities. This...ends...now."
Sand creates additional pressure across the head as he cinches up on the arm.
Sand's new strength is both surprising and unsettling. Even so, Sorrow has a mouth on him.
"G..kk.gg.. hard to breath.. gg...in this mask.. chkkk. Care..care to take it off?"
After severak seconds of this, he wrenches up on the arm. If there is anything to break, it is now broken. But he doesn't let go.
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