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blackest_knight June 1 2009, 04:41:33 UTC
Todd looks to his companions, nervous smile still on his face.

His black tux is buttoned right, and the lavender, almost gray vest is pulled correctly. He keeps awkwardly tugging at the matching tie though, and he's fighting the urge to play with his cuffs.

"Oh god this is actually happening, isn't it?"


miraclo3 June 1 2009, 05:26:14 UTC
Todd's hands get slapped in return. "Listen. Its all over s'cept for the shouting, alright? Alright." He's fixing the groom's tie at the exception of his own for the moment.

"The hardest part was living to see it, swallowing your pride and asking, and surviving the answer. This? This is all pomp and circumstance, babe."


blackest_knight June 1 2009, 05:28:51 UTC
"Babe?" He smirks at his old friend.

"Don't tell me you've picked today to come out of the closet and confess your love to me."

Jokes help the nervousness. Or so he keeps reminding himself.


miraclo3 June 1 2009, 05:30:38 UTC
"Yeah. Whatever keeps you warm at night there, tough guy. Although if you're really wanting a visual to distract you, and explain just what happened after we pulled you off of Aquaman last night..."


blackest_knight June 1 2009, 04:52:41 UTC
Damon runs a comb through his hair, adjusts his coat, and finally decides that he looks okay. Black tuxedo, a dark gold vest...He totally looks okay.

"I do look okay, right? Not too much make-up? It's only a little concealer, but I don't wanna be that gay guy wearing make-up and really obvious and what if it's hot?"

He's not nervous. Run-on sentences are just a sign of...something else.

He looks to Jennie, Kate, and Eric, his three 'groomsmen' for the event, that question still on his mind. He does look okay, right?


the_manhunter June 1 2009, 05:06:34 UTC
Kate looks into her reflection in the mirror. Her hair is actually styled for once, and she's wearing a gorgeous black tux with an orange vest and peppy jeweled heels. She looks...well, amazing, really. Even if it's not really the way she'd normally dress. She tears her face away from the mirror and smiles warmly at Damon. "You look amazing, Damon. You can't even tell you're wearing make-up."


anaturalgreen June 1 2009, 06:04:10 UTC
"Tch, let me take care of that." Jennie steps in front of Damon to adjust his tie. She's wearing her own tux, with a low-cut gold vest and crystal-studded heels.

One more adjustment, she straightens his jacket, and gives him a light pat on the cheek. "You look devastatingly handsome, Damon. He won't know what hit him."


miraclo3 June 1 2009, 06:11:00 UTC
Dealing with Todd's behavior has gotten the best of him this moment. Adding into it the raging hangover that he's nursing, and Rick has to get a breath of fresh air.

...fresh, sea air that is. With a cough, he's into the other room, where Damon is prepped and fixed. He walks towards them, taking Jennie's water glass and drops two Alka-Seltzer tablets in there.

"...Don't worry. Its not Miraclo. Even that won't kill a morning after like this." He tilts it and takes a gulp, lowering it quickly with a cough.

"....that's. not. water."


_black_canary_ June 1 2009, 12:59:56 UTC
Dinah Lance has finished her last-minute inspection of the flowers, assuring herself of their perfection, and has finally sat down to wait for the start of the ceremony.

A wedding. She loves weddings, and not simply from a florist's knowledge of how profitable they tend to be.


beware_my_power June 2 2009, 03:02:42 UTC
There's a hand on her shoulder suddenly, with a friendly squeeze.

"The Canary of Sherwood, I presume."


_black_canary_ June 2 2009, 03:04:14 UTC
"More like of Gotham these days," she grins back up at him before turning to give him a genuine Canary hug. "How's my favorite flyboy?"


beware_my_power June 2 2009, 03:07:02 UTC
"When I tell Larry Trainor that, he's going to be hurt."

He chuckles, returning the hug. Hal actually seems a little tired as he settles into a seat.

"I'm holding up, but there's big trouble brewing with Sinestro. I'm hoping it doesn't spill over here."


swiftjustice June 2 2009, 03:19:06 UTC
Jay is in attendance, wearing a nice, formal tuxedo instead of a costume. On his arm is Joan, his wife, in a blue formal dress that matches the shade of Jay's tie exactly.

A tie she keeps fussing with, trying to straighten out the knot.

"You always get it a little crooked when you dress too fast." she protests, but Jay only grins and shakes his head.


kidflash2 June 2 2009, 03:21:25 UTC
And it has fallen to Bart to carry in the Garrick's presents for Todd and Damon - the slightly gangly teenager managing a tall stack of boxes.

"I bet I could peek at the gifts and have'em wrapped again before anybody notices.."

A glance from Joan cuts the thought short.


blackest_knight June 2 2009, 03:24:33 UTC
Todd sees the Garrick's, and immediately has his arms around both Jay and Joan.

"Hey you. Glad you made it."

He points Bart to a table, thanking the younger speedster for his help.

"So when are you bringing him to the Society? I know Jakeem would appreciate someone else to aggravate Ma with."


swiftjustice June 2 2009, 15:55:13 UTC
"Bart's welcome to visit the Brownstone anytime he likes, he knows that. I think he's pretty content to 'hang out' with his friends in the Titans, though. For all his talking, the boy's got an introverted streak sometimes."


spirit_of_truth June 2 2009, 06:09:31 UTC
Diana had flown here, setting down on the deck at one end of a long lavender runner edged in gold. She's dressed simply in a pale yellow linen shift, hair loose and tumbling over her shoulders.

An envelope gets tucked in between two packages on the gift table, displaying an orange and white logo on the outside.

She takes her seat, alone since John is occupied with his Corp duties, and flips through the program.


metromarvel June 2 2009, 12:50:20 UTC
"Do you think there's something intimidating about some of the most powerful beings in the world silently supporting gay marraige?" A mild-mannered voice asks, almost apologetic in tone.

If Diana turns around, she'll see Clark Kent, somehow managing to make a tuxedo look rumpled and still wearing that ancient looking fedora of his. Clark is mildly famous for his old fashioned manners, and, yes, the reporter tips his hat to Wonder Woman if she happens to make eye contact.


spirit_of_truth June 2 2009, 16:23:49 UTC
Standing, she extends her hand to shake his, with a smile.

"Mr. Kent, I can hope that our presence here is seen as more of a celebration of the love between two people rather than a ham-handed attempt to change policy."


metromarvel June 2 2009, 16:43:55 UTC
Kent's handshake is typically dead fishesque, perahps because he is sensibly a little afraid of the Princess crushing his arm like a grape otherwise. The man manages a little smile despite the obvious painful awkwardness with the social situation, adjusting his glasses a little as he fumbles with a notepad.

There is a brief temptation to do something ruthless, but Clark was always one of the nicer reporters. God knows how he still has a job with that attitude. "So you think the sociopolitical impact of public figures such as...one of Earth's Green Lanterns, much of the active and retired Justice Society of America, and...Great Scott, is that the Shade?!" clark fakes suprise for a moment before seeming to compose himself, straightening his bow tie(by which we mean making it even more crooked than before.) and coughing lightly into his fist, "...and, of course, yourself is overrated?"


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