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spirit_of_truth June 2 2009, 06:09:31 UTC
Diana had flown here, setting down on the deck at one end of a long lavender runner edged in gold. She's dressed simply in a pale yellow linen shift, hair loose and tumbling over her shoulders.

An envelope gets tucked in between two packages on the gift table, displaying an orange and white logo on the outside.

She takes her seat, alone since John is occupied with his Corp duties, and flips through the program.


metromarvel June 2 2009, 12:50:20 UTC
"Do you think there's something intimidating about some of the most powerful beings in the world silently supporting gay marraige?" A mild-mannered voice asks, almost apologetic in tone.

If Diana turns around, she'll see Clark Kent, somehow managing to make a tuxedo look rumpled and still wearing that ancient looking fedora of his. Clark is mildly famous for his old fashioned manners, and, yes, the reporter tips his hat to Wonder Woman if she happens to make eye contact.


spirit_of_truth June 2 2009, 16:23:49 UTC
Standing, she extends her hand to shake his, with a smile.

"Mr. Kent, I can hope that our presence here is seen as more of a celebration of the love between two people rather than a ham-handed attempt to change policy."


metromarvel June 2 2009, 16:43:55 UTC
Kent's handshake is typically dead fishesque, perahps because he is sensibly a little afraid of the Princess crushing his arm like a grape otherwise. The man manages a little smile despite the obvious painful awkwardness with the social situation, adjusting his glasses a little as he fumbles with a notepad.

There is a brief temptation to do something ruthless, but Clark was always one of the nicer reporters. God knows how he still has a job with that attitude. "So you think the sociopolitical impact of public figures such as...one of Earth's Green Lanterns, much of the active and retired Justice Society of America, and...Great Scott, is that the Shade?!" clark fakes suprise for a moment before seeming to compose himself, straightening his bow tie(by which we mean making it even more crooked than before.) and coughing lightly into his fist, "...and, of course, yourself is overrated?"


spirit_of_truth June 2 2009, 17:21:15 UTC
A glance down at his notepad.

"If it is an interview that you are interested in, Mr. Kent, I would be happy to provide one. But not here -- if you would like, we can take this outside." There is no malice in her tone, merely a desire to make things less uncomfortable for the people around her.


metromarvel June 2 2009, 17:40:47 UTC
There are a few doodles there, including a stick figure of Superman punching a big frowning Atlas towards 'The Sun', and a miniature Brainiac staring at a light bulb and going, 'Fascinating.'

"Just asking a few questions, Princess." Clark replies in his normal, utterly nonthreatening tone. "The last time I covered a wedding officially, well, it didn't go so well..." He and Lois ended up in the county jail for the weekend.


morph_this June 2 2009, 19:33:04 UTC
Rex was able to get through the large crowd outside by morphing into a cloud of light steam, and seeping through the doorway. He eventually coalesces into his regular shape but wearing a lovely purple and orange tonic tuxedo. Adjusting his dickie-bow, he does a double-take as he sees Diana and Clark.

"Mr. Kent. Princess." He squooges between them. "What do you think, Mr. Kent? Am I ready for my close-up?"


spirit_of_truth June 3 2009, 05:32:42 UTC
"I do hope that this wedding will end on a more positive note for you, Mr. Kent."

She places a hand on Rex's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.

"I am sorry I have not had a chance to welcome you to the League, Rex. You will be a valuable addition."


metromarvel June 3 2009, 17:07:45 UTC
That's a dismissal if Clark's ever heard one. He tips his hat to the woman again, before offering a weak smile at Rex Mason. Clark looks like he is having an internal conversation about being himself, and trying to be friendly so Rex does not think his appearance freaks the reporter out instead of his just being Clark Kent, or if that kind of act is patronizing...the kind of mild self loathing that plagues shy people.

So focused on this is Clark he doesn't even notice Metamorpho's metaphysical hip bump until he lands against a table. Fortunately, he stops himself before anything truly slapstick can happen, but Kent looks a little shaky all the same. "Green transportation is very 'in', Mister Mason..." Clark offers, a mild attempt to joke his way out of humiliation and into the more familiar fields of awkwardness.


spirit_of_truth June 3 2009, 17:24:33 UTC
She reaches out to steady him, offering up a smile as she does.

"Mr. Kent, I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. If you'd care to accompany me out to the lobby...?" A questioning look, and Diana takes a moment to look around their general area.

"Unless your lovely wife has other plans for you?"


morph_this June 3 2009, 20:10:14 UTC
Rex may like to open with a joke, but he's not stupid, and can read a situation fairly well. He morphs his suit into a black tux with a beautiful cummerbund, gives the two a courteous nod, and Diana a "I need to speak with you later" smile, before walking off to mingle.


metromarvel June 4 2009, 17:08:13 UTC
"I really did not intend...um, sorry Mister Mason..." Clark looks downcast, obviously having believed that he successfully managed to tick Metamorpho off. "...um, did not intend to take you away from the ceremony, Princess. If you feel like you have something you need to say, though..."

Clark's a nice guy, but he isn't going to spit in the face of an interview with freaking Wonder Woman.


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