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blackest_knight June 1 2009, 04:41:33 UTC
Todd looks to his companions, nervous smile still on his face.

His black tux is buttoned right, and the lavender, almost gray vest is pulled correctly. He keeps awkwardly tugging at the matching tie though, and he's fighting the urge to play with his cuffs.

"Oh god this is actually happening, isn't it?"


miraclo3 June 1 2009, 05:26:14 UTC
Todd's hands get slapped in return. "Listen. Its all over s'cept for the shouting, alright? Alright." He's fixing the groom's tie at the exception of his own for the moment.

"The hardest part was living to see it, swallowing your pride and asking, and surviving the answer. This? This is all pomp and circumstance, babe."


blackest_knight June 1 2009, 05:28:51 UTC
"Babe?" He smirks at his old friend.

"Don't tell me you've picked today to come out of the closet and confess your love to me."

Jokes help the nervousness. Or so he keeps reminding himself.


miraclo3 June 1 2009, 05:30:38 UTC
"Yeah. Whatever keeps you warm at night there, tough guy. Although if you're really wanting a visual to distract you, and explain just what happened after we pulled you off of Aquaman last night..."


blackest_knight June 1 2009, 05:32:14 UTC
"I'm certain I have no memory, being so blackout drunk and all that."

As if his powers would ever let him actually hit blackout. But that doesn't mean he can't pretend.

"You're just mad you thought he was Aquagirl at first, what with the long hair."


miraclo3 June 1 2009, 05:34:56 UTC
"Oh believe me. I've seen enough Aqua-misfitting to last for a while. Jennie ever tell you about us taking down Light at that spot in Missouri? This freaking guy was dressing someone up as Aqualad and rambling about "Tommy" songs."

He lifts his chin up, searching for random stubble. "No sucker bites, no dark, sweaty blackforce stuff coming out yet..."


lanterns_light June 1 2009, 14:56:02 UTC
"Apparently I missed one heckuva get-together," says the father of the groom, with a touch of bemusement as he walks to his son's side and does the requisite straightening of Todd's lapels and tie. "How did I manage to make such a handsome son? Todd, you look splendid."


blackest_knight June 1 2009, 16:16:50 UTC
"Thanks Dad."

Call it cheesy, but he wraps his arms around his father in a big hug. He's been given a gift with this, having his dad back, his wonderful supportive father who's here at his wedding.

"For everything."


lanterns_light June 1 2009, 16:27:38 UTC
Ah, manly embraces between father and son. Alan hasn't had enough of these, not when he spent the twins' childhood not knowing they existed. The hug, therefore, is returned warmly, along with good claps on Todd's back. "No need to thank me for anything, son. I'm happy for the two of you."


times_past June 1 2009, 18:12:26 UTC
"This may be considered a mite early, gentlemen...Alan." announces the newest entrant, taking the surprising yet mundane route of opening the door.

If there was anyone familiar with Shade in passing, they kept their questions for another day. He appeared to have completely turned off his power, and trailed no residual effects of it.

"But I'd be honored if I could share a word or two with my boy. Giving this in front of the rest of you lot might cause star rods, Starhearts, and Starmen to come a flailing."

He steps up near Scott, and Damon, observing the others. "Relax...I've come bearing good words and gifts." Hesitating a moment seeing their reactions. "From the registry."


lanterns_light June 1 2009, 19:46:02 UTC
That voice. Alan's features freeze, and as he releases Todd from the shared embrace he turns to regard Shade without much affection.

Meaning: no affection whatsoever.

"Whatever you have to say," says the first of Earth's Lanterns, his voice soft and warm as an arctic winter, "you're welcome to say in front of us."


times_past June 1 2009, 19:59:28 UTC

"If you insist, my friend." Shade gives a nod to Sentinel, and then takes a note from his jacket. "I am here for no declaration, neither by myself, nor those who I endeavor with. I am only here to offer the words of a friend long gone. Who spoke on love, and this day far better than I ever could." He unfolds the page and recites, glancing about for emphasis where necessary.

We are resolved into the supreme air ( ... )


blackest_knight June 1 2009, 20:29:25 UTC

He lonks from his father to Shade, and though his words are addressed to the latter, thdy're aimed at the former as well.

"Everything here today is because of you. You rescued me, trained me. Taught me to control my power and not the opposite. If it weren't for you, I'd still be in the asylum, or worse.

"I want you here, sitting with the family. Where, as far as I'm concerned, you belong."


jla_extras June 2 2009, 03:12:06 UTC
Al Rothstein, more than most, believes in second chances - he extends a hand to The Shade in greeting.

"As long as he promises not to cause any trouble."

The jest is only slightly nervous-sounding.


blackest_knight June 2 2009, 03:21:49 UTC
"Nobodies gonna make trouble, I promise."

His eyes plead with Al and Alan, silently asking them 'please.'


jla_extras June 2 2009, 03:26:10 UTC
"I'm just joking around, Todd. I know Shade has turned over a new leaf."

He grins, giving Todd a thump on the back.

"Lighten up, will you?"


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