Title: ANTMM - Finale Week part 3 Fandom: Supernatural RPS Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: PG-13 Summary: The boy who would be an emperor. AN: Written in ANTMM ‘verse.
Title: ANTMM - Finale Week part 2 Fandom: Supernatural RPS Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: PG-13 Summary: At the end of the day. AN: Written in ANTMM ‘verse.
Title: ANTMM - Finale Week part 1 Fandom: Supernatural RPS Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: PG-13 Summary: The boy who wears a hat. AN: Written in ANTMM ‘verse.
Title: ANTMM - Re-run Fandom: Supernatural RPS Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: PG-13 Summary: Jensen and Marcus at LA Fashion Week. AN: Written in ANTMM ‘verse. This part is especially for layne67. Happy Birthday, my beloved!!