Title: ANTMM - Top 5
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The boy who runs away.
AN: Written in
ANTMM ‘verse.
When one out of the five that’s left of them shouts, “Marcus’ mail!” downstairs, instead of jumping out of bed, Jensen buries himself deeper under the covers. He’s not been in the right headspace lately. Elijah got eliminated, his housemates caught him when he was about to flee, and Marcus himself came to calm him down. He even asked Jensen, in front of everyone, why he didn’t show up at Marcus’ place the previous night. The party would have been Jensen’s most unforgettable experience with famous agents and magazine editors specially invited for his birthday. Jensen didn’t know what to say and he couldn’t look at his friends, either. He didn’t understand what made him stick out in Marcus’ eyes. None of the other participants got the same treatment. It was unfair. Jensen glanced at Marcus, not knowing if he could trust the man’s words anyway, and grabbed his bags and disappeared back into the house, leaving his friends outside with their popular host. Jensen hasn’t left the room ever since.
And he didn’t call Jared either, doesn’t know if he will ever again. Jared trusted Marcus. He believed the man would never cross the line. He said that when Jensen had tearfully pleaded for him to take him home.
Jensen absently plays with his backpack as the choreographer tells the models things they should do. This week they act as a hitch-hiker, and here they are on a stretch of a lonely dusty road, waiting for a passing car. Jensen couldn’t care less about the result of his photoshoot later. The only way to get out of the competition is by elimination and he makes sure he’ll be the one to be kicked out later.
And he’s going to stay. Here in LA. He’s not going back to Texas. Or Jared.
AN: Thank you so much for taking part in the previous poll! Now, please place your vote again for this round. :D
Poll ANTMM - Top 5