Fic: ANTMM - Re-run

Mar 21, 2012 01:38

Title: ANTMM - Re-run
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jensen and Marcus at LA Fashion Week.
AN: Written in ANTMM ‘verse. This part is especially for layne67. Happy Birthday, my beloved!!

“Tim, I’m sorry but you’re not running for the America’s Next Top Male Model.”

Jensen watches listlessly as Tim nods and shakes Marcus’ hand, and Jensen switches his gaze over to the wide screen in that big hall. His latest picture depicting him as a hitchhiker has been displayed as the best shot of the week. Jensen sighs. Instead of getting kicked off, he’s won another round. Perhaps he has to confront Marcus in person and tell him that he wants out. Or failing that, he needs to embarrass him in public, in front of the press, then maybe he’ll get what he wants.


The house feels empty with only the four of them left and they are seldom in the same room together. Henry likes to spend hours in the gym, Brent is mostly practicing his strokes in the swimming pool, Phil gladly cooks for them so he’s often in the kitchen, and Jensen himself after he’s done doing their laundry, will check his readily packed bags in his room again. He’ll leave at the first sign of consent from Marcus letting him go.

Tonight can be a good opportunity for him. They are all invited to a show that’s a part of the LA Fashion Week. Jensen’s head spins with anticipation he almost feels giddy.

In the after-show party Jensen floats from one tray of drinks to another. Free flowing champagne and wine, he’s never seen it before. And although this is the first time he tastes either, they’ve easily become his new favorite drinks.

“What do you think you’re doing?” A whisper hisses in his ear. Marcus’ enraged eyes are right in his face when he looks sideways. Jensen’s sight swims, though, thanks to the many drinks he’s had. He giggles at Marcus’ glare and sways away. Marcus grabs Jensen at his upper arm.

“For God’s sake, Jensen, you’re underage. You’re not supposed to drink. I thought you knew better.”

“Well, I don’t.” Jensen’s voice rises. “And this is not my fault. You brought us here, didn’t you?”

Several people begin to notice their argument.

“Come on.”

“No.” Jensen shakes Marcus’ hand off. Marcus simply takes his arm again.

“We return to the house now.” He practically drags Jensen out.

“No way.” Jensen tries to resist but Marcus is way bigger and stronger than him. Marcus then releases him but wraps an arm around his shoulder so fast that Jensen hasn’t got the chance to do anything. Marcus presses Jensen to his side.

“What is it that you want?” he hisses.

“I want out!”

“What? Why?” Marcus paces to his car with Jensen in tow. The models are all taking a black Limo parked beside Marcus’ Bentley but Marcus won’t let Jensen ride with them. Meanwhile a few paparazzi outside the hotel where the fashion week is held begin to smell a rat. They’re running toward Marcus and Jensen with their cameras ready.

“Mr. Schenkenberg, who are you with?”

“Damnit,” Marcus curses. “Come, Jensen, quick.”

Jensen glares wildly around. Camera flashes flare in his face, blinding his eyes. He raises an arm to cover his face but it’s too late. The only thing that crosses his mind is Jared seeing him together with Marcus, and bile rises up to his throat.

“Let me go,” he whispers, planting his feet to the ground, refusing to move any further. The paparazzi would have a field day if they saw Jensen get into the car with Marcus while they know the other contestants are in a different car.

Finally Jensen manages to get away or Marcus might be thinking of the same thing at the same time and lets him go. Jensen feels certain that Marcus won’t want to see him again.

At least now his being busy packaging his bags will not go into waste.


Being hangover is a bitch. The world is constantly spinning and shifting even when his face is buried in the pillow. Someone gives him aspirins and helps him with a glass of water though he can’t tell who it is.

When Jensen is finally able to get up without feeling as if he were about to faceplant any time on the floor, it’s already half past noon. He finds the rest of his housemates in the kitchen. No food or anything on the table, they’re just sitting around it. Jensen snickers.

“Who died?” he asks, voice dripping with sarcasm.

“The aspirins worked, I think.”

Jensen turns to Phil. “Hey, was that you? Thanks, man.” He taps Phil at the shoulder and pulls a chair. But Henry’s cold remark cuts him short.

“Now we know who the teacher’s pet is.” Henry throws an In Touch tabloid on to the table and it lands with its front page facing up.

Schenkenberg Finds Love in ANTMM’s Jensen?

Jensen freezes. He wishes the earth beneath his feet could just open up and swallow him whole for Jared will surely kill him this time.

Brent suddenly cheers out and grabs Jensen down to sit on his chair, much to Jensen’s bewilderment.

“Congratulations, Jensen! Do you know how many people watched the show in the re-run this morning? 20 million! Can you imagine that? Normally it barely even reaches 6 million mark.”

Jensen stares at him, dumbfounded. Is that what this is all about?


AN: Thank you so much for taking part in the previous poll! :D

supernatural rps, antmm

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