Prompt Post No. 11

Nov 29, 2010 18:00

Welcome to Round 11 of the Inception Kink Meme. Before you comment, please make sure you've taken a look at the most current changes to the community. Those changed will be reflected bellow as well.

New Prompting System
  • Prompt post will temporarily close to new prompts at 2000 comments.
  • Forty-eight hours later, post will reopen to new prompts and temporarily close again when 4000 comments are reached.
  • Forty-eight hours later, post will reopen to new prompts and permanently close to all new prompts when 5000 comments are reached.
  • A new prompt post opens a week later. The posting date for the next prompt post will be edited at the bottom of the current post. 

General Rules
  • inception_kink  has zero tolerance towards prompts and comments containing personal attacks on other community users and private individuals, bullying, and hate speech. Signed in members who violate this rule will first receive a warning and their comments will be frozen/screened. The second violation will result in banning of that member from the community. Anon comments violating this rule will be deleted. 
  • If your comment is deleted/screened/frozen and you don't know why, it is up to you to PM a mod or make a comment in the Ask the Mods page. 
  • Plagiarism will result in an immediate ban. 

Prompting Rules
  • One prompt per comment. 
  • Please follow the correct format (see below).
  • Please refrain from repeating prompts from the earlier rounds. Search the Delicious account first, and if you're adequately convinced that your prompt isn't a duplicate, you may post it on the current round. A prompt is considered a repeat if it is substantially similar in content to an existing prompt in the meme.
  • If your prompt is missing something, such as a subject or a warning, repost it in it’s entirety. It is not enough to reply to your own comment with the missing information. The mods will delete the previous duplicate comment. Relatedly, if your prompt does not have enough information to archive it in delicious, it is breaking this rule and will be deleted.
  • Limit yourself to no more than ten prompts per round. Please give the others a chance to post their own prompts. IP logging is turned off so there really is no way for us (the mods) to determine whether this rule is being violated. Nevertheless, we expect you to act responsibly. Let's follow the honor system.

Format of Prompts
  • Alphabetize pairings/threesomes/moresomes. (e.g. Cobb/Eames/Mal)
  • Put [RPF] before RPF prompts. (e.g. [RPF] Ellen/Joe)
  • For crossover prompts: "[Crossover], Inception Character(s)/Other Character(s), [Fandom]" (e.g. [Crossover], Eames/Sawyer, [Lost])
  • No "!" in pairings, only in descriptions. (e.g. Ariadne/Arthur, CFO!Ariadne, CorporateHeadhunter!Arthur)
  • Anyone, everyone, no one? Use "Other." (e.g. Robert/Other)
  • Put [GEN] before GEN prompts.


In order to make Delicious archiving easier, please use the following names:AriadneCillianArthurDileepCobbEllenEamesJoeMalKenRobertLeoSaitoMarionYusufTom

  • Link to NSFW images/videos. Don't embed.
  • Please don't link to locked material. This includes locked communities, even in membership is open. 
  • Fills may be posted anonymously or not.
  • Fills can be anything: fic, art, vid, fanmix, podfic, etc.
  • All prompts are open to fills at all times, even if they have been filled in the past or are being currently filled by someone else. Multiple fills are positively encouraged; if something appeals to you then do not be put off creating a new fill by the existence of a prior one.
  • To make sure that your newly posted fic is found and properly indexed, please post a comment to the fill list using the prescribed format. The fill list post is for fills only, not feedback. Comments that do not contain fills and random comments will be deleted. As with prompt comments, if your fill is missing information (missing subjects are the most common) or if your html is fudged it will be deleted. Repost such fills.

Rounds 1-3
Clean up of rounds 1-3 will begin shortly. This will include deleting random comments, like those that second prompts ("want!") or discuss subjects unrelated to the fandom/prompts. Community users are encouraged to go back to those posts to fill old prompts and to offer feedback for old fills which they have enjoyed.




::: ROUND 8 ::: ROUND 9 ::: ROUND 10:::  FLAT VIEW

Please don't forget to include trigger warnings in the subject line. For your reference: inception_kink Guide to Warnings.

Due to the holiday weekend, Round 12 will open early on Wednesday the 22nd at 07:00 AM GMT.

round 11, mod post, prompt post

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