Prompt Post No. 1

Jul 15, 2010 20:56

* * * Round 1 is now closed to new prompts. * * *
 The Inception Anonymous Kink Meme Prompt Post No. 1 is now open.

ETA [18 Jul 2010]: The speed at which this meme has grown amazes me. :D Before this month ends, I am going to try to index all prompts and fills using our newly created Delicious site. It's empty right now, but I'll do my best to get it up and running before August 1st. For now, I encourage everyone to kink well, and kink often!

ETA 2 [18 Jul 2010]: Oh god, never mind. I indexed all existing prompts and fills anyway. I was a teensy bit excited. So much for taking my time.

ETA 3 [19 Jul 2010]: Please read the revised rules.

ETA 4 [21 Jul 2010]: inception_kink  is looking for volunteers!

ETA 5: [23 Jul 2010]: The meme is FLAT.

ETA 6: [26 Jul 2010]: This round will be closed to new prompts once it reaches seven thousand comments, give or take. Fills may still be posted. Don't worry, anons. inception_kink  isn't going anywhere. Round 2 will go live one week after this round is closed. Use the week in between to write fills, leave feedback, and come up with exciting new prompts for next time.

ETA 7: [29 Jul 2010]: Leave a comment HERE once you've posted a fill.


round 1, prompt post

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