Guide to Warnings

Sep 06, 2010 15:37

We have a zero tolerance policy for kink bashing or shaming. All memegoers are free to post prompts and stories that may contain a wide range of pairings, kinks and scenarios. This freedom, however, must be balanced with the fact that regard and consideration is due to every person who participates in this meme.

It is for this reason that we ask all participants to warn for themes and content which may provoke a strong, damaging, emotional response.

General rules for warnings:
  • Include all pertinent warnings in the subject line of your prompt/fill. (ie, "Warning: torture, noncon")
  • The list below is neither exhaustive nor exclusive. When in doubt, include a warning.
  • You do not have to follow the exact language used in this post. Use any word, term or phrase that you deem appropriate.

For authors:
  • If, through inadvertence, you posted a fill without a warning, inform us. We will screen it and ask you to repost. The original will thereafter be deleted.
  • For multi-part fills: add a warning to the subject line of each part of the story.
  • If you have already posted parts of your story when a need for a warning arises, include the warning in the subject line of all subsequent parts.

For readers:
  • If you find an unwarned prompt or fill, let us know. Comments to the "ask the mods" page will henceforth be screened.

  • abduction / kidnapping
  • abuse (child, domestic, animal)
  • addiction
  • asphyxiation
  • bestiality
  • cannibalism
  • death
  • dub-con
  • eating disorder
  • graphic or extreme violence / gore
  • homophobia
  • incest
  • intoxication
  • necrophilia
  • non-con / rape
  • racism
  • self-injury / self-harm
  • slavery
  • suicide
  • torture
  • underage
  • ETA: Real World Situational Trauma: [actual events, including, but not limited to: genocide, crimes against humanity, hate crimes, natural disasters and disaster relief situations (earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, drought, other weather disasters)]

Date and time of implementation:
  • For fills: September 8, 2010 (Wednesday), at 12:01 AM GMT. All fills posted after this time must contain appropriate warnings.
  • For prompts: Starting round 7. September 12, 2010 (Sunday), at 12:01 AM GMT.

Please direct your questions to the ask the mods page. Thanks, everyone.

rules, mod post

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