Prompt Post No. 2

Jul 30, 2010 19:38

* * * Round 2 is now closed to new prompts. * * *
Welcome to Round 2 of the Inception Kink Meme. This post is now OPEN.

General Rules
  • Please be civil and respectful towards each other.
  • One prompt per comment. Feel free to post more than one comment.
  • Please follow the correct format (see below).
Format of Prompts
  • Alphabetize pairings/threesomes/moresomes. (e.g. Cobb/Eames/Mal)
  • Put [RPF] before RPF prompts. (e.g. [RPF] Ellen/Joe)
  • For crossover prompts: "[Crossover], Inception Character(s)/Other Character(s), [Fandom]" (e.g. [Crossover], Eames/Sawyer, [Lost])
  • No "!" in pairings, only in descriptions. (e.g. Ariadne/Arthur, CFO!Ariadne, CorporateHeadhunter!Arthur)
  • Anyone, everyone, no one? Use "Other." (e.g. Robert/Other)
  • Put [GEN] before GEN prompts.


In order to make Delicious archiving easier, please use the following names:


  • Link to NSFW images/videos. Don't embed.
  • Please don't link to locked material. This includes locked communities, even in membership is open. 
  • Fills may be posted anonymously or not.
  • Fills can be anything: fic, art, vid, fanmix, podfic, etc.
  • Prompts may be filled as many times as you like. There are lots of really interesting prompts, and if one inspires you, feel free to fill it again even if someone already has.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: To make sure that your newly posted fic is found and properly indexed, please post a comment to the fill list using the prescribed format. The "Alert the Mod!" entry has been deleted.



ETA [1 Aug 2010]: Worry not, anons. Team Delicious has not abandoned you. It will, however, be a little while before round 2 prompts can be archived. We ask for your patience.

This round will be closed to new prompts once it reaches five thousand comments.

* * * Overflow Post for Rounds 2 and 3 * * *

round 2, prompt post

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