Master Fic List

Nov 11, 2007 03:00

Here is the master list for all of my fic posted on LJ.

Last Updated: 08/10/09

Newest Fic:

A Lake Inside My Ocean. NC-17. ~48,000 words. AU. Life as a marine mammal trainer at SeaWorld San Antonio is going pretty well for Jared Padalecki. When an injured dolphin arrives at the park and soon becomes the top attraction under Jared's care and guidance, no one, least of all his trainer, expects the dolphin to turn out to be a prince of the ocean named Jensen. Thanks to one magical wish granting turtle, Jensen is given the chance to become the very creature he's taken a sabbatical from his kingdom to observe: a human. With the chance to learn a thing or two about each other's cultures, Jared and Jensen take to the challenge, all the while trying to ride out the emotions that keep bubbling up for each other. Featuring a cast of trainers and just about every animal under the sea, including one hungry Orca. Written for

Upcoming Fic Challenges:

* indicates newly added fic

Click the Fandom below to jump down to the section

Supernatural | Supernatural RPF

Beatles RPS | BtVS/AtS | DC Comics | Doctor Who | Harry Potter
Once Upon A Time In Mexico | Pirates of the Caribbean | Miscellaneous



15% Restocking Fee. NC-17. 1,640 words. Boys on film (in Best Buy.)

The Accidental Boyfriend. R. 6,210 words. The first boyfriend Dean ever had wasn’t his brother. Written for

Behind A Thin Disguise. PG-13. ~780 words. “It’s a disguise,” Sam says, and he isn’t laughing, all serious, especially when Dean’s holding a pair of scissors right near Sam’s forehead.

Ben Has Two Dads Uncles. NC-17. 11,000 words. AU. Co-written with regala_electra. When Ben turns thirteen and learns that Dean Winchester is his father, he runs away to join his father (and uncle). A tale where boys are boys, Vikings are Vikings, unicorns go to Candy Mountains, Dean and Sam are in big gay love, and Ben becomes a Winchester.

Bridge and Tunnel. NC-17. ~3,100 words. Co-written with regala_electra. 'It’s right up near the edge, bridge supports, dark shine of water lapping at them, at the rocks and right there, is where Dean pushes Sam, against the wrought iron railing and fence.' Sam’s curiosity, Dean’s past, and a detour to New York City can only lead to one solution, which, thankfully, involves sex.

Cara: The Face Of Sam. R. ~980 words. Sam gets cursed. Dean must find a way to break it. When he isn't being an evil brother. Or tapping Sam's jar. Or asking for inappropriate sex acts.

double feature (soft and heartland). NC-17. 4,240 words. The movies are fun, sure, but going to them, now that’s the best part, ‘cause there’s popcorn and ice-cream, rickety old seats, and Sam laughing, loud and braying, at bad make-up and CGI monsters. And doing their jobs, the family business, killing the real monsters, so that only the make-believe ones, on film, live on.

in disguises no one knows. Minor Dean/OMC and Dean/OFC, ~40,000 words. Genderswap. Co-written with regala_electra. 'They are sisters, they have always been sisters.' Only that was then and this is now. Sam and Dean Winchester wake up on an empty stretch of road, with their memories altered and a new problem: they're in male bodies. Written for

it's not the years, honey, it's the mileage. NC-17. ~5,120 words. Future!fic. Nearly twenty years later and they’re men now, with real jobs, real kickass jobs, greying hair, and yep, they’re totally mature now. ‘Cept where Dean’s rockin’ the Indiana Jones flair as a film professor (glasses included) and Sam’s in artifact acquisitions these days.

Laid Across. R. 1,440 words. 'He will save his brother. He’s just not there yet.' Sam tries to make up for Dean’s stay in the hospital-‘cause hospital food? Sucks. Tall freakin’ little brother trying to pull the touchy, grabby crap? Surprisingly, doesn’t suck as much as Dean would think.

Lend Me Your Comb. PG-13. ~680 words. Sam has a magic brush and must brush his locks 1,000 times a night or face monstrous hair in the morning. Dean takes up the task of brushing out tricksy knots.

The Love You Take. R. ~550 words. In college, Sam discovered the Beatles.

make your mother sigh. R. ~1,790 words. Mpreg. The boys are on the run, with demons at their heels and a curse that makes things all the more complicated.

Perpetual Weekend. PG-13. ~590 words. One weekend, they decide to take time off.

The Prettiest Star. Sam/Jess, R. 1,920 words. AU. Crossover with Stardust Sam tries to bring back a fallen star to prove his affection to the most sought after girl in town. Thing is, it's not like he'd expect said star to be so, well, talkative.

Running My Hands (Through His Hair). NC-17. ~7,370 words. “Maybe you'll last more than a fucking minute, Princess.” If the shampoo doesn’t kill you, the food will, in all the right kind of ways. So goes Sam’s line of thought when there’s Dean, his damn hair, too small beds, and too much pie.

Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps). R. 12,850 words. It’s Halloween, and the locals aren’t clued in to the fact that those things going bump in the night are much more than fabric and latex. Sam and Dean learn this fact the hard way as the clock winds down and a town’s about to be overrun by monsters. Written for

Starring Dean Winchester As The Other White Meat. R. ~14,770 words. 'Funnily enough, there isn’t any pie or vengeful witches or waitresses or Sam eating veggies (and whole wheat, what the fuck?) or demonic pregnancies or bodily fluids involved in the unmaking of Dean Winchester.' It’s the usual brand of weirdness when the boys are on a hunt, only this time Dean winds up as the other white meat - that is to say, a pig. Sam, unspoken fondness for Dean’s animal self, thinks karma’s got an awesome sense of humor.

Sundown's Gonna Catch Me. PG-13. ~590 words. Sequel to Starring Dean Winchester As The Other White Meat. He doesn’t want to talk about it, not now, not when they’re working and he’s in a barn of all places. It makes him nervous, ‘cause what if it’s the right place for some weird magical flare-up and he gets all cursed again?

Supernatural, Double Feature (The Winchester Horror Picture Show). Sam/Frank, Dean/Frank, Sam/Columbia, NC-17. 15,000 words. Crossover with The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Co-written with regala_electra. “This is a record of how these boys were laid astray. How they’re still screwing to this day.” A Supernatural remake/remix of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Written for


Downhill From Here - Gen, ~580 words. AU. Crossover with Willow
Warriors, farmboys, and baby princesses.


and i'll sing you a song - [Gen] Dean singing in the shower
Appetizer - [Sam/Dean, PG-13]
The Fort - [Sam/Dean, R] post-AHBL pillow fort
Grass Stains - [Sam/Dean, G] Jeans and grass stains
I Will Keep A Straight Face, Honey - [Sam/Dean, John] Pre-series, drunk!Sam
No Stop Signs - [Sam/Dean, NC-17] Impala, middle of nowhere, silent communication
one of these heatwaves - [Sam/Dean, NC-17] Genderswap
Something Special - [Sam/Dean, G] Sam brings home a puppy
Swapping Stories - [Sam/Connor. Dean/Faith] Crossover with Angel: the Series
Trust - [Sam/Dean, NC-17] Evil!Dean/Sam
your face with a trace of life - [Sam/Dean, R] Bodyswap

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All That's Left To Chart. Also Jared/Chad, Jensen/Sandy. NC-17. ~36,000 words. AU. Bodyswap. Jared is a hot shot MTV VJ, easygoing and affable. Jensen is a brilliant science journalist, geeky and introverted. They’re a perfect case of opposites attracting, but when they’re unable to compromise and save their relationship, the natural forces of the universe decide to intervene. They wake up in each other’s bodies in order to get a taste of their very different lives-if they don’t drive each other crazy first. Written for

Bring Me That Horizon. NC-17. ~15,800 words. When Jensen lands a role in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Jared decides to come along as his assistant. A summer getaway for a movie starring Johnny Depp: it's a great opportunity for Jared to get a little closer to his best friend, right? In fact, it would a perfect plan if Jensen wasn't so bad at communicating. Written for Sweet Charity.

Feel Your Taste. NC-17. ~1,470 words. Jensen stages an intervention. A healthy one. Jared’s not exactly sure how this qualifies, but he’s not going to complain either.

A Lake Inside My Ocean. NC-17. ~48,000 words. AU. Life as a marine mammal trainer at SeaWorld San Antonio is going pretty well for Jared Padalecki. When an injured dolphin arrives at the park and soon becomes the top attraction under Jared's care and guidance, no one, least of all his trainer, expects the dolphin to turn out to be a prince of the ocean named Jensen. Thanks to one magical wish granting turtle, Jensen is given the chance to become the very creature he's taken a sabbatical from his kingdom to observe: a human. With the chance to learn a thing or two about each other's cultures, Jared and Jensen take to the challenge, all the while trying to ride out the emotions that keep bubbling up for each other. Featuring a cast of trainers and just about every animal under the sea, including one hungry Orca. Written for
. *

Life's A Kick In This Town. Also Jared/Sandy. NC-17. 4,000 words. AU. Future!fic. 'Jensen’s never learned how to cook, didn’t have time, years rolling by and they never have time, except when they do-and that time’s spent working, in offices, on set, passing paperwork, barest touch of fingertips.' Jared and Jensen are film producers (never actors) and have been best friends for more than sixteen years.

Lost in Your Own Wonderland. R. 2,250 words. One bad slice of pizza and a handful of Alice In Wonderland viewings lead to Jared coming face to face with the Queen and his roses problem.

A Steady Push and Pull Routine. NC-17. ~7,450 words. 'They always seem to fit right back together. Staying together, though, that's the problem.' Written for

These Remain Our Glory Days. NC-17. ~20,000 words. AU. Future!fic. After a law bans all superhero activities, Jared (alias Mr. Incredible) and Jensen (alias ElastiBoy) try to raise a family under the guise of normal civilians. Twenty years later, Jared's longing for the glory days threatens this safe and humdrum way of life, much to Jensen's worry. Will Mr. Incredible and ElastiBoy be able to join forces against a common enemy? And can they find a babysitter?


Teddy Bear - [Jared/Jensen, PG] teddy bears
Too Long Since - [Jared/Jensen, R] future!fic

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Beatles RPS
in alphabetical order by title

Camera - John/George, PG-13. 250 words.

Draft - John/George, R. ~900 words.

How Do You Sleep? - John/George, R. ~1,010 words.

In Spite - Paul/George, R. ~1,600 words.

Not Today - John/Paul, PG-13. ~570 words.

Strange Crowd - John/George, John/Jack Sparrow, ~330 words. Crossover with Pirates of the Caribbean

Ski Lessons - John/George, PG-13. 440 words.

Sunday - John/George, R. ~650 words.

Tahiti - John/George, NC-17. ~1,300 words.

Throwaway - John/George, PG-13. ~580 words.

Wake Up Call - John/George, PG-13. 250 words.

You Can't Do That - John/George, John/Paul, R. ~1,140 words.

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in alphabetical order by title

Bad - Angel, Connor. PG. 100 words.

Blood And Rum - Angel/Darla, G, 100 words. AU. Crossover with Pirates of the Caribbean

Baby's On Fire - R. ~3,400 words.

Flat Line - Cordelia/Angel, Spike/Angel, PG-13. 100 words.

Gone Astray - Spike/Fred, R. ~2,170 words.

Helpless - Cordelia/Angel/Spike, PG-13. 100 words.

Hollow - Cordelia/Angel, R. ~4,930 words. Crossover with Once Upon A Time In Mexico

More - Spike/Angel, R. 100 words.

Musings On The Pearl - Angel/Darla, G, 100 words. AU. Crossover with Pirates of the Caribbean

Tensity - Cordelia/Angel, R. ~1,600 words.

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DC Comics
in alphabetical order by title

Halting - Clark/Bruce, R. ~4,300 words.

Ice - Clark/Bruce, PG. ~550 words.

The Return - Clark/Bruce, R. ~3,160 words.

Satellite Of Love - Clark/Bruce, PG-13. 2,700 words.

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Doctor Who
in alphabetical order by title

A World Without Shrimp - Nine/Rose, G, ~430 words.

In Your Doorway - Mickey/Jackie, G, ~300 words.

Lost In Paris - Jake/Rose, PG-13. ~310 words.

Misunderstanding - Ten/Master. PG. ~210 words.

Rules - Ten/Rose, PG-13. ~370 words.

Tale To Tell - Ten/Rose, PG. ~330 words.

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Harry Potter
in alphabetical order by title

A Demon And A Wizard Walk Into A Bar - Remus/Sirius, Sirius/Crowley, Crowley/Aziraphale, PG-13. ~1,080 words. Crossover with Good Omens

A Means To An End - Harry/Hermione, Harry/Draco, R. ~1,850 words. AU. Mini spin-off of Gryffindor No. 1

All This Blood (Under My Skin) - Remus/Sirius, NC-17. ~4,630 words.

Awaken - Remus/Sirius, R. ~6,550 words.

Awkward - Harry/Ginny, PG. ~230 words.

The Ballad Of Polythene Pam - Remus/Sirius, James/Lily, NC-17. ~4,010 words. AU. Genderswap.

Christmas In Spain - Remus/Sirius, G, ~380 words.

Constancy - Harry/Hermione, PG-13. ~2,690 words.

Dalliance - Remus/Sirius, PG-13. ~680 words. AU. Genderswap.

Divergence - Remus/Sirius, NC-17. ~3,650 words.

Fall - Harry/Draco, G, ~140 words.

First And Last - James/Lily, G, ~270 words.

Five Different Names Sirius Came Up With Other Than Marauders On Account Of Being Extremely Drunk - Remus/Sirius, PG. ~900 words.

Five Gifts Sirius Black Gave to Remus Lupin - Remus/Sirius, PG-13. ~560 words.

Five Things Sirius Would Have Done Had He Been A Ninja Pirate - Remus/Sirius, PG. ~300 words.

Four Thousand Holes In Blackburn, Lancashire - Harry/Hermione, PG-13. ~790 words.

Heatwave - Ron/Draco, PG-13. ~290 words.

The Infamous Hamburg Toilet Seat Story - Remus/Sirius, R. ~1,570 words. AU. Crossover with The Beatles RPS

Lights - Remus/Sirius, PG-13. ~1,250 words.

Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) - Remus/Sirius, Sirius/Andromeda, R. ~2,280 words.

Rain - Harry/Draco, R. ~1,560 words.

Savoy Truffle - Remus/Sirius, PG. 1,210 words.

Remus Lupin/John Lennon [ 1 | 2 a & b | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ] - Remus/Sirius, Remus/John, John/Paul, John/George, R. ~3,960 words. AU. Crossover with The Beatles RPS

Visits - Remus/Sirius, G, ~300 words.

The Wizard And The Bodice - Remus/Sirius, R. 730 words. Co-written with regala_electra.

White Room - Harry Potter/John Lennon, NC-17. 5,900 words. Crossover with The Beatles RPS

Your Generosity - Remus/Hermione, PG-13. ~270 words.

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Once Upon A Time In Mexico
in alphabetical order by title

Abberrant [ 1 | 2 ] - Sands, R. ~5,080 words.

Laughter - Sands/Ajedrez, R. 200 words.

Productivity - Sands, R. 1,500 words.

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Pirates of the Caribbean
in alphabetical order by title

Emptiness - Sparrow/Turner. Sparrow/Bootstrap, 1,240 words.

Fallen Wine - Sparrow/Turner. PG. 100 words.

Meetings - Sparrow/Norrington, R. ~1,800 words.

Siren's Call - Norrington/Elizabeth, PG-13. ~160 words.

Stricken Bones - Sparrow/Turner. R. ~1,350 words.

Sway - Sparrow/Turner. R. 1,000 words.

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in alphabetical order by fandom & title

The Hulk (2003)

Alone - Bruce Banner/Betty Ross, PG. 1,000 words.

Phantom of the Opera (2004)

Curiosity - Erik/Meg, R. ~1,190 words.


Eleven Marks - Johnny Depp/Orlando Bloom, R. ~2,090 words.

Sufficiency - Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom, R. ~2,300 words.

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