Helpless - Angel/Cordy/Spike - PG-13

Jun 29, 2003 20:40

Part of a fic I'm working on. Theme is being helpless.

“She’s running her hands down her thighs now. Don’t stop, love.”

I can’t see. All I feel is Spike’s hand on my shoulder, his mouth against my ear. The warehouse, closed off, boarded and open windows resembling an old person’s maw, missing teeth. Lights spills down on random columns on Cordelia’s flesh. I can’t see them, but I imagine them on her skin.

She sighs, her knees brush my leg. I lie in wait crouched on the ground. My eyes are open, blind. Helpless.


“That’s right. There’s a good girl,” Spike says. “Give him hell.”

I want her to.
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