'Ice' (Superman/Batman, PG)

Nov 21, 2006 21:59

Because I'm getting over my unfinished fic/fic languishing on hard drive thing -- or at least, seeking imaginary therapy for this culprit -- and posting. This is from July. Cue the forehead smacking. It's also for lafemmedarla, who originally gave the prompt. Wanted to post this ficlet already, that way I can work on ze other ones. No beta. Mistakes are mine. Apologies.

PG. Tunnels, investigations, sarcasm, the usual.

< I don't like this. >

Batman's taken to learning Kryptonese, and he has a slight accent that both unnerves and amuses Superman. Not that it's his business to correct any mistakes. It's strange, this. Inherent, genetic. Whatever it is, he listens and moves forward, lets himself smile. Just enough. Not too much. Bruce'll think it's against his handling of the language.

They're in some forgotten tunnel used by Lexcorp, lead lined circuitry shot and blown by crackling ice. Mr. Freeze has decided to try his luck in Metropolis, to watch and see how jagged ice breaks up and through, spills into the streets. First mistake, it's Clark's city and second, it's night. And Batman decided to give Superman a visit while testing a new Batplane.

Another night, another visit.

Superman thinks Batman is testing his Kryptonese when Superman senses there aren't any tracers or listening devices within the surrounding two miles of tunnels and relays the information to his companion. The language is helpful to use whenever they're caught in a scrape as others can't translate. As for listening devices, Freeze won't bother. Not his style. The ice isn't hospitable for Lexcorp's circuitry, judging by the showers of sparks. They pass by, and he uses his arctic breath here and there to stop the sparks for fear that there's an exposed gas main or pipe.

< I think that's why it's called a 'never-ending battle'. You're not supposed to like it >, says Clark. He gets a frown in response, lips chapped, slight tinge of pink.

< Battle? >

"Battle," Superman translates, hovers as Batman pauses to examine an exposed control panel. He cranes his neck just so, ignores an urge to glower when Bruce angles away. "I thought you'd know that one."

"It's cold," Batman grits though his teeth, slips a little computer chip from the panel into his utility belt.

"I've got my cape," Superman starts, offers a little shrug. He knows how Bruce will react, that slip of anger and that it'll make Bruce angry.

It does. Batman glares, white lenses now slits. "I'm not getting wrapped in your cape."

"Suit yourself." Superman folds his arms in front of his chest and lands, lightly, cants his head. He opens his mouth to speak but instead uses his heat vision on some stalactites, preventing them from falling on Batman's crouched form.

Batman doesn't flinch. He continues to examine the control panel for a few more seconds before he stands up straight, inches away from Superman.

Clark sighs, nods forward. "Freeze is down that corridor, I'd say four, five hundred feet. Some lead in the way so I can't see all of it, but he's making enough noise. Talking about his plans to 'take Metropolis down, piece by piece.' Why do they always discuss their plans so openly?"

"I know that." Bruce gestures towards the panel. "There's something else."


< You'll have to find out >, he says, and he runs off, cape flaps, snowflakes scatters in his wake. There's a smile, slight manic sarcasm to his voice that annoys - and again, a constant, amuses - Clark, made greater by the Kryptonese.

Snow and moisture falls, fast, off the S-shield as he flies after that cape, that dark banner in white tunnels.


comics, fic: dcu, fic, superman/batman

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