'Ice' (Superman/Batman, PG)

Nov 21, 2006 21:59

Because I'm getting over my unfinished fic/fic languishing on hard drive thing -- or at least, seeking imaginary therapy for this culprit -- and posting. This is from July. Cue the forehead smacking. It's also for lafemmedarla, who originally gave the prompt. Wanted to post this ficlet already, that way I can work on ze other ones. No beta. Mistakes are mine. ( Read more... )

comics, fic: dcu, fic, superman/batman

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Comments 20

evangelene November 22 2006, 13:48:45 UTC
I really like the idea of Batman learning Kryptonese...and having an accent when he tries to speak it.



ignited November 22 2006, 23:40:50 UTC
Thanks! The idea of Bruce possibly being frustrated at not getting the language perfectly -- when Clark's the only one to notice -- is too cool to resist. ;)


taro_twist November 22 2006, 14:00:50 UTC
Stop. Letting. Your fic. Languish. NOW ( ... )


ignited November 23 2006, 23:23:25 UTC
Thank you for the detailed feedback! :) Nice to know which parts worked. When I first found out about Bruce reading up on it after Kara arrived, I LOVED that idea, and am surprised I haven't seen it more often. Very few people know the language. Bruce is the only human to understand it. Built in squee, I say. The idea of Clark actually detecting if Bruce had an accent or noticing mistakes... heee. I love it.

Thanks re: writing style, by the way. It's been a while since I've written fic so I still need to brush up, but I thought it might work with the freeze... thing. Either that or it's a good excuse? ;)

I liked it here how he's also got the "you annoy me but I like you anyway" thing going on, and it's not just Batman.

Bwah. I like Clark so much for the different interpretations -- nice or firm, but sometimes I like him a little firm and sure of himself, kind of like Destroyer from JLU and his "world made of cardboard" comment. He's been around the block a few times and knows Bruce enough to not be too intimidated by him, but ( ... )


arch_schatten November 22 2006, 19:30:11 UTC
Batman's taken to learning Kryptonese, and he has a slight accent that both unnerves and amuses Superman. Not that it's his business to correct any mistakes. It's strange, this. Inherent, genetic. Whatever it is, he listens and moves forward, lets himself smile. Just enough. Not too much. Bruce'll think it's against his handling of the language.

You had me at that. You have no idea of how much of a kryptonese kink I have, Bruce having an accent, god, that's full blown porn for me!!!! ahhh!! delicious, sexy, adorable porn! And Clark being amused by the accent. I just.. I can't stop myself from fangirling that paragraph. Bruce with an accent! ahhh! *rolls in the floor* How can Clark not jump him right there???

The execution of the rest of the fic is, as taro_twist said, excellent. Very masculine and to the point, almost dry, but it works because it gives the icy enviroment of the story another layer of crisp. Great story, and I *reaaaaally* hope you don't stop yourself from posting, this was great :D


jij November 23 2006, 04:43:35 UTC
Let me just second arch_schatten here, an third and fourth her while I'm at it. Why are there so few fics where Clark and Bruce speak Kryptonian? And why has no one else realized that Bruce speaking Kryptonian with a Gotham accent is the cutest/hottest thing ever?

Mina, we must take this as inspiration!

I loved showing them talking together, and that Bruce's skills aren't perfect--he's really still learning, and I love seeing Clark teaching him a little. Oh, he'd be a terrible student, wouldn't he?

There's a smile, slight manic sarcasm to his voice that annoys - and again, a constant, amuses - Clark, made greater by the Kryptonese.

Mmm, the idea that Kryptonese might be better for expressing certain things--like sarcastic smiles--is a delightful one. Now I must go into a corner and ponder what else Kryptonese would be good for expressing.

Language lessons...hmmm...

Please do break into that hard drive! We can't afford to have too many people with large "No go" folders sitting around!


arch_schatten November 23 2006, 20:26:11 UTC
Bruce speaking Kryptonian with a Gotham accent is the cutest/hottest thing ever?

Mina, we must take this as inspiration!?

I agree so strongly that my head might snap off. Slang/drawl/accent-fic must be written soon!

Oh, he'd be a terrible student, wouldn't he?

Or, you know, so eager that he might break your heart with the puppyness. After ll, the easiest way to learn something is by having fun... ahem. So, how do you say 'Sock it, Clark' in Kryptonese? Your MotS Bruce needs to learn Kryptonese asap!! ahhh!! I'm having an adorable-ness overload!! *head explodes*

We can't afford to have too many people with large "No go" folders sitting around!

Mina not guilty.


jij November 24 2006, 01:37:36 UTC
After ll, the easiest way to learn something is by having fun... ahem. So, how do you say 'Sock it, Clark' in Kryptonese? Your MotS Bruce needs to learn Kryptonese asap!! ahhh!! I'm having an adorable-ness overload!! *head explodes*

LOL. I see Kryptonian as this very austere language, but I could imagine maybe it has a very inventive sexual/dirty vocabulary (like the Victorians, very uptight but with this seething sexual underside). Maybe that's why my MotS Clark can't talk dirty in English...he does it all in Kryptonese in his head. :)

You know, sheerly pragmatically MotS Bruce needs to be learning Kryptonian. Eek! They'd be the only two people in the world who could speak it...*sighs at the romance*


Ice mxbristol November 22 2006, 20:46:09 UTC
Lovely enjoyed the atmospheric writing. I could feel the cold. Nice interplay of words and attitude between Bruce and Clark.

Please do post the other bits you have written for S/B from your hard drive.
Look forward to more.

Regards. Mxbristol.


Re: Ice ignited November 23 2006, 23:46:54 UTC
Thank you! :) I'll try to work on the others soon.


teffy November 23 2006, 05:42:45 UTC
Gahhh. Batman learning Kryptonese is just tooo perfect. This was made of awesomeness. :)


ignited November 23 2006, 23:47:42 UTC
Heee, it is. It so is. Thank you, and thanks for reccing it. :)


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