❦ 2nd Record

Mar 16, 2010 12:27

私は私が氷をよりよい好んだことを考え始めている。 この泥は…どこでも得るが、私がそれで落ちれば私は自分自身を、少なくとも傷つけることという危険があってない。

私はずっとこの荒野の場所についてのヒアリングである。 それは興味深く聞こえる。 それを見てみるために私が先頭に立つ前に私が知るべきである何か他のものあるか。

[OOC: Uh. Please pretend that is in the 'proper' format... right to left, top to bottom. Japanese kanji-reading characters, this is what Cloud has written ( Read more... )

❧Youth [Maito Gai], ❧Castor [Aragaki Shinjiro], ☄Pollux [Akihiko Sanada], event: geas breakdown, wtf srsly, ❧Kazahana [Kuchiki Rukia], i think i need a translator

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Comments 30

unevoked March 16 2010, 18:07:31 UTC
最後に、普通書く誰か。 荒野は申し分なくある、自分自身で行けば道に迷う。 そのように不可解。

[Finally, someone who writes normally.

Wilderness is alright, but if you go on your own you'll get lost. Weird like that.

And the jibberish: Lastly, who who is written normally? There is a wilderness without something to say, if you go with by yourself, it is perplexed to the road. That way incomprehensibility.]


iattractmushi March 16 2010, 18:37:24 UTC
私は不可解な記入項目に気づいた。 それはある種の多くの冗談である、またはこの場所すべてで人々半分は狂気に同時に行ったか。 無くなった、実際にか。 今度は私はそれにさらにもっと興味がある。

[I did notice the weird entries. Is it some kind of mass joke, or have half the people in this place gone crazy all at the same time?

Lost, really? Now I'm even more interested in it.

Jibberish: I became aware in incomprehensible entry item. That is many jokes of a certain kind, or did people halves go simultaneously to insanity at this place everything? It was gone, really? This time as for me furthermore more there is an interest to that.]


unevoked March 16 2010, 18:45:05 UTC
それらは狂気常にである。 ずっと私が言ってもいいのでそれはオレ達で不可解な何か木引っ張っているである。 オレは私がそれを推薦するかどうか知らない。

[They're always crazy. Far as I can tell, it's something weird the tree is pulling on us.

Dunno if I recommend that.

jibberish:Those are insanity always. Directly, because I may say, incomprehensible something the wood it pulls that with me, is. I do not know whether or not I nominate that.]


iattractmushi March 16 2010, 19:12:37 UTC
木か。 私は私が私道に迷いたいと思わない単独でをたどって行こうと思っていたことを意味しなかった。 しかし常に作る場所は人々無くなる… 調査する実際に価値がある私は考える。

[The tree?

I didn't mean I was going down alone, I don't want to get lost. But a place that always makes people get lost... I think that's really worth investigating.

Jibberish: Wood? I do not think that I would like to be perplexed to the private road, the fact that you intended probably to keep tracing independently was not meant. But the place where always it makes is gone the people… Investigate I who have value really think.]


snowburned March 16 2010, 18:43:25 UTC
荒野のあなたとの誰かを取り、注意しなさい。 それは頻繁に変わる。 私は氷った天候を気にしなかったが、効果はより少ない歓迎だった。

[Take someone with you in the Wilderness, and be careful. It changes frequently. I didn't mind the icy weather, but its effects were less welcome.]

[Jibberish: Take your who of the wilderness, note. That changes frequently. I the ice am did not designate the weather as the air, but the effect was a less welcome.]


iattractmushi March 16 2010, 19:16:08 UTC
ありがとう。 私は風邪が悪い状態、より暖かい素晴らしいがすべてだったことを考えなかった。 私はあなたの執筆を確認しない。

[Thanks. I didn't think the cold was all that bad, but being warmer is nice.

I don't recognize your writing.

Thank you. I when cold has been bad, am warmer, it is splendid, but you did not think of that it is everything. I do not verify your writing.]


snowburned March 16 2010, 19:26:19 UTC
それは去年の冬の嵐があったほどほとんどうまく行けばばね、である。 私はかざはなである。

[It is almost spring, so hopefully that was the last winter storm.

I am Kazahana.

If that goes the extent which has the storm of the winter of last year almost well, the spring, is. As for me it is the [za].]


It wouldn't translate her name... plz pretend it did |D iattractmushi March 17 2010, 03:38:09 UTC
に先に見ることを完全に何か。 のKazahana氏ありがとう。

[Definitely something to look forward to.

Thank you, Kazahana-san.

Jibberish: Seeing first completely what? Kazahana thank you.


spandexisyouth March 16 2010, 21:20:17 UTC

[[Translation: "I can read this! So I did not forget how to read! The Wilderness is both safer and more dangerous than the rest of the Tree."

Jibberish: "I can read a book! So, do not forget to read how! It is safe to dangerous than the rest of the tree both in the wilderness."]]


iattractmushi March 16 2010, 21:41:42 UTC
私はだれでも読む方法を…忘れていたが、何人かの人々書いている方法の問題があったようであることを考えない。 より安全しかしより危ないか。 多くそのをやや説明できるか。

[I don't think anyone has forgotten how to read... but there does seem to be a problem with the way some people are writing.

Safer but more dangerous? Can you explain that one a little more?

Jibberish: As for me being whoever, the method of reading…You had forgotten, but the people of some person, you do not think of kind of that it has the problem of the method of having written. But safety it is more dangerous? You can explain that mainly a little?]


spandexisyouth March 16 2010, 23:59:31 UTC

[Translation: "So it is the writing and not the reading? Except that Genius cannot read what I write, but I can understand him! The wilderness changes often, which is why it is more dangerous. You do not know what you will end up with. But if you needed to talk about things, it is safer to talk about them there."

Jibberish: "So, instead of writing, reading? I write to read unless it is not genius, I can understand him! The frequent changes in the wilderness is why it is more dangerous. What you end up with what you do not know. But you need to talk about the case, it is also safer to talk about them."]


He asks way too many questions, orz iattractmushi March 17 2010, 03:25:50 UTC
多分それは2の組合せであるか。 私は実際にジャーナルがいかに働くか理解しない。 ええ、誰かはそれがたくさん変わったことを私に言った。 それ私用多くは…当然直々に話すために、意味するそれをジャーナルに書いてが危ないあったがか。 なぜ荒野か。

[Maybe it's a combination of the two? I don't really understand how the journals work.

Yeah, someone told me it changed a lot. It would be more... private to talk in person of course, but do you mean it's dangerous to write in the journals? Why the Wilderness?

Jibberish: Perhaps is that combination of 2? I do not understand really the journal how works. Obtaining you obtained, someone that the large quantity called the fact that it changes to me. As for that private use many…Naturally, in order to speak to direct 々, writing that it means on the journal, it is dangerous, it was, but? Why the wilderness?]


ziongaiv March 16 2010, 22:26:28 UTC
少なくとも今でも私が理解してもいい何人かの人々がある。 私は私がここに自分自身であったことを恐れていた。
とどまるために場所を捜す助けがほしいと思えばあたたまることが私助けて幸せであるので、ちょっと。 私は一時的なハウジングからほしかったら、しかしながら意味する。

[At least there are still some people I can understand. I was afraid I was on my own here.
Hey, now that its warming up if you want help looking for a place to stay, I'd be happy to help. I mean, only if you wanted out of Temporary Housing.

Jibberish: At least, even now I being allowed to understand, and there are people of some person. I feared the fact that I here am yourself myself.
If you think that we want the help which searches the place in order to be restricted being warmed helping, me because it is happy, just a little. I mean when we want from the temporary housing, but.]


Lol, Cloud is. Trying so hard not to be a fail brother. iattractmushi March 17 2010, 04:03:42 UTC
これがであるものは何でもかどうか私達は影響され、ちょうど知っていることは困難私達がどうかしてから…残っていたらであるけれどもええ、または言うことができない。 私を助けることを自ら申し出たら私はいかにおろす回してもよいか。 とにかくそれはかなり、ここに混雑する。 多くの新生児は現れる同時に私達がことをようである。

[Yeah, though it's hard to know if we've been affected and just can't tell, or if we were somehow left out of... whatever this is.

If you're volunteering to help me, how could I turn you down? It's pretty crowded in here, anyway. A lot of newborns seem to have shown up at the same time we did.

Jibberish: Whether or not as for those where this is with what after as for us to be influenced, how we being troubled that you have known exactly,…When it remains, however is, it can burn, or say cannot. When you request that I am helped personally I how lower, it is possible to turn? That rather is congested in any case here. As for many newborn babies we thing seem the way simultaneously it appears.


And its adorable! ziongaiv March 17 2010, 04:21:16 UTC
私はそれについて考えなかった。 この場所はより不可解、により不可解になる。
私は幸せに、実際にである。 私は足車が私を保ちたいと思うかどうかまたはイナラに私が私のたくわえを得ないで彼女の場所のまわりでちゃっかり利用することをあったら知らない。 私達はほしい時はいつでも行ってもいい。

[I didn't even think of that. This place gets weirder and weirder.
I'd be happy to, really. I don't know if Castor wants to keep me around, or if Inara would have me freeloading around her place without earning my keep. We can go whenever you want.

Jibber: I did not think concerning that. This place becomes incomprehensible compared to incomprehensibility, depending upon.
I really am happy. Whether or not I think that the castor would like to maintain me, or I without obtaining my storing in Inara, it is, you do not know when utilizing shrewdly around her place. We when wanting, may go with anytime.]


iattractmushi March 17 2010, 07:23:20 UTC
私は丁度することを何も持っていない; 私はまだ仕事を得ることについて見なければならない。 どこでこれのために会いたいと思うか。

[I don't exactly have anything to do; I still have to see about getting a job. Where do you want to meet up for this?

Jibber: I do not have at all the fact that it does exactly; I must see concerning still obtaining work. We would like to meet because of this somewhere?]


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