❦ 2nd Record

Mar 16, 2010 12:27

私は私が氷をよりよい好んだことを考え始めている。 この泥は…どこでも得るが、私がそれで落ちれば私は自分自身を、少なくとも傷つけることという危険があってない。

私はずっとこの荒野の場所についてのヒアリングである。 それは興味深く聞こえる。 それを見てみるために私が先頭に立つ前に私が知るべきである何か他のものあるか。

[OOC: Uh. Please pretend that is in the 'proper' format... right to left, top to bottom. Japanese kanji-reading characters, this is what Cloud has written:

I'm beginning to think I liked the ice better. This mud gets everywhere... but I'm not in danger of hurting myself if I fall in it, at least.
I've been hearing about this 'Wilderness' place. It sounds interesting. Is there anything else I should know before I head down to take a look at it?

Jibberish better late than never: As for me me the ice it has started thinking of that it is better and likes. As for this mud…You obtain anywhere, but if I fall with that, as for me the danger, thing which damage by your, at least it is not.
I am the hearing directly concerning the place of this wilderness. That is audible interestingly. Before in order to try looking at that I take the lead, something I should know and are there other ones?]

❧Youth [Maito Gai], ❧Castor [Aragaki Shinjiro], ☄Pollux [Akihiko Sanada], event: geas breakdown, wtf srsly, ❧Kazahana [Kuchiki Rukia], i think i need a translator

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