
Oct 21, 2007 22:25

Who: Death Eaters, Auror's, Order Members...
What: The Ministry Battle.
Where: The Ministry of Magic.
When: The same night Bellatrix takes Rose and the dementors attack a number of cities acros England. A few hours after the attacks start.
Why: Because this bloody war needs to end.
How: Because we said so ( Read more... )

severus snape, remus lupin, voldemort, roleplay, fabian prewett, andromeda tonks, dora tonks lupin, oonda sumi, oonda alexander, hermione weasley, lucius malfoy, thornfinn rowle, gideon prewett, lily (evans) potter, after 19 years later, harry potter, alastor moody

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Comments 154

rowle October 21 2007, 22:41:13 UTC
Rowle was itching for another proper fight. The prison break had been a victory even if others felt they incurred too many losses. They took out more than they lost hadn't they? That was what truly counted.

Flooing into the ministry, he had his wand out, eyes narrowed as he waited for someone to have a go at him. He didn't wait long.

One of the wizards appeared with his wand drawn. "Avada Kedavra." How easily he fell.

Who was next?


abatteredrose October 21 2007, 23:59:38 UTC
Just as Rowle was itching for a fight, Dawn Olivieri was itching for a chance to redeem herself after the incident with the Muggle Prime Minister.

She should have been there, she should have moved more quickly. She should have done SOMETHING. She was doing something now, though. She received the partronus and she wasted no time with Floo Powder, instead creating a portkey and she arrived with fire in her eyes, which only grew more intense as the wizard fell.

His name had been Josef. He had worked with the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad.

Dawn screamed in rage and drew her wand. "JOSEF."


rowle October 22 2007, 00:08:08 UTC
The name made him turn and smirk. Was the little lady upset? Poor thing. She was beautiful. At least she would be beautiful in death.

Until her corpse rotted of course.

He threw out a stupefy and followed it with a protego. He was ready to watch this bitch fall. Her and her kind had been standing in their way for too long. This was the start of their revolution. They would not be stopped again.

Come on, baby, let's dance.


abatteredrose October 22 2007, 00:19:43 UTC
She had no intentions of dying, but if and when she did? She's prefer to be cremated. For the books.

"PROTEGO." Dawn hollered, the shield charm coming up to protect her from Rowle's attack. She breathed and hissed and her arms fell, slowly. "CRUCIO!"

Oh yes. She went there.


loyal_de_crabbe October 21 2007, 22:59:09 UTC
After being tricked by Potter and the Weasleys and busted out of jail, Crabbe was ready to prove he was able to handle himself. On top of that, he had a score to settle with those three. If the Dark Lord had found out about him, Goyle and Bella being taken and that they had managed to get so close to him? Heads would have rolled. Starting with his own.

The moment he flooed in he had his wand drawn and ready to duel. He quickly made his way to an elevator and hit the fourth floor. He'd kill anyone who got his in way.

The ministry would fall. This would be a new beginning for his master. He would not fail him again.


5ofu2ofus October 21 2007, 23:51:51 UTC
"You escape from prison and show up at the Ministry a couple days later?" Fabian had to hand it to the Death Eaters, what they lacked in basic brain function they made up for in... well, nothing really. Mostly they were just stupid.


loyal_de_crabbe October 21 2007, 23:59:07 UTC
"You die and run back to the battles as soon as you're back? He smiled as he cast a quick stupefy at Prewett. One of the legendary Prewett boys. Oh this was Crabbe's lucky day was it not?


5ofu2ofus October 22 2007, 00:04:50 UTC
Fabian dodged it and cast Expelliarmus. "Yeah, I've never been the thinking sort. But you've gotta admit, the last 30 years have been a lot kinder to me than you."


honorandkin October 21 2007, 23:16:38 UTC
Alexander Flooed in first, with his wand's out. He covered Sumi's appearance and stifled his stomach turning over as he saw her unsheath her daggers. She began to dance through the air, ahead.

This was always her game more so then his.

He waited, a Tanto blade hanging softly against his thigh.

Death before defeat. This was the way of Bushido.


took5totakeme October 21 2007, 23:41:49 UTC
Gideon flooed back to the auror's office with Fabian right behind him. The attacks had been a way to lure them away. Now they were running against time to make sure they weren't too late to help save the ministry.

Separating not long after arriving, he went right and trusted Fab to take care of himself. He wasn't a hit wizard for nothing right? Sometimes you had to let the little brother do his thing when you needed to keep your wits about you.

He spotted the husband and wife team and twirled his wand as he approached.

"You danced with my brother last time. Got a free spot on your dance card for me tonight?" He asked the husband just before going silent and casting a stupefy in his direction.


honorandkin October 22 2007, 00:27:18 UTC
Alexander doubled back and stared at the man before him, and inclined his head. He smiled a little and continued his bow, "If you wish such things, Auror-sama." Alexander whispered, just as he caught sight of the wand and ducked away.

He frowned, and pulled his wand. This one would lead it seemed. "What brother have I taken from you then?"


took5totakeme October 22 2007, 00:38:11 UTC
"Oh you didn't take him from me. He was only a little banged up. Guess you like it rough?"

He usually kept quiet, but sometimes he couldn't help but let himself go. Especially when it was with someone who had a go at his kid brother. This was why he hoped one day Fab would retire and he wouldn't have to keep worrying about him.

Gideon went quiet and cast stupefy, Confundo, and another stupefy in rapid succession.


vigilant_auror October 21 2007, 23:17:52 UTC
Moody was in the worst of moods tonight. Not only were dementors attacking various places throughout England, but the Muggle minister had also been killed and now this. He knew how to control his temper well enough so that he could duel without his emotions getting in the way, but inside he was livid.

He'd be damned if he was going to let Voldemort take over, he thought angrily as he knocked out a Death Eater, tied him tightly and shoved him off to a dark corner where he would get retrieve them later to send to Azkaban. He would die before letting Death Eaters and the damn "Dark Lord" take over.


de_rookwood October 22 2007, 00:26:44 UTC
Augustus took his time strolling through the Ministry. After all he knew this place like the back of his hand. He was a special sort of Death Eater to them. Rookwood was the traitor.

There was a smirk on his face as he approached Moody.

"Trussed up like a turkey. Nicely done. STUPEFY!"


vigilant_auror October 22 2007, 05:29:02 UTC
A protego was muttered quickly, and a faint trace of a smirk grew on Moody's face as well.

"Well, well... What is this, a homecoming for you? IMPEDIMENTA."


de_rookwood October 22 2007, 05:35:58 UTC
Homecoming? Rookwood figured that was sort of accurate. He'd never truly felt at home at the ministry.

"Don't be upset, Alastor. The Dark Lord offers a better benefits package." He'd dodged the spell and cast back, "Expulso!" At the wall next to him, dodging the rubble that would come flying. "Expelliarmus!"


frank_auror October 21 2007, 23:24:44 UTC
Frank aparated into the Ministry, looking around him quickly, getting a hold on the situation, he barely had time as a curse flew past his head and he moved out the way quickly, his breathing and heartrate speeding up.

Let them come, he thought as he unsheathed his wand, because he would be ready.


yes_peacocks October 22 2007, 00:06:55 UTC
Lucius had apparated into the Ministry more or less from the embrace from his son. He was never a man to shrink from battle, but this...

It felt like he was staring at the battle of Azkaban all over again but it was he was staring at through different eyes.

This was what they were fighting for after all, wasn't it?

A kingdom of corpses.

Lucius spotted Frank and smirked.

Still...there was time to have some fun.


frank_auror October 22 2007, 01:29:40 UTC
His eyebrow rose about half an inch as he spotted Lucius, a small smile crossing his face. Of course he was here, they would all be here but Lucius was the only on that Frank would be interested in other than Lestrange, Crouch and Bellatrix, even though there was no way he would ever be able to get anywhere near the latter. She was Voldemort's pet after all.

"Malfoy" he said, his voice cool. His eyes caught that of his wife's, a silent question there. He knew that Alice would no doubt still love him and that made things difficult even though he wanted with all his being to really hurt Malfoy.


yes_peacocks October 22 2007, 02:12:59 UTC
Lucius caught sight of Alice and hesitated. But only for a moment. He was not naive enough to let his emotions in the way of war, but Lucius was, first and foremost a gentleman.

And he'd really hate to widow Alice so soon after she found Frank again. "Let's make this easy on you. Three seconds. Take Alice and run."


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