
Oct 21, 2007 22:25

Who: Death Eaters, Auror's, Order Members...
What: The Ministry Battle.
Where: The Ministry of Magic.
When: The same night Bellatrix takes Rose and the dementors attack a number of cities acros England. A few hours after the attacks start.
Why: Because this bloody war needs to end.
How: Because we said so ( Read more... )

severus snape, remus lupin, voldemort, roleplay, fabian prewett, andromeda tonks, dora tonks lupin, oonda sumi, oonda alexander, hermione weasley, lucius malfoy, thornfinn rowle, gideon prewett, lily (evans) potter, after 19 years later, harry potter, alastor moody

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honorandkin October 21 2007, 23:16:38 UTC
Alexander Flooed in first, with his wand's out. He covered Sumi's appearance and stifled his stomach turning over as he saw her unsheath her daggers. She began to dance through the air, ahead.

This was always her game more so then his.

He waited, a Tanto blade hanging softly against his thigh.

Death before defeat. This was the way of Bushido.


took5totakeme October 21 2007, 23:41:49 UTC
Gideon flooed back to the auror's office with Fabian right behind him. The attacks had been a way to lure them away. Now they were running against time to make sure they weren't too late to help save the ministry.

Separating not long after arriving, he went right and trusted Fab to take care of himself. He wasn't a hit wizard for nothing right? Sometimes you had to let the little brother do his thing when you needed to keep your wits about you.

He spotted the husband and wife team and twirled his wand as he approached.

"You danced with my brother last time. Got a free spot on your dance card for me tonight?" He asked the husband just before going silent and casting a stupefy in his direction.


honorandkin October 22 2007, 00:27:18 UTC
Alexander doubled back and stared at the man before him, and inclined his head. He smiled a little and continued his bow, "If you wish such things, Auror-sama." Alexander whispered, just as he caught sight of the wand and ducked away.

He frowned, and pulled his wand. This one would lead it seemed. "What brother have I taken from you then?"


took5totakeme October 22 2007, 00:38:11 UTC
"Oh you didn't take him from me. He was only a little banged up. Guess you like it rough?"

He usually kept quiet, but sometimes he couldn't help but let himself go. Especially when it was with someone who had a go at his kid brother. This was why he hoped one day Fab would retire and he wouldn't have to keep worrying about him.

Gideon went quiet and cast stupefy, Confundo, and another stupefy in rapid succession.


honorandkin October 22 2007, 01:03:26 UTC
"I have never fought someone I didn't..." Alexander stopped and hesitated long enough to glance at his bandaged hand before stumbling back to throw up a shield. "You are Gideon-san. Then." He stumbled, getting caught by the Confundis.

Alexander felt a flash of anger, before throwing up another shield, and shout. "Avada Kedevra!"


took5totakeme October 22 2007, 01:12:09 UTC
Gideon threw up his quick protego and then remained silent. He preferred to duel in silence. This way he stayed focused.

There was no way he was going to underestimate Alexander. He'd read the file. He knew this would be a difficult duel.

The spells he cast silently came out hard and quickly. Stupefy. Impedimenta. Stupefy. Expelliamus.


honorandkin October 22 2007, 02:03:45 UTC
Alexander disliked fighting without words. He could not discern what sort of man he fought merely on the style alone, although it gave a good indication. Fabian danced. Gideon waged private wars.

Alexander felt his age work against him, slowing his actions. He felt his wand break lose of his hand the Impedimenta strike his retreating frame. He fell hard on the ground, tasting the blood before rolling over and kicking Gideon in bend of the knee hard. Hopefully, it would give him time enough to recover.

He made a dash for his wand.


took5totakeme October 22 2007, 02:08:46 UTC
Gideon knew silence made most people uncomfortable. That was why he had the advantage. He didn't smirk or reveal any emotion as the spells made contact. His eyes locked on his adversary as he watched the wand fall and the man fall.

The kick to the knee brought him down, but he had a firm grip on his wand. It was aimed at the other wand. He cast a stinging spell to the Alexander's hand and then cast a silent blasting spell at the wand.

Then he waited to see if it made contact.


honorandkin October 22 2007, 04:49:05 UTC
The curse caught the hand square in the palm, causing Alexander to flinch and recoil just enough to see the wand fly. He blinked and fell back again, throwing another punch wild as he doubled forward. Anything to get onto his feet.

He would not lose. The Tanto remained concealed as he turned and kicked. Anything to give him room. Anything to find that second it took for him to retrieve his wand.

His son. Xavier's birthday was coming soon...and it would fourth. He did not fear dying. That didn't mean he wanted to.

He slammed his fist towards Gideon's throat.


took5totakeme October 22 2007, 05:06:01 UTC
Sons. They did change things didn't they? Gideon could be as reckless as any fellow lion, but he had a calculating mind as well. He'd be a Gryffinclaw if they ever divided students into two hours.

The kick made hims tumble, but he aimed his wand at the other man's wand again and cast out the blasting charm.

As long as he remained the only one with a wand then he was a step ahead. Of course he hadn't expected a physical fight. The punch to his throat knocked him back. He cast a series of silent spells in Alexander's direction, Impedimenta. Stupefy. Confundo. Confundo. Stupefy. Hoping at least one or two would hit the mark.

His thoughts went back to his son. His Edward who he just brought home and promised that he'd have a family. Gideon was coming back to him in one piece tonight. There was no way he'd let this son of a bitch get the best of him.


honorandkin October 22 2007, 05:46:29 UTC
It was a move of desperation. Alexander shifted and moved, relying on the dance he was familiar with. He threw himself close, too close to be properly hexed.

He threw his back into Gideon's chest, and elbowed him. Anything. He could feel his control slipping, giving way to desperation. Honor, into rage. Before he knew it, Alexander had grabbed the tanto and slide it across Gideon's belly. Not deep enough to spill the entrails, but deep enough to see blood turn black. He turned back and swung around, to face the man. His eyes wide in horror.

He'd attacked a man with his back against the wall...


took5totakeme October 22 2007, 06:01:16 UTC
The blade cut deep enough to break Gideon's silence. He let out a groan as he looked down and saw the blood spilling out and the blade that was marked with it. It took everything in him to not fall where he stood.

One arm cradled the wound and the other raised his wand as he growled out, "STUPEY!"

He was losing too much blood too fast. There was a kid to make it home too. A sister and her huge family to get too. A little brother who he couldn't dare leave to find his body and bring it home.

Thinking of all of that he cast the next spell, a patronus message, in form of a silver stallion to his brother with the location of where he was.


honorandkin October 22 2007, 06:27:41 UTC
Alexander returned the blade its sheath, and ducked away. His actions were slowed from fatigue and the hexes. He made a dash for his wand and then turned to disarm Gideon. It was easy with the silent warrior falling over himself to remain standing. He admired such bravery.

Alexander frowned at the Patronus but made no attempt to hinder it. Instead, he ducked away again, finding a corner to hide to. This had not been a victory, so he would take no life.


5ofu2ofus October 22 2007, 07:24:35 UTC
Fabian saw the silver stallion and stuck around only long enough for it to stop speaking and he was running through the halls faster than he'd ever run in his life. He should have been watching his brother's back.

A Death Eater got in his path and got shoved out a fourth story window for his effort making the fact he dropped his wand even more unfortunate.

By the time he reached his brother's side he'd bled out so much that it looked like one of those Muggle slasher films.



took5totakeme October 22 2007, 07:30:50 UTC
He was barely conscious as he leaned against the wall. The blood wouldn't stop and he didn't even have his wand to try and heal himself.

"Can't focus to apparate. Portkey me to St. Mungo's. I can't die. Promised the kid I'd be back."

Gideon had never walked away from a fight before. He wasn't about to walk away from this one either. Because in that moment, lights swirled in front of him and he felt the world go black.

Blood loss was a bitch.


5ofu2ofus October 22 2007, 07:37:36 UTC
Fab began casting a couple of healing charms. He had to stop the blood. There was too much blood.

Fabian was about to transform something into a Port Key when Gideon passed out. He made a split second decision and grabbed his brother, apparating out of the building and directly into the St Mungos emergency room. Gideon had made a promise to his son to come home and Fabian would make damned sure he kept it.


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