
Oct 21, 2007 22:25

Who: Death Eaters, Auror's, Order Members...
What: The Ministry Battle.
Where: The Ministry of Magic.
When: The same night Bellatrix takes Rose and the dementors attack a number of cities acros England. A few hours after the attacks start.
Why: Because this bloody war needs to end.
How: Because we said so ( Read more... )

severus snape, remus lupin, voldemort, roleplay, fabian prewett, andromeda tonks, dora tonks lupin, oonda sumi, oonda alexander, hermione weasley, lucius malfoy, thornfinn rowle, gideon prewett, lily (evans) potter, after 19 years later, harry potter, alastor moody

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loyal_de_crabbe October 21 2007, 22:59:09 UTC
After being tricked by Potter and the Weasleys and busted out of jail, Crabbe was ready to prove he was able to handle himself. On top of that, he had a score to settle with those three. If the Dark Lord had found out about him, Goyle and Bella being taken and that they had managed to get so close to him? Heads would have rolled. Starting with his own.

The moment he flooed in he had his wand drawn and ready to duel. He quickly made his way to an elevator and hit the fourth floor. He'd kill anyone who got his in way.

The ministry would fall. This would be a new beginning for his master. He would not fail him again.


5ofu2ofus October 21 2007, 23:51:51 UTC
"You escape from prison and show up at the Ministry a couple days later?" Fabian had to hand it to the Death Eaters, what they lacked in basic brain function they made up for in... well, nothing really. Mostly they were just stupid.


loyal_de_crabbe October 21 2007, 23:59:07 UTC
"You die and run back to the battles as soon as you're back? He smiled as he cast a quick stupefy at Prewett. One of the legendary Prewett boys. Oh this was Crabbe's lucky day was it not?


5ofu2ofus October 22 2007, 00:04:50 UTC
Fabian dodged it and cast Expelliarmus. "Yeah, I've never been the thinking sort. But you've gotta admit, the last 30 years have been a lot kinder to me than you."


loyal_de_crabbe October 22 2007, 00:09:26 UTC
He dodged the disarming charm and threw out Antonin's curse. His brother may be dead, but his curse lived on. Somehow he thought this boy in particular should enjoy the color of the smoke that went along with it.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."


5ofu2ofus October 22 2007, 00:33:07 UTC
Fabian saw the smoke and cast a hasty Protego. "Incarcerous!"

He kept coming. "I wasn't talking about my looks, although it's nice of you to notice." He gave a precise flick of his wand. "Avada Kedavra!"


loyal_de_crabbe October 22 2007, 00:54:28 UTC
Crabbe didn't see that coming. He didn't expect the auror, the hit wizard even, to cast the unforgivable. Not that curse at least.

Which is why he fell with a look a shock on his face and his wand still in his hand.


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