Chicago had been grand; so much food, a lot of family time that surprisingly wasn't laced with cold expressions and frowns, shopping (he had to get a whole new suitcase to bring home the clothing Audrey and Aunt Debbie had simply insisted he needed), yet more food, and then the countless presents. However grand Chicago had been though, coming home
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Being able to explain the entire history of France for the last 400 years was not the same as having grown up there. He'd successfully avoided most of the Paris talk though.
"I got you a gift, you know."
She grins, though, leaning her elbows on her kitchen island. "Did you really? Is it a good one?"
"I think it is a good one-" he said, handing over a rather decently sized box with a marble board into side. "Let me set it down. It's kinda heavy."
Maybe she had been told if she found him, to alert the relevant parties, but that didn't mean she was dragging him back to Henry any time soon, or at least not before hearing about Chicago, and how the presents went over. Theatre could wait. This was clearly much more important.
He was a hit, apparently. And a slightly exhausted one at that. He suspected that Debbie and Audrey had always been a bit disappointed that Elisha was gay (or bi-sexual, however one wanted to put it) and hated shopping, because they took an extreme liking to the fact that Hadyn did somewhat enjoy shopping for himself at least.
She wasn't entirely sure how their thing worked, after all. Though to be fair, he own relationships had hardly been the meet-the-family types. Iggy had been an exception, but then, he had been for a lot of things.
"Happy to be home, though. I don't think I could have eaten any more food if I tried."
Because of course Davin had been aware Hadyn was gone...and he's just as happy to see his nephew was able to return safely, considering the rumors flying around that no one has been able to leave.
"You look well," except for appearing tired, but then...Hadyn had been looking tired for more than just today, recently.
He did, however, also hold out a box with a gift inside. He won't mention he got it on extreme sale, but it looked like a nice watch- and that was what counted.
"As do you," he said with a bit of a snort. "Happy Christmas Uncle." He was going to start a new trend in this family, he thought.
But he'll wait for the actual holiday unless Hadyn insists he open it now. "I'm glad it was good. Elisha's family entertaining?"
"They were warm, and welcoming. If that's what you mean." He said, tipping his head a bit curiously. "Nothing like ours." Which was a bit of a plus.
Because, well, maybe this family octangle isn't horribly clearly defined. And maybe there's still a lot of getting to know each other to be done. And likely she'll never call him anything but 'Hadyn.'
But he's been gone. And he's back. And he's the sort of person she'll jog to catch up with, tug at the hand of, and hold arms out at expectantly now. "Welcome home."
"Glad to be home, I assure you." He said with a smile for her, before handing over a box with a gift inside for her.
"Happy Holidays." He said, tipping his head a little.
"Happy Holidays, Hadyn," she echoes before the pre-rehearsed words have to be rehashed the way they always are. "You oughtn't have gotten me anything. Was it a nice visit?"
"I don't tend to think there is a reason to not get people gifts. I found it and thought of you." He said with a shrug, before smiling a little more. "It was a very nice trip. I quite enjoyed the time with Elisha's family." More so than he did with his own, at least.
Don't mind the kid on the toddler-leash.
But he is going to look at the kid on the toddler-leash a bit curiously before pointing. "New Addition?"
He tugs gently on the leash, not making the slightest difference to the way the child is buzzing around. "Only new in that this is the first time she's not in the company of her siblings or cousins. We're being forced into uncle and niece time. Say hi, Tabby."
Tabby magnanimously elects to ignore them both.
As for Tabby, he just smirked a little before eyeing Iggy. "You sound like you've been stuck with the plague." Which, granted, Hadyn had never been overly fond of kids, but he did work with them. "Who came up with this idea of bonding?"
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