Hat Shore party planning had ended up falling mostly into the hands of a couple of contestants, along with set designer Jherek Carnelian. These 'couple' of contestants were actually the Shoggies and Beowulf, who'd squelched and shouted their way toward transforming Hat Shore into a strange Under The Sea experience.
the lagoon )
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Skwisgaar was having similar thoughts to the Shoggies about the pretty, sparkly fish that were darting about, as they were currently his idea of snack food too. When a school flowed past him in midair, he unconsciously adopted the stillness of a stalking predator -- but something about the fish smelt off, somehow, perhaps due to being out of the water. His intense focus dissolved a moment later when a group of piping Shoggies approached.
"Ja, ams likes a giants fish tanks," he agreed with Toki, "ands a sushi buffet." At least to him. He circled around the expanding group of Shoggies as though attempting to herd them together, and then began handing out the overflowing armful of Shoggy-candy he'd brought, and wished them all a "happy hearts day". The tall, spiny fin lining his back mostly lay folded down, but occasionally rippled as the Shoggies' excitement became a bit infectious. He was pleased that the meat-and-diabetes treats had been so ( ... )
Even if Kaga did dress snazzy for it. Not that he never doesn't dress snazzy, but still.
Avoiding the inside for now, he started his search at the lagoon.
He set him back down politely, came around to stand beside them both, grinning widely.
So he just stood in a shadowy part of the lagoon, hoping to avoid people.
When Legolas caught sight of what appeared to be a very real merman drifting through the air (whose features were so strikingly similar to Glorfindel's, only piscine), he practically did a double-take, couldn't help staring for much longer than was polite, and then reluctantly tore his gaze away to continue his pursuit of the shimmering, jewel-like fish. Perhaps he could acquire ( ... )
((ooc: Just to make things clear, he is Neptune. Not the mermaid. ;) ))
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