Happy "Cthulhu Day"! (Open RP)

Apr 02, 2010 15:27

((The Shoggies have decided it is 'Cthulhoo Day' because in the HPL story "The Call of Cthulhu, April 25th is the date on which Cthulhu woke up to munch on a few fishermen. None of the food at the party is necessarily hexed, unless you feel like your characters finding something a house-elf got creative with, or any magical products the Shoggies might have brought back from Hogsmeade. Your characters don't have to interact with the Shoggies if they don't want to, of course. =D They're just all over the tower, since there's lots of them.))

((Gets NSFW by the end of the Dethklok sub-thread.))

The Shoggies weren't usually aware of dates, but, they were sensitive to the stars and their varying degrees of rightness. And, today, Shoggy 10 awoke from whatever dreams it was that Shoggies had during whatever it was that passed for Shoggy sleep. "Oh my Great Cthulhoo!" it announced loudly, waking Shoggies 3, 4.6, and 18, who all simultaneously popped out of their drawers and annouced, "It's Cthulhoo Day!" For, the Shoggies had all realized that on this date 85 years ago, sunken R'lyeh had briefly arisen, and Great Cthulhu had eaten a few fishermen. This was a day to celebrate! "We gots to have a party!" insisted Shoggy 3, and the others agreed enthusiastically. They squelched down from their drawers and set out to find the rest of the Hogwarts Shoggies.

It was only a couple hours later that the first of the weird signs started appearing in the halls. Shoggies 3, 4.6, 10, and 18 had suggested to the others that they use construction paper and paint to make their party announcements, since it would be faster than carving them out of stone, and so, they had. The signs were all quite colourful, and had been decorated with paintings of a corpulent, squid-headed creature with small wings, often shown with a handful of tiny little men splattered in red paint, and the words 'yum yum'. The signs all said basically the same thing, and it was evident from the grammar that Toki and Skwisgaar's Shoggies had done most of the lettering. The lettering was quite crude, as, Shoggies were used to complicated hieroglyphs, and not the simplistic shapes of the alphabet.

IT IS CTHULHOO DAY! Comes to our party and celebrates!

The party is ats Andy's McGraw Tower ons the grounds.

Comes when it gets dark! Brings a sacrifice if you wants!

Don't worry, we cans say Fhtagn right!

There wills be chickens and beer and candy and sandwiches ands other foods.

It'll be SOOO COOL!

By early evening, the Shoggies had everything ready for the party, and gathered it all together at the unholy version of McGraw tower which had graced the campus since they'd transported it from the past for Andy's Christmas present. The chimes of the mostly-manifest tower were playing an eerie, unnatural music. House-elves had helped the Shoggies with the food, and so there was beer (ridiculous quantities of it, as, the Shoggies had learned about beer from Nathan Explosion), and there was chicken, and there were sandwiches as promised- eyeball sandwiches were the Shoggies' current favorite, so most were these. A close examination would reveal that the eyesalls were some sort of wizarding candy. There was also a huge heap of other wizarding candies, as Shoggy 10 had had talked its "Master Toki-Dad" into giving them the galleons to send a delegation of Shoggies to Hogsmeade. Some of the less civilized Hogwarts Shoggies had brought their contributions to the party as well, which included a dead acromantula brought by those who usually stayed with Smaug. It was arranged as a sort of centerpiece for everything else, lying on its back with its legs in the air. They'd painted a large mural one one wall, of the same squid-headed creature eating little men from a boat.

Once the Shoggies had everything arranged, some of them waited expectantly for partygoers. Some of them had already been distracted by the piles of food, and yet others had wandered off into the rather Escher-esque staircases of the tower.

victor mancha, nathan explosion, shoggies, admiral zex, charles foster ofdensen, skwisgaar skwigelf, rp, toki wartooth, all school, nidhogg, raptor, pickles, jasper hale, jherek carnelian, smaug

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