Hat Shore hosts the UNDER THE SEA dance for Valentine's Day (open to all school)

Feb 14, 2011 23:47

Hat Shore party planning had ended up falling mostly into the hands of a couple of contestants, along with set designer Jherek Carnelian. These 'couple' of contestants were actually the Shoggies and Beowulf, who'd squelched and shouted their way toward transforming Hat Shore into a strange Under The Sea experience.

the lagoon )

shoggies, crowley spn, sanada yukimura, dean winchester, rp, asajj ventress, pegasus, toki wartooth, vislor turlough, hat shore, chairman kaga, teru mikami, delirium, beowulf, death of endless, skwisgaar skwigelf, legolas, john winchester, all school, sam winchester, bobby singer, kuronue, castiel

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isnotabumblebee February 16 2011, 00:45:42 UTC
Toki's 'costume' wasn't nearly so complete and impressive as Skwisgaar's sharky form, consisting as it did of a silly, knit catfish hat. The colorful knit fish's mouth formed the hole for the head, and it's floppy tail trailed down, while it's own fu-manchu fell along the sides of Toki's face. He'd been happy to attend the party, both as something to do with Skwisgaar, and an opportunity to see Shoggy 3, who'd been stuck in Hat Shore for the last few weeks.

Not that Shoggy 3 considered itself stuck. Nor did any of the Hat Shore Shoggies- they considered themselves privileged to be there, and were all having a marvelous time of it. But, Shoggy 3 was still pleased to see Shoggies 4.6, 11, and 18, who squelched along after Toki and Skwisgaar. By the time they'd got to the dome containing Hat Shore, Toki and Skwisgaar's little cluster of Shoggies had grown. Throughout the evening, it was likely that just about every Shoggy at Hogwarts would make an appearance. Despite the separation of the Hat Shore Shoggies and the non-Hat Shore Shoggies, all of the Hogwarts Shoggies had somehow managed to coordinate their costumes. The Shoggies were all attending the party as "Chicken of the Sea", so each had an assortment of feathers stuck to it, as well as some aluminum-foil fins. The Hat Shore Shoggies had also re-Bedazzled themselves for the occasion.

Toki was extremely excited about giving the Hat Shore Shoggies their candy- what Shoggies had already received it were delighted. "Sooo cool! We gets to eat ourselves" had been the reaction of their own 'eyesball throws-up children'. Oddly enough, the Shoggy-candies hadn't vanished instantaneously- although their Shoggies' candies were all missing a few bits, the majority was still there. The Shoggies simply liked the candy effigies of themselves too much to eat them all at once, although their eventual consumption was inevitable. All in all, the Shoggies had had a pretty great day, what with having recieved a now-devoured partly-burnt dragon heart earlier. Toki's own reaction to recieving his heart had caused him the house-elf who delivered it to be an eerie mirror of each other's horrified expressions for a moment, until Toki eventually realized what was going on. A giant bloody lump of flesh was pretty brutal and awesome when it came from a dragon- nevertheless, it was still disconcerting to open your door and find a house-elf trying to give you one.

"Wow-wee, this ams pretty cool!" Toki exclaimed as they passed a school of sparkly fish swimming mysteriously across the grounds. Their Shoggies lashed out at the sparkly fish with pseudopods as they passed, hoping to catch one or two for a snack, but fish schooled for a reason, even Jherek's artificially created ones. "And the Shoggies dids so good with their costumes." The rest of the Hat Shore Shoggies had now noticed the new arrivals, and so a veritable flock of Chicken of the Sea were squelching towards them, piping their excited greetings.


best_guitarist February 16 2011, 02:23:44 UTC
((Aww, Toki's hat is the best. Reposted because I forgot something fairly important. :P))

Skwisgaar was having similar thoughts to the Shoggies about the pretty, sparkly fish that were darting about, as they were currently his idea of snack food too. When a school flowed past him in midair, he unconsciously adopted the stillness of a stalking predator -- but something about the fish smelt off, somehow, perhaps due to being out of the water. His intense focus dissolved a moment later when a group of piping Shoggies approached.

"Ja, ams likes a giants fish tanks," he agreed with Toki, "ands a sushi buffet." At least to him. He circled around the expanding group of Shoggies as though attempting to herd them together, and then began handing out the overflowing armful of Shoggy-candy he'd brought, and wished them all a "happy hearts day". The tall, spiny fin lining his back mostly lay folded down, but occasionally rippled as the Shoggies' excitement became a bit infectious. He was pleased that the meat-and-diabetes treats had been so well received thus far.

"Thems are good costumes," he told the assembled Shoggies, making his way back around them to rejoin Toki. In truth, he wouldn't have known the Shoggies were all dressed as Chicken of the Sea had they not told him so -- his first guess probably would've been roosterfish.

"Whats do yous want to dos first?" he asked as he lazily circled Toki. He reached out to lightly tug on one of the catfish hat's whiskers. "I hears that this catsfish really likes cream," he teased. Public sex wasn't really his thing, but that didn't mean this was going to be an innuendo-free evening. Skwisgaar always had fun trying to wind Toki up in public settings, and then later, in private, getting to enjoy the rewards of all his "hard work", bad pun most certainly intended.


isnotabumblebee February 20 2011, 11:52:46 UTC
((I apologize for my slowness!))

"Whoever mades it should have puts some more brutal sea-stuffs in it. Like sharks, or maybes a giants octopus, or some kinds of sea monster. But I still likes it." And it was possibly a bit more comfortable for the absence of any giant radioactive sea-horse monster things, even if they'd have looked cool. The fish which Jherek had made were mostly of the smallish, colorful fancy sort, some replicating real species relatively well, others entirely imaginary. They did mimic real fish rather well in their behaviors, and, wouldn't taste too bad if eaten. Perhaps a bit dull, as Jherek was better at mimicking appearances than olfactory qualities in his creations. They were usually lacking a little something in that area.

The crowd of Shoggies were soon wishing Skwisgaar and each other all a "happy hearts day", not that they knew what this was. It evidently meant candy, and so it was a festival they could approve of, even if they couldn't quite decide which God was supposed to be getting some sacrifices. "Chicken ofs the sea is one of the best kinds of chickens," Shoggy 3 piped happily at the compliment. "It comes insides of a can!" "The cans are sooo crunchy," another Shoggy added in. "And we taste soooo good!" another Shoggy said, referring to the Shoggy-shaped candies. These would surely lead to a few confusing attempts at cannibalism, and possibly even attempts at self-cannibalism amongst the Shoggies during the duration of the evening.

Toki was about to suggest they go and see if they could find some drinks, but as Skwisgaar was probably hoping, the public innuendo caught him off guard, and he spluttered, "Don't knows if that's a good ideas here!" No one appeared to be listening, of course, but that didn't prevent Toki from coloring a bit. Skwisgaar's mer-form always gave him ideas- it didn't help that he almost had to be technically naked while transformed, and, so Toki had already been entertaining the occasional notion that wasn't of the sort for demonstrating in public. Skwisgaar wouldn't find it difficult to get him wound up. "Could try and finds some booze, and then see what's arounds here?"


best_guitarist February 20 2011, 13:38:31 UTC
"It does needs more sharks," Skwisgaar replied thoughtfully as he took another look around. "The kinds whats eat people. Nídhögg shoulds have got a special invitations, too." Because you couldn't get more sea-monstery than him, in Skwisgaar's dragon-biased opinion. Although giant tentacle rape monsters were pretty cool too.

At the Shoggies' talk of canned tuna, he wrinkled his nose. "The food libraries has plentys of that, I thinks. Yous littles goofballs should tries it fresh, some of thems sea chicken fish ams huge." Or so he'd seen on some nature channel, and television never lied. "Maybe the Kloksateers can brings some here..."

Toki's ever amusing reactions made him wish that they could get away with more in public, especially since they weren't trapped under the media's microscope like they were at home, but at the same time he genuinely didn't want an audience. So Toki had little to actually fear there.

He took Toki by the hand and pulled him toward where the feast was laid out, presuming they might find booze there -- and if not, maybe the house elves could provide. "I sees how it ams, yous want your booze more than you wants me," he said with mock hurt as he skewered little pieces of meat on his claws, then delicately ate them off. Who needed utensils? His teasing was made obvious by the way he continually brushed up against Toki when swimming near him, similar to what he liked to do as a prelude to more exciting things whenever they were alone in the aquarium, just more subtle now. To anyone unfamiliar with Skwisgaar's behaviour and habits as a merman, the contact could have looked entirely innocent.


isnotabumblebee February 22 2011, 13:09:23 UTC
((Skwisgaar and Asajj's interaction has been great. =D))

"There should be some kinds of a monster-party. Bet the Shoggies and Smaug would like that, could just invite alls the monsters, like them and Nídhögg and the Shoggies' tentacles-face green giants guy, and whatever other monsters are here." Because surely, packing a bunch of monsters together in the same place was a 'good' idea. "I wonder ifs the Shoggies have birthdays, could have a monster-party for them thens." As Shoggies didn't have birthdays, so would never be able to figure this out, this potentially disastrous event could likely be averted strikealthough Toki's mun doesn't necessarily think it should be.

"We want to see a sea-chickens, Master Skwisgaar-Dad!" piped Shoggy 10, and naturally the rest agreed. "We got to catch some land-chicken during the boot camp!" Shoggy 7 contributed- this particular Shoggy was still wearing a festive sombrero that had been conjured up for it by Jherek during the event. A number of other Shoggies were also wearing a variety of different, colorful hats, although they no longer served to distinguish the Hat Shore Shoggies from the rest, being passed around occasionally as they were.

Toki was happy to let Skwisgaar pull him towards the feast- hand-holding was at least a form of contact they could get away with, and there was little harm in encouraging Skwisgaar in his brushing against him by clinging close beside him. A cluster of Shoggies trailed along toward the feast as well, many still carrying their Shoggy-candies in pseudopods, only partly instead of fully eaten. There was of course plenty of booze amongst the food, kegs of mead and other, stranger things, some obviously alcoholic due to their scent, but of lurid colors and unusual qualities. These had been Jherek's contribution, and represented cocktails from many worlds and many ages. "No, I don'ts," Toki protested, earnest despite the recognition that Skwisgaar was just teasing him. It was quite effective teasing, given that Toki knew exactly what the brushing up against him would have meant in private. "But, they do got somes interesting-looking booze," he admitted, selecting some unknown liquid of bright, swirling colors in a martini glass. The taste was actually rather disappointing, sort of like bland, alcoholic strawberries.


best_guitarist February 23 2011, 23:44:22 UTC
Skwisgaar liked the thought of a dragon-only party a little more, and there were more dragons than monsters at Hogwarts, as far as he knew -- he usually didn't count anything human-sized or smaller as proper monsters, excluding the Shoggies. But he was likely to forget about the idea eventually, which was just as well, considering none of the dragons really got along and an all-inclusive monster party would be a disaster waiting to happen (and probably not too fun for him or Toki or any other non-monsters, anyway). "Maybes a Shoggy party," he said, showing a rare bit of sensibility. "If it ams their birthdays, should be just fors them."

That's what he'd want if it were his birthday, and assumed the Shoggies would also want to be the sole focus for theirs.

He leant down to sniff at the various drinks, selecting the least offensive-smelling. Apparently that was a poor way to judge their actual taste, as he turned and spat it out immediately after taking a sip. "Tastes likes shit," he said with a grimace. Of course, as a human, he'd have probably found it blandly fruity like Toki had. He tried a few other drinks with only marginally better results. A fish guts-and-vodka smoothie would have been more suited to his current tastes.

He attempted to make one himself by putting some pieces of meat in a glass of virulently green liquid, and found it did improve the alcohol's taste a great deal.

The party had been getting steadily more crowded and was really picking up by that point, which led Skwisgaar to suggest, "We should goes through the house thingy, mights be better stuff ins there." There also didn't appear to be anyone inside, and that was always a bonus. He could only take so much mingling with douchebags before that strange inhuman instinct kicked in, expanding his mental menu to include people. "The tee-vees Shoggies could gives to us a tour?" he said with a glance toward the large group of Shoggies that had followed them, presuming one or two might be a Hat Shore participant.


isnotabumblebee February 27 2011, 13:54:38 UTC
"Yeah, yous probablies right, can just give them a Shoggy party. With party hats and meats cake." It was probably a pointless course of conjecture, when the Shoggies' lack of being 'born' would cause them to be unable to come to a conclusion as to when it was. The Shoggies were currently not listening, and so had yet to begin the impossible discussion, as they were mostly all occupied with the various meats to be found. A few were sampling the drinks as well, cups and all, including one wearing a flamboyant hat covered in colorful artificial fruit.

Toki quickly tired of the bland-tasting cocktail, and sampled another one in lurid blue, only to find it didn't taste much better. Or much different, really- some other sort of berry perhaps, but dull. After a few more failed attempts wherein he took a single drink, and tossed the cocktail aside to be gulped down by a nearby Shoggy, he discovered kegs of mead, the contents of which were more acceptable.

"That sound like a good ideas. Any of you Shoggies wants to give a tour?" Toki had to ask a couple times before the Shoggies broke their attention from the meat and drinks, but when they did, they all agreed. A few Hat Shore Shoggies were present, including their own adopted Shoggy 3, but a lack of actually participating in the show didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the non-Hat Shore Shoggies. "We can shows it to you!" Shoggy 3 piped agreeably. "There's Caketown ins there!" "And the kitchen! Don't forget the kitchen," another Shoggy interjected, while yet another piped up with, "And our room! We bedazzled it so it's sooo cool."

The group of Shoggies headed toward the house, while Toki returned to Skwisgaar's side. "Might be some more privates places in there," he said in a hopeful undertone, although his interest in privacy had little to do with Skwisgaar potentially making a snack of a few partygoers. He took Skwisgaar's arm as they followed the Shoggies, who headed immediately for the living room which was now Beowulf's idea of 'Caketown'. This involved pretty much exactly what it said on the tin, along with the frosting-and-swedish-fish swimming pool, and so guaranteed that the crowd of Shoggies would soon be a hyperactive crowd of Shoggies. Toki was also rather impressed with the abundance of sugar, although the fact that the majority of it was not in candy form provided something of a safeguard against hyperactive Toki. "Wow-wee, is likes a Shoggy-party already!"


best_guitarist March 10 2011, 12:10:51 UTC
((Sorry for my lengthy absence, which can only be explained as crazy work hours and exhaustion killing my creativity. :\ I really didn't mean to leave the thread hanging this long.
I'm also barely catching up on fandom, so there's some cutesy Skwisgaar and Toki as kids if you're interested. Most of my Metalocalypse fanart's (in)directly inspired by RP, as the kite choices should show. XD))

"A meats and metals cake," Skwisgaar amended, knowing that the Shoggies wouldn't have any problems with shiny mercury frosting, the way the guests at Murderface's birthday party had (R.I.P). Even if he and Toki ever did find out that the Shoggies hadn't technically been born, Skwisgaar would probably just suggest assigning them a good birthdate and celebrating then. Any excuse for a party.

"Cakestown?" he replied with a bemused expression, and made sure to grab a couple tankards of mead before they set off, to drink along the way. A town of cakes sounded perfect for Toki and the Shoggies, and less suited to his own tastes, but he wouldn't complain, not with the promising thought of finding a secluded area for just the two of them. Perhaps they could even borrow the Shoggies' room for a while, provided there weren't currently any cameras focused on it...

As they all walked, squelched, and swam along, Skwisgaar drifted up to about eye level with Toki, the better to nuzzle at his neck. His throat seemed especially scent-rich to Skwisgaar's heightened sense of smell, in an almost maddening way -- and Skwisgaar was still human enough for part of him to realise it was a bit strange to be sniffing Toki like that. But unless he received any complaints, he wasn't going to stop. The nuzzling progressed to small, barely there nips, and that he managed not to break any skin was no small feat considering his altered teeth. He only stopped once they reached the aptly named Caketown, and curiously circled through the room to see what all was there. A diabetes coma waiting to happen, from the looks of it.

"I could thinks of lots better things to dos here than just eatings cakes," he commented while idly trying some of the untouched cakes. They weren't bad, but did have entirely too much frosting. He collected a few cupcakes before returning to Toki, and offered him one. "Yous want to gets sticky in the pools thing?" he asked with a smirk.


isnotabumblebee March 14 2011, 11:29:21 UTC
((It's alright, glad to have you back! I fully understand the whole work-exhaustion-lack-of-creativity thing. I've been a bit slow myself lately. I always love seeing your Skwis/Toki art, thank you for sharing! This one's incredibly cute, it is impossible not to smile when looking at it. =D Their kites are wonderful!))

Toki was in full agreement on Shoggy-cakes concocted of meat and lethal heavy metals- it couldn't hurt them, and, for all he knew, it might even be good for them. Mercury seemed like something that Shoggies probably needed in their diet. "Should gets them some thermometsers for a surprise sometime, they'd be like some other kind of Shoggies-candy. Crunchy ons the outsides, and mercuries on the insides," he mused, before he becoming distracted by Caketown- they could always assign Shoggy-birthdays later.

"Don't know if its really a towns of cakes," Toki decided as he examined Caketown further, sampling bits of the undamaged cake. "Is pretty cool, buts, more like Cakesroom." "Can we have a Cakesroom?" Shoggy 10 piped, not waiting for the answer before squelching off to a nearby cake. That Toki had glanced at it proved fortuitous, as it allowed him to step over a pool of acid-drool that one of the Shoggies had left behind, and which was slowly eating away at the floor. Chances were, the Shoggies would eat most of Caketown by the next day, including some portion of the walls and furnishings.

Toki could only pay so much attention to the cakes with Skwisgaar nuzzling him, although he managed to sample several different sorts, mainly the frosting, while Skwisgaar collected the cupcakes. He accepted one that proved to be red velvet, and really quite tasty- but like Skwisgaar, he was contemplating the uses of the room that didn't involve eating cakes. The swedish-fish and frosting pool looked like it could be a lot of fun, with the right company. . .which wasn't a swarm of Shoggies. But, it didn't seem as if the Shoggies were paying much attention to them anymore, Cakestown having their entire attention.

"I can thinks of things too, and I thinks it's some of the same things," Toki replied, before cramming a good portion of the cupcake into his mouth, which caused him to reply to Skwisgaar's inquiry with a nod, somewhat belatedly replying, "As long as you do too, don't wants to get sticky bys myself." He wasn't sure how much they could really get away with, but no one aside from Shoggies had stumbled in yet, and, they'd learned that there was a certain amount they could get away with in their presence due to general Shoggy cluelessness. And besides, it wasn't quite sex that Toki had in mind, not until later- so with a slightly over-exuberant grin indicative of impending sugar-induced hyperactivity, Toki attempted to shove the enchanted-Skwisgaar into the frosting-pool. He wasn't sure if it would be effective given the charm, but, he hoped Skwisgaar would catch onto idea of a frosting-wrestling match, which mer-Skwisgaar would be almost sure to win. But losing such things could be fun, too, especially with the implications it would carry when they were alone after the party. . .


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