Hat Shore hosts the UNDER THE SEA dance for Valentine's Day (open to all school)

Feb 14, 2011 23:47

Hat Shore party planning had ended up falling mostly into the hands of a couple of contestants, along with set designer Jherek Carnelian. These 'couple' of contestants were actually the Shoggies and Beowulf, who'd squelched and shouted their way toward transforming Hat Shore into a strange Under The Sea experience.

the lagoon )

shoggies, crowley spn, sanada yukimura, dean winchester, rp, asajj ventress, pegasus, toki wartooth, vislor turlough, hat shore, chairman kaga, teru mikami, delirium, beowulf, death of endless, skwisgaar skwigelf, legolas, john winchester, all school, sam winchester, bobby singer, kuronue, castiel

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Comments 204

wineandleather February 15 2011, 21:08:49 UTC
It was a party with fishies. Of course Delirium was going to show up.

She wandered through the grounds, her own little crowd of assorted sea creatures following her, humming songs to herself.


endlessgoth February 18 2011, 18:18:26 UTC
All she had to do was follow the growing school of brightly colored fish to find her sister. Death smiled and took Castiel's hand in hers, excusing them away from the Winchesters for a moment. Besides, it looked like Sam and Dean needed some time to talk alone. She gently tugged Cas towards the school of fish and her happily humming sister. Del appeared to be having a good night, which meant it might be a good time for introductions.

"Hey sweetie," Death said, giving her a little hug. "Having fun?"


nerdofthelord February 18 2011, 19:48:05 UTC
Castiel followed willingly where she led, though the entity she approached struck an uneasy chord somewhere in the back of his mind. Not familiar, exactly, but as though she could all too easily become so.

Nevertheless, he smiled slightly as Death greeted the girl. "This must be your sister," he observed. She had mentioned Delirium more than once, always with sisterly affection despite the dubious nature of her realm, so the least he could do was give her the benefit of the doubt.


wineandleather February 18 2011, 23:42:03 UTC
Delirium grinned. "I went in the cake pool. It's much nicer to be in than eye thingies that I forgot what you call them again."

She saw Castiel then, and her eyes widened. "Ohh. Um. I must be. And you must be who you are as well."


in which Beowulf does not see Mikami and the holiday is not spoiled iam_beowulf February 15 2011, 22:50:00 UTC
Creating Caketown left Beowulf with a sugar rush to work off. He'd eaten far too much frosting, and he'd gotten pretty hyper.

By the time the guests arrived, he'd run off into the farther recesses of the dome, in search of tree octopi to share this curious carnal holiday. He didn't find any, but he worked off a lot of energy trying. Anyone who took a notion to explore the dome interior beyond the Hat Shore house proper might come across a Geat in a tree, or a Geat directly beneath a tree, or a Geat dodging dropbears.


i_shot_a_dick February 15 2011, 23:14:32 UTC
Dean had one intention and that was to get out of this house. He figured he could finish two jobs in one, blow up those sigils and get himself kicked out and back with his brother, where he belonged.

The hunter moved away from the festivities quietly, he had arranged to meet Jack near room five and had a pack ready to go with the necessary items, plus a few added for protection. The sortings had come in handy for more than one reason Dean thought as he made his way up the stairs and to the room he intended to 'redecorate' for the holiday. Here was to hoping the house disliked his new ideas and decided he needed to go home once he and Jack had blown up the door.


blood_and_souls February 16 2011, 01:12:06 UTC
As the Adjudicator, Elric was in attendance at the party. He'd arrived well before-hand, as part of his job as Adjudicator was to judge the efforts of the contestants in putting it together. The end result was Elric announcing mass failure in leaden tones, and Adjudication for all. Including Beowulf and the Shoggies, as a lesson in the fact that Life is Not Fair. The Shoggies' reaction to this was delight- they'd loved Yoda Boot Camp, and thus anticipated their next Adjudication with excitement.

Elric was of course still wearing his Adjudicator costume, complete with carrying around the massive Banhammer of Adjudication. But, to the albino's dismay, shortly before the party began his tiara had somehow morphed into a big, sparkly red octopus-thing, equally stuck to his head. And so, Elric was doomed to spend the party moping about as Lord Pyaray of Chaos. Unfamiliar with the art of 'speed dating', Elric was performing this moping in the pink-stained battle fog of the Lonely Hearts Club, pointedly ignoring the occasional bell.


ariemorytwo February 16 2011, 03:19:44 UTC
Ari, too, was required as Hat Shore host to wear a themed hat. Unlike Elric, however, she could take hers off if she liked.

Hers was supposed to resemble a friendly, cheerful sea turtle. The rest of her wardrobe for the event had also been chosen by the Sorting Hat. While the dress wasn't hideous, it wasn't to Ari's taste at all. Furthermore, she came bearing a molded gelatin, blue (one might assume raspberry flavor) with pineapple rings inside.

Flanked by the bewigged house-elves Flobby and Caddy as her cattle-prod-toting bodyguards, Ari carried her gelatin salad to the Lonely Harkonnen Hearts Dining Club Experience. She knew the Hat would be watching through the map screen, though the screen itself was currently displaying abstract water-like imagery.

She handed the gelatin off to Flobby and seated herself at the Adjudicator's table. "How are things going so far?"


blood_and_souls February 20 2011, 12:28:05 UTC
It took a moment for Ariane's turtle hat to resolve into more than a brightly-colored blob as she approached through the thick haze of pink-stained battle fog. He cocked a sardonic smirk as it came clear, finding the turtle's happy expression some sort of cruel, personal mockery. Ari's dress, however, he approved of, despite the curious cut- it did show off all the right curves, and, served as an effective enough balm for the turtle hat's cheerful taunting ( ... )


ariemorytwo February 21 2011, 00:34:44 UTC
The house-elf had decided what she should do with the gelatin: serve it up and deposit little plates of it at each table, garnished with artificial whipped topping. The table where the Adjudicator and the Host sat was, of course, the first table to be graced with gelatin portions.

Ari looked at it dubiously. Then she poked it with the spoon that Flobby had thoughtfully nestled alongside it on the dessert plate.

"It's like aspic, I think," she ventured. "With fruit in."


endlessgoth February 16 2011, 02:41:15 UTC
Death arrived with Sam just outside the Hat Shore house. She had promised to meet Castiel there once she had retrieved Sam, but had cheerfully neglected to inform him that she was doing anything else, like changing into a newly purchased dress.

Sam landed a little unevenly and looked around. "This is where they've been keeping Dean? Damn. Not bad."

"Mhm. Looks like it'll be fun. C'mon, let's find Castiel, then we'll look for your brothers."


nerdofthelord February 16 2011, 03:02:17 UTC
Castiel had already arrived, and was frowning slightly at the oddly-constructed house, recalling the last party he'd attended and none too sure about this one ( ... )


endlessgoth February 16 2011, 04:30:19 UTC
Sam stood back and watched the couple with a small smile. Death was stunning and Cas looked positively gobsmacked. Maybe he had been right, they had been granted a break at Hogwarts. If Cas could take the time to find love - and that's exactly what had happened, he was head-over-heels for her - then maybe he should stop focusing soley on Hell and making the deal with Crowley. He pointedly looked somewhere else when Death stepped into Cas's arms and kissed him.

"Thank you," she said. "I'm glad you like it." Death raised up on her toes and whispered a promise to Castiel that involved helping her back out of her new dress later that evening. Her eyes were gleaming as she lowered back down and curled her arm around his.

"C'mon Sam, keep up. Dean's gotta be in there somewhere."


nerdofthelord February 16 2011, 17:40:50 UTC
The public display of affection caught him off-guard, and he flushed self-consciously at doing such things in Sam's presence, however tactful the young man was being, but the possibility of objecting or refusing her didn't even cross his mind.

It took him a moment to catch his breath and find his voice again, and the promise she'd just made didn't help matters at all, but he did manage to tear his attention away long enough to nod and say "Hello, Sam. It's good to see you." And it was, even if he was thoroughly distracted. Sitting alone with a pile of unhelpful books, brooding over his fate, couldn't be doing good things for Sam's state of mind. If he got a chance, he'd take him aside sometime this evening and tell him about the help Death had promised.

One thing was rapidly becoming clear as they made their way into the house, though: maintaining his customary stoicism--for that matter, behaving in a less than totally scatterbrained fashion generally--was going to be very, very difficult with her on his arm.


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