Reality Show Event 2: Hat Shore Boot Camp Swamp Edition! (Hat Shore Participants)

Feb 04, 2011 22:40

Clearly, the residents of Hat Shore needed something to do to keep from getting restless, much like a giant hamster ball. But once the idea of shoving everybody into a giant hamster ball had been nixed, the next best thing had been arranged: a boot camp! It would get everybody out into the open air, give everyone a chance to burn off energy, and ( Read more... )

adam milligan, beowulf, elric of melnibone, glory, sanada yukimura, dean winchester, rp, bucky katt, starscream, vislor turlough, jherek carnelian, yoda, george st bartleigh, hat shore, maddie magellan

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Comments 111

Station 1: Climbing! grandmasteryoda February 5 2011, 04:43:01 UTC


(I rolled a 4. Yes, 4 out of 100. Oh dear.) iam_beowulf February 5 2011, 05:04:36 UTC
Beowulf ought to be good at climbing, right?

Except that tree octopi were ... oddly alluring ... really, one could think of them as monsters....

The Geat writhed on the ground beneath a gaggle of tree octopi. He made no progress.


dc_starscream February 5 2011, 05:56:00 UTC
((Good excuse for Starscream to finally make an appearance...))

Fleshlings had intrigued Starscream on first encounter, but all it had taken was a few days spent on Earth to thoroughly kill most of the scientific curiosity he'd held for them. Based on his observations they were exceedingly primitive life forms, bent on the destruction of their own species and home planet(s), and their pathetic, short lives -- when compared to his own lifespan of several million years -- revolved utterly around recreational procreation, judging by their media and popular culture ( ... )


(An 80 for Yuki...lucky bastard) elegantsamurai February 5 2011, 12:48:50 UTC
While Yukimura was missing both Sasuke and Kuronue physically, the activity was welcome. He enjoyed the challenge of avoiding the tree octopi, though it did take him a while to get past them and a few of the drop bears were almost too close for comfort. He did get through, though, unharmed and passing the large and loud Geat that sounded as though he were enjoying himself too much to be interrupted.


Station 2: Dueling! grandmasteryoda February 5 2011, 04:43:35 UTC


72, and still no clue. tallyhopippip February 6 2011, 01:10:27 UTC
George picked up a pool noodle, wiggling it around.

"Funny sort of weapon, isn't it?"

No matter. That's what the rules say to use, after all.

George brandished the pool noodle as he ran for the logs, yelling "TALLY HO!"


(94 for Shoggies! *gasp*) shoggies February 6 2011, 01:35:10 UTC
The Shoggies turned their collective attention to the dueling station, where they were all mostly confused as to what to do with the pool noodles. It was only when they saw George brandishing his pool noodle that it made any sense. "Sooo cool! We're supposed to wave around the plastic tentacles and then I think we hit people with them!" announced Shoggy 11, which the others agreed was indeed 'sooo cool'.

And so, each of the Shoggies picked up a pool noodle, finding that the squeaky vinyl was unusually easy for them to get a grip on with the pseudopods they temporarily extended for the purpose. "Do we hits that guy?" Shoggy 3 asked, to which Shoggy 28 replied, "We can! We can hit that guy!" "Can I just hit you? You're right here." added in Shoggy 15, who began hitting Shoggy 28 with its pool noodle. "No, we got to hit people who are on the logs" Shoggy 21.5 managed to helpfully clarify, at which the Shoggies proceeded towards the logs as one, slipping beneath the muck as they did so ( ... )


Re: (94 for Shoggies! *gasp*) tallyhopippip February 6 2011, 01:39:28 UTC
"Wha?" George said as the Shoggies launched themselves at him. His arms flailed as they attached themselves to him, whacking him and themselves with the noodles.

He shrugged. "TALLY HO!" he cried again, starting to hit the Shoggies back. He was hitting himself in the process, but who cares? This is fun!


Station 3: Balance! grandmasteryoda February 5 2011, 04:43:54 UTC


10 tallyhopippip February 8 2011, 03:34:50 UTC
Per the rules of the third station, George tried to stand on his head...

and promptly fell over.

He kept trying to do this until Andrew Jackson (who was there to referee) got bored and zapped him to get going to the next station.


39 for Bucky! republikatt February 8 2011, 03:54:21 UTC
((Now with less HTML fail.))

More or less dried off, Bucky moved on to work on standing on his head. After a few false starts, he was finally able to prop himself into a wobbling headstand--actually on his head, not propped up on only his hands paws.

"How long do I have to stay here?" he called to Yoda.

"Until a vision you have. Recognize this you will. Unmistakable it is." Yoda went back to observing the goings-on, a swamp insect lighting on his finger and not sucking his blood because that's how Yoda rolled.

Bucky muttered some obscenities under his breath and continued wobbling for several minutes. His head was starting to hurt from the blood pooling. And then suddenly--a vision!

In his vision, he was eating a delicious monkey, finally. It tasted oddly like tuna, because tuna was delicious and therefore probably what monkeys tasted like.

"Good enough," he said, springing up and wobbling off.


96 for Shoggies! WTF? Lucky Shoggies. shoggies February 8 2011, 04:46:14 UTC
The Shoggies were exceptionally confused about the third station- stand on their heads? Just how were they supposed to do that? "Where are our heads, exactly?" Shoggy 11 asked, to which the reply was of course a chorus of "I don't know!!!". "Heads are usually at the top of things and have eyes in them," Shoggy 5.5 put in helpfully. "And they taste sooo good," added in Shoggy 21.5. After a moment of discussion, the Shoggies quieted down, each wondering exactly where their heads were.

It was after a few minutes of this quiet drooling and wondering that the Shoggies had their revelation. Simultaneously, the Shoggies announced, "Sooo cool!" "Our top part is our bottom part too!" Shoggy 7 piped happily, putting their miraculous revelation into words. "We're standing on our heads right now!" "Sooo cool!" The Shoggies quivered there a moment, marvelling over this new understanding, before squelching along to the next station.


Station 4: Sack racing! grandmasteryoda February 5 2011, 04:44:21 UTC


30 tallyhopippip February 9 2011, 00:21:25 UTC
Now this, George actually managed to do reasonably well, even if he did end up putting a hole in the sack in the end.

"Bravo to me!" he said. "I completed a station my first try!"

Hey, it's an achievement for him.


36 vislor_turlough February 9 2011, 00:48:09 UTC
Turlough sighed as he picked up a sack.

"This. Is. Stupid."

Nevertheless, he feared the Hat's wrath, so he did it. Half assed, but it got done.


22! Finally a sensible score for Shoggies! shoggies February 9 2011, 01:34:59 UTC
Shoggies - for sack racing - 22

Although standing on their heads proved to be far easier than the Shoggies had initially realized, sack racing racing proved to be far harder than it looked. To begin with, Shoggies 3 and 21.5 ate their sacks upon obtaining them, and Shoggy 9.5 ate its sack while they were trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the sacks. Once they did figure out what they were supposed to do, the Shoggies squelched into the remaining sacks, with the Shoggies who'd eaten theirs sharing with others.

It was Shoggy 11 who first announced, "Oh no! We can't jump in the sacks! We don't have feet!" "Soooo not cool!" came the Shoggy chorus this time. "No, we can jump! We just need to bounce, like this!" Shoggy 15 said, giving bouncing its best attempt- as the Shoggy was stuck in a sack, amorphous bouncing failed to get anywhere. Its sack, shared with Shoggy 3, simply bounced around a little and didn't go anywhere. "You can't do its Shoggy because you needs feet for jumping," insisted its comrade in sack sharing. " ( ... )


Station 5: Limbo! grandmasteryoda February 5 2011, 04:44:35 UTC


6! . . . and herein follows a TL;DR Shoggy adventure! shoggies February 9 2011, 03:43:34 UTC
((Because how can a Shoggy fail at limbo unless they just didn't do it? I got a bit carried away. XD))

The Shoggies at least started off by moving in the right direction for the limbo station. They were all a bit droopy still, from their failure at hopping in sacks, and had initially been determined to succeed at whatever came next in order to make up for it.

But what was this? There was something glowy in the deepest bit of the swamp! As one, the Shoggies murmured the expected "sooo cool" and squelched directly towards the splotches of light, which glowed a weird and beckoning blue-green, and seemed to shift about erratically ( ... )


Re: 6! . . . and herein follows a TL;DR Shoggy adventure! he_was_born February 9 2011, 03:44:46 UTC
The approach of the Shoggies was like a ray of sunshine to Jherek- he knew the creatures were idiots, but, he'd been stuck in his predicament alone for a while, and quite a predicament it was. He stopped hopping for a moment, explaining, "I've rather lost my wand in the swamp. The swamp-catfish are rather temperamental, and, so I tried to disseminate them, and. . .ow!" Jherek hopped again, as a hissing finny-furry thing splashed out of the mucky water and started to bite and claw at his ankle. Shaking off the 'catfish', he hopped across some water and onto another dry-ish spot. "They knocked me into the swamp, and I lost my wand! Now, they won't let me get it back, and, if I try to cross the water. . .ow!" A repeat of the previous incident- it appeared that Jherek was in fact surrounded by his ill-tempered creations, and being forced to hop around to avoid the repeated assaults of angry 'catfish'. "I was thinking of fish-like cats instead of cat-like fish, and I think I may have gotten them backwards. They don't seem to mind you so ( ... )


Re: 6! . . . and herein follows a TL;DR Shoggy adventure! shoggies February 9 2011, 03:45:38 UTC
The limbo station was now forgotten, as the glowing-robe guy jumping around was more interesting. And besides, he had a job for them! Slave-like tendencies combined with ADD meant that they wouldn't return to limbo, as they now had a quest! "We can do that!" Shoggy 11 announced. "We know what wands are, we have some too, so we know just what they look like!" Not that any Shoggies had learned anything other than how to shrink/expand things or summon fish, which they'd learned by copying. "They look like sticks!" said Shoggy 28, before they all slipped under the water, seeking the wand ( ... )


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