Reality Show Event 2: Hat Shore Boot Camp Swamp Edition! (Hat Shore Participants)

Feb 04, 2011 22:40

Clearly, the residents of Hat Shore needed something to do to keep from getting restless, much like a giant hamster ball. But once the idea of shoving everybody into a giant hamster ball had been nixed, the next best thing had been arranged: a boot camp! It would get everybody out into the open air, give everyone a chance to burn off energy, and ( Read more... )

adam milligan, beowulf, elric of melnibone, glory, sanada yukimura, dean winchester, rp, bucky katt, starscream, vislor turlough, jherek carnelian, yoda, george st bartleigh, hat shore, maddie magellan

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Re: 6! . . . and herein follows a TL;DR Shoggy adventure! he_was_born February 9 2011, 03:44:46 UTC
The approach of the Shoggies was like a ray of sunshine to Jherek- he knew the creatures were idiots, but, he'd been stuck in his predicament alone for a while, and quite a predicament it was. He stopped hopping for a moment, explaining, "I've rather lost my wand in the swamp. The swamp-catfish are rather temperamental, and, so I tried to disseminate them, and. . .ow!" Jherek hopped again, as a hissing finny-furry thing splashed out of the mucky water and started to bite and claw at his ankle. Shaking off the 'catfish', he hopped across some water and onto another dry-ish spot. "They knocked me into the swamp, and I lost my wand! Now, they won't let me get it back, and, if I try to cross the water. . .ow!" A repeat of the previous incident- it appeared that Jherek was in fact surrounded by his ill-tempered creations, and being forced to hop around to avoid the repeated assaults of angry 'catfish'. "I was thinking of fish-like cats instead of cat-like fish, and I think I may have gotten them backwards. They don't seem to mind you so much- maybe you could swim down and get my wand? I lost it around there, somewhere." Jherek pointed towards a patch of water. "Or maybe over there, I may have got turned around." He did make the swamp deliberately confusing, since it was supposed to be a very swampy-swamp. He looked hopefully at the Shoggies, or at least did for a couple seconds, before being forced to avoid a couple of extra large 'catfish' who'd launched themselves out of the water.


Re: 6! . . . and herein follows a TL;DR Shoggy adventure! shoggies February 9 2011, 03:45:38 UTC
The limbo station was now forgotten, as the glowing-robe guy jumping around was more interesting. And besides, he had a job for them! Slave-like tendencies combined with ADD meant that they wouldn't return to limbo, as they now had a quest! "We can do that!" Shoggy 11 announced. "We know what wands are, we have some too, so we know just what they look like!" Not that any Shoggies had learned anything other than how to shrink/expand things or summon fish, which they'd learned by copying. "They look like sticks!" said Shoggy 28, before they all slipped under the water, seeking the wand.

The 'catfish' paid the Shoggies little heed, except on the occasions when a Shoggy decided to thin the herd a bit, because they looked delicious. This culling wasn't enough to make a difference for Jherek, who was kept hopping around by the wrath of his seriously misjudged creations, which were violently disinclined to be disseminated despite their hated conditions. Jherek was kept hopping around for a good twenty minutes, while the Shoggies discovered that the swamp was full of 'wands'. Jherek liked authenticity, so, there was plenty of decaying plant matter to be found, and, a heap of sodden sticks was soon gathered. The Shoggies' failure to find the right 'wand' didn't dissuade them, however, and, eventually, a Shoggy emerged with a polished stick on which a gemmed ring was stuck.


Re: 6! . . . and herein follows a TL;DR Shoggy adventure! he_was_born February 9 2011, 03:47:02 UTC
Jherek was delighted at the return of his wand, and promised to make the Shoggies a whole flock of chicken as a reward after the Boot Camp. For now, he transfigured himself up a little dry, sandy hill topped with a couple saguaro cacti. The 'catfish' were relegated to the swamp for the remainder of Boot Camp, when the swamp could be disseminated as one. A few would manage to escape the mass de-transfiguration to lurk in the pool shed, but for now, Jherek was safe from his own creations, so he conjured up some clean robes and spent the rest of Boot Camp on the little desert island with the Shoggies, transfiguring up a variety of poultry, hats, and shiny things for their amusement. After Boot Camp, the Hat Shore Shoggies all returned to their rooms clad in various hats, from top hats to sombreros. As far as they were concerned, they'd aced Boot Camp, and had the hats to prove it.


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