Clearly, the residents of Hat Shore needed something to do to keep from getting restless, much like a giant hamster ball. But once the idea of shoving everybody into a giant hamster ball had been nixed, the next best thing had been arranged: a boot camp! It would get everybody out into the open air, give everyone a chance to burn off energy, and
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and promptly fell over.
He kept trying to do this until Andrew Jackson (who was there to referee) got bored and zapped him to get going to the next station.
More or less dried off, Bucky moved on to work on standing on his head. After a few false starts, he was finally able to prop himself into a wobbling headstand--actually on his head, not propped up on only his hands paws.
"How long do I have to stay here?" he called to Yoda.
"Until a vision you have. Recognize this you will. Unmistakable it is." Yoda went back to observing the goings-on, a swamp insect lighting on his finger and not sucking his blood because that's how Yoda rolled.
Bucky muttered some obscenities under his breath and continued wobbling for several minutes. His head was starting to hurt from the blood pooling. And then suddenly--a vision!
In his vision, he was eating a delicious monkey, finally. It tasted oddly like tuna, because tuna was delicious and therefore probably what monkeys tasted like.
"Good enough," he said, springing up and wobbling off.
It was after a few minutes of this quiet drooling and wondering that the Shoggies had their revelation. Simultaneously, the Shoggies announced, "Sooo cool!" "Our top part is our bottom part too!" Shoggy 7 piped happily, putting their miraculous revelation into words. "We're standing on our heads right now!" "Sooo cool!" The Shoggies quivered there a moment, marvelling over this new understanding, before squelching along to the next station.
Except he had one.
Snatches of the Doctor (his Doctor), the Master (his Master, and since when did he think of any Master as his?), a dark haired boy that seemed so familiar, a volcanic planet, an Earthling girl, his Misos Triangle...
Turlough gasped as he fell over, catching his breath as he tried to compose himself, wondering what he just saw.
And, a much better vision than red-bellied toads...though, just what and what it meant, really, Maddie doesn't want to think about. It was...more interesting, for certain values of interesting, than the special brownies or the chocolate plots...
Or being a muppet.
It was a lot harder than it looked and truth be told the young man slipped more than he cared to admit, landing on his back several times before he finally held the position for a brief time, this was his last time the vision he had made Adam shake his head, really he had to see himself in a clown suit on stage? When he hit the ground, Adam rolled over and decided to move on to the next station.
"This is crap." As the blood rushed to his head Dean finally had a vision and it sent the hunter in to laughter, after all it wasn't every day he got to revisit an earlier prank and see Bobby in a dress as a woman and Cas with pink wings "Oh damn, we need to do that again, just no damn kids any more."
He decided it would be best to prop his body against a tree. Whether this was needed for support or whether he was just hoping for more tree-octopi action, the audience would have to decide for themselves. Whatever Beowulf's motivation, he got zapped by referee Floating Andrew Jackson Head when said referee noticed him cheating.
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